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Cruel, cruel and crazy murderer × little angel beauty you

After saving a crazy killer, he was targeted/imprisoned/robbed]
    you go home late at night, you see a dark thing in the corner of the first floor.
    There is also a strong smell of blood.
    "Who's there?" You hold up your flashlight and shine it.
    The man in the corner looked up.
    He has handsome features, but his eyes are so dark and deep that it makes you feel horribly oppressive, like you are standing in hell staring at you.
    His whole body was filled with a dangerous and mysterious aura.
    However, he seemed to be seriously injured, and he fainted after only looking at you for two seconds.
    You walked over and called him several times, but he didn't respond.
    Worried about him losing too much blood and causing an accident, you had to help him into the room first.
    There were a lot of medical drugs stored at home. The most serious thing on his body was the gunshot wound to his left shoulder.
    You have dealt with similar injuries, so you are considered experienced. The trouble is that there is no anesthetic at home.
    "It will hurt a lot, please bear with it." You murmured to him who was already asleep.
    As soon as the wound was disinfected, he woke up, his eyes full of fierceness and vigilance.
    You were caught off guard and suppressed by him, your arms were cut behind your back, and you frowned in pain.
    You quickly said, "I'm not a bad person, I'm just helping you take care of your wounds."
    Hearing this, the man behind him paused and seemed to be looking at the entire room.
    After a few seconds, he let go of you.
    You rubbed your hands in pain, looked at him and said, "The injury is so serious, how can you still have so much strength?"
    He didn't say anything, but directly snatched the cotton ball and tweezers from your hands, and quickly cut the wound. The remaining shells inside were taken out, disinfected and bandaged...
    You felt pain just looking at the bloody scene, but he didn't even frown at all, he did it in one go and neatly.
    He then treated a few more injuries on his own, but he couldn't handle the injury on his back alone.
    "Let me help you." You suddenly said, helping him bandage the injury on his back.
    He looked down at you, and after a long silence asked, "Why do you want to help me?"
    You were stunned. As a medical student, your first reaction when seeing a seriously injured person is to help.
    "It's my duty. I'm a medical student, and I'm in the internship period."
    You smiled, with your crooked eyebrows looking silly, but also a bit innocent.
    "What about you? You are so good-looking. Are you from the Art Institute?"
    His face was expressionless and indifferent.
    I've never seen someone so talkative.
    But you are a little bit of a bully, so you immediately said: "Silence is acquiescence!"
    After saying this, you laughed to yourself twice, and the two little tiger teeth in your smile made you even more deceptive.
    "..." He frowned, but still didn't speak.
    You can't help but feel frustrated: "Then you should rest first, I won't disturb you."
    In the middle of the night, you are hungry and want to cook noodles.
    As soon as he reached the kitchen, he opened the door.
    You were surprised: "Are you hungry too? I'll cook it soon, sit down and wait."
    In fact, he was just used to being alert when he heard noise, but he still walked towards the dining table.
    After cooking the noodles, you served him a large bowl: "Try it quickly, is it delicious?"
    But he pushed it to you first, letting you eat it first.
    You laughed dumbly, why was he so vigilant?
    After taking a bite, you smiled and said, "Look, it's not poisonous."
    Then he moved his chopsticks and started eating.
    "Why are you injured? What do you do?" You didn't stay quiet for long and asked him various questions.
    He suddenly looked up at you and smiled strangely: "Specialized in killing people."
    Your smile froze, thinking that he said that on purpose because he thought you were noisy, so shut up.
    But after a while, you couldn't help but say, "If you can't go out temporarily, you can stay at my place first."
    "Really?" He responded quickly this time.
    You: "Of course."
    "What's the purpose?"
    You thought he was asking for payment or something, so you shook your head and said, "I don't charge money."
    He looked at you like he was looking at an alien; Your worldview is completely incomprehensible to your behavior.
    While he was staying at your house, you prepared breakfast for him before going to the hospital for internship during the day.
    When you come back in the evening, you often bring him all kinds of delicious food.
    He refused to eat at first, but you tasted it for a few times before he ate.
    Later, he took the snacks and desserts from you without warning.
    You are getting along better and better.
    You find that apart from talking little, he is good at everything, smart and responsive, and even knows a lot.
    He once asked you: "Why are you so nice to me?"
    You couldn't answer, but your ears were slightly red, and you couldn't explain the unexplained feelings fermenting in your heart.
    Finally, you whispered: "I just want to be nice to you."
    "Will it always be like this?"
    You nodded subconsciously: "Yes."
    He stared at you for a long time and smiled at you for the first time, although he smiled very hard. shallow.
    It turns out that he looks so pretty when he smiles. Your ears turn redder, and you secretly hope that he can stay longer.
    In the past few days, you have been coming back from your internship later and later.
    But every time he is waiting for you in the living room.
    Tonight you came back after three o'clock in the middle of the night. You were in a bad mood and your face fell down.
    He took the initiative to ask you: "What's wrong?"
    You collapsed on the sofa and complained to him about how excessive the director of the department was, and how tricky the family members of the patients in the xx ward were.
    "It won't bother you soon," he said after a moment's silence.
    You thought he was comforting you and smiled immediately: "Thank you."
    After sitting for a while, you went to take a shower. When you came out, you didn't see anyone else. You only saw that the door to his room was closed.
    It seems that he fell asleep and I haven't said good night to him today.
    The next day.
    You heard two terrible news - the head of the department had his neck broken, and the family members of the xx ward were quartered.
    "It's so scary. There's so much hatred and resentment."
    "This kind of perverted murderer is very crazy. Everyone, please be careful."
    Several nurses at the nursing station were chattering and discussing, and everyone was frightened.
    Your scalp went numb when you heard it, and you began to worry about your own safety.
    You mentioned it casually when you got home, and he actually offered to pick you up from get off work from now on.
    "Really?" You were pleasantly surprised and looked up at him with bright eyes, "Then we are..."
    He smiled and said, "Do you like me?"
    "Yes..." you whispered.
    You were so close that you could smell his nice mint scent.
    Suddenly, he lowered his head and kissed you on the lips: "Me too."
    After this night, you officially became boyfriend and girlfriend.
    He began to take the initiative to make breakfast and deliver lunch and dinner every day. No matter how late you got off work, he would personally pick you up and take good care of you.
    The strange thing is that all the people who make you unhappy disappear, and without exception they die tragically.
    Everyone is cautious when dealing with you, for fear of offending you.
    On this day, the police took you to the interrogation room.
    "Jiang Huai is your boyfriend, right?"
    You nodded: "Yes."
    "We suspect that he is a professional killer, suspected of recent serial murders..."
    You recalled everything recently, as if you had told him about a certain person. , that person died.
    After coming out of the interrogation room, you have been in a state of disbelief, unable to believe that your boyfriend is the biggest suspect in this incident.
    In the afternoon, the two police officers who interrogated you were also killed. The method was cruel and superb, leaving no evidence.
    Everyone is panicking, this killer is so unscrupulous.
    Your whole body is cold, you feel more and more frightened, and you have the idea of ​​​​escape.
    When you go home in the evening, you try to pretend you don't know anything and say that you have to go on a business trip out of town temporarily.
    "I'll go with you." He stepped forward and hugged you, kissing the back of your neck carefully.
    You froze, hesitatingly finding reasons not to let him accompany you.
    He suddenly turned you to your right side and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Baby, do you know something?"
    Follow up on iDianfa, ID: Xiong Xiongnan

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