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the dark, paranoid and crazy god of death? You are trapped by his design (3)

You smiled and nodded: "I like it!"
    This is not a secluded place, it's almost like heaven.
    There are no worries or pains, I am free every day, and there is a constant flow of delicious food and fun.
    He smiled, his eyes shining brightly, and he said happily: "As long as you like it. Just stay here with me from now on, okay?" "It's
    useless if I say no." You jokingly joked, "I've always been here. I can't get out."
    The light in his eyes dimmed a bit, and he asked in an unclear tone, "Then if you can get out, will you get out?"
    You hesitated, thinking for a few seconds before saying, "I don't know."
    You I really don’t know.
    When you wanted to live before, you thought that living was definitely better than dying. But now your life is more relaxed and happy than you have ever been before. On the contrary, there is still a lot of pressure in living.
    "Then stay here." He stepped forward and hugged you, saying sincerely, "I promise that you will be happy every day here." "
    Yeah." You didn't understand that he emphasized so much that you should stay. What means.
    Is it possible that you can really leave?
    This doubt has been in your mind for a long time, but you did not delve into it.
    one year later.
    Under the young man's sincere pursuit and care, you gradually fell in love with him and got together with him.
    You are almost always in love, and you never get tired of being together every day.
    But after all, he is a ghost and god in the Netherland, and he still has responsibilities.
    Every ghost festival, he has to go to the underworld, which is so cold and cold. He is worried that you are too weak to bear it, so he won't let you go with him.
    "Sijia, stay well in the town, don't run around, and take care of yourself."
    You nodded obediently: "Don't worry, I've been here for a year, I will take care of myself."
    He kissed Kiss you, still worried, he took out a luminous bracelet from the secret compartment.
    The bracelet was inlaid with a sparkling blue-purple gemstone. He said: "If there is any situation, just twist this gemstone and I will arrive as soon as possible." "
    Yeah, I understand." This was what he said, but You don't feel at all in danger.
    "One more thing."
    You: "What?"
    He said with regret: "Remember to miss me. I'll be back soon."
    "I'll miss you." You blushed easily, and the cheek he kissed immediately turned red. It became a burning cloud.
    After he left, you first stayed at home honestly.
    But it’s still boring after all, and you can’t help but wander around during the day.
    Anyway, all the ghosts here know that you are the wife of ghosts and gods, and they don’t dare to bully you.
    "Zhao Sijia."
    You walked to the center of the Willow Bridge and suddenly heard someone calling you.
    Looking back, you saw a man you had never seen before.
    The other person was dressed in black and had a cold look on his face. He looked very fierce and not easy to mess with. His eyes stayed on the bracelet on your hand for a second.
    "Who are you? How do you know my name?" You took a few steps back, holding the gemstone on the bracelet, ready to twist it at any time.
    The man sneered: "None of this matters to you. Do you want to know how you died?"
    "What?" You frowned, and then you saw him suddenly raise his hand and wave out a ball of black smoke, and the black smoke was directed at you. It comes and blurs your eyes.
    The black smoke is getting thicker, but your vision is getting clearer.
    You saw that when setting out to the Southwest Mountain Resort, the tour guide got out of the car and met a man holding a black umbrella.
    Under the black umbrella, a thin and white arm is exposed. You recognize that hand.
    Those are harsh words!
    After the tour guide said a few words to Yan Ci, he returned to the car and told you all about the legend about the Southwest.
    The scene changes.
    A tall young man stood on the top of the mountain of the Summer Resort. He waved his hand expressionlessly, and the entire mountain resort collapsed completely.
    The girl running away hastily by the lake is you.
    You saw that he did not know what kind of magic he cast on you, but a stone hit your back, and you fell into the lake.
    Then he flew over, picked you up from the lake and put you on the shore.
    After these two scenes were shown, the black smoke also disappeared.
    The man curled his lips and said sarcastically: "Don't you think you are ridiculous for treating the person who killed you as your savior and still being with him?"
    The blood in your body was flowing backwards, and your death was actually planned by Yan Ci. ?
    How is this possible?
    Yan Ci is obviously so good to you.
    Could the man in front of you be lying to you and trying to sow discord?
    "I don't believe it." You shook your head crazily, "Why should I believe you?" "
    When you asked this question, you were already doubting it." The man's eyes were venomous, and he could see through you at a glance.
    Follow up on iDianfa: Xiong Xiongnan
    popo, there will also be some complete short stories here, but they are usually short sweet articles or short stories.
    The complete ones will be marked, and the ones that are not marked will be generated later in Ai Power.

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