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crazy male protagonists in a parallel world × you who cannot tell the difference and compromise

You find that your memory is confused.
    Yesterday afternoon, I clearly remembered that my boyfriend Chen Duo said that he would work overtime tonight and would have to come back after early morning.
    As a result, he came back before it got dark...
    When I asked him, he said that overtime work was cancelled.
    But when he woke up the next day, he complained that he was too tired from working overtime last night...
    You were puzzled: "Didn't he say that overtime was canceled last night?
    " "How?" "Chen Duo came over and hugged you, muttering dissatisfiedly, "You were already asleep when I came back. You were confused: "
    No, didn't you come back in the afternoon?"
    "How is that possible? I came back at one o'clock in the morning. " "
    Chen Duo said that he was afraid that you wouldn't believe it, so he even showed you his clock-in and clock-out records.
    The time he left the company last night was indeed after early morning.
    You were stunned for a long time. Did you remember it wrong, or was it the magic of this world? What's wrong?
    "What's wrong?" "Chen Duo saw that you looked very bad.
    You shook your head quickly: "No, it's okay. "
    You said it was okay, but you had decided to take time to go to the hospital over the weekend.
    Chen Duo looked at you a few times, his eyes flickered a few times, and then he kissed your face.
    On weekends.
    You got up very early. , Chen Duo is sleeping soundly next to you.
    He has been very tired from working overtime recently, so you couldn't bear to wake him up, so you went to the hospital alone.
    The moment you left the room, Chen Duo opened his eyes, his handsome face slightly cold.
    He jumped He got up on the ground, quickly changed his clothes and went out, quietly following behind you.
    At every intersection and every street, he was suspicious of any young man who was very close to you.
    As he kept investigating what happened to you When you were about to secretly meet someone, you had already arrived at the hospital.
    When Chen Duo saw that your destination was actually the hospital, his expression changed.
    He instantly changed from jealous and suspicious to worried.
    You had no idea about this.
    Therefore, Chen Duo You were startled when someone suddenly grabbed your hand from behind.
    Chen Duo looked at you from beginning to end, his eyes full of worry: "Lili, what's wrong with you?" Why didn't you tell me when you came to the hospital?
    "My memory has been confused recently and I want to take a look. " You were sleeping so soundly that I didn't have the heart to wake you up.
    "I'll go with you. " "Chen Duo took your hand and intertwined their fingers with great strength.
    You looked at him: "Aren't you sleeping? "
    It just so happens that the company recently asked us to do a physical examination. I came over today because I had nothing to do. I didn't expect to meet you." "
    The way he said this was so natural that you believed it.
    But you still felt a little strange. It was such a coincidence that he came here.
    After the examination at the hospital, you didn't have any problems.
    This bothered you even more.
    Again On an overtime day, Chen Duo said that he would not be back until ten o'clock tonight.
    You specially recorded his call this time.
    You will definitely remember it now.
    However, at seven o'clock in the afternoon, the door's combination lock sounded. , Chen Duo, wearing a suit, walked in.
    Your heart beat faster and you frowned, "You won't work overtime today? "
    "yes. No overtime. "
    You stood up hurriedly and played the recording of your recent call for him to listen to.
    "You said you wanted to work overtime an hour ago!
    He said without changing his expression: "Really? " Then I was wrong, I will work overtime tomorrow. "
    "etc. "You turned on the recording function again, "Say it again and I'll record it. "
    Lest you wait until tomorrow, this guy changes his story again.
    You want to see if it's because your memory is confused or because he has problems over and over again!
    Chen Duo smiled fondly and said it again very cooperatively.
    "Okay. "You feel relieved after taking notes.
    "Are you hungry? I'll cook for you. "
    "Um! "You nodded.
    Chen Duo is very good at cooking, especially the big dishes, which are more delicious than those in restaurants outside. It just takes
    a long time.
    But for the delicious food, it's worth the wait, so you might as well just watch a variety show in the living room for a while.
    Hurry up . At eight o'clock, the door's combination lock dinged again.
    You instantly became alert, who opened the door?
    The moment you stood up, the door opened from the outside in, and you were completely dumbfounded by the person who walked in.
    It turned out to be Chen Duo again.
    But this Chen Duo already had his suit jacket in his hand and was only wearing a white shirt.
    Your breath froze and you turned stiffly to look at the man who was busy in the kitchen.
    How could there be two Chen Duo? Duo?

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