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the crazy and regretful general x the time-traveler who is disheartened by him

On the eve of his soul dissipating, you saw him kneeling in front of a corpse, breaking down and going crazy.
    He called your name over and over, but no one answered him this time.
    He never shed tears, and he almost went blind from crying that night.
    Don’t you understand, isn’t this caused by his own hands? It should be just as he intended.
    Why is he so sad now that you are dead?
    a year ago.
    The truth that you are a time traveler has been exposed in public.
    Everyone thought that you were responsible for the evil and took over Ah Shui's body.
    They locked you up and tortured you to make you tell the real whereabouts of Ah Shui.
    But how do you know where the real Ah Shui went?
    You were beaten with wounds all over your body and fell to the ground dying. When you were confused, you smelled the familiar scent of sandalwood.
    Xuan Ming knelt down, raised his hand to wipe off the blood on your face, and carried you out.
    Just when you were moved that he came to save you, he said, "You are not qualified to die until Ah Shui is found."
    You smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't know where she is."
    He said nothing, I stubbornly took you back to the general's mansion and found a famous doctor to treat you.
    You didn't see him for several days after that.
    You know, he is frantically looking for the real Ah Shui, and he doesn't care about you.
    It’s a lie that you’re not sad, the look of disgust in his eyes that night hurt you deeply.
    It turns out that all these years of life and death are worthless in his eyes.
    After some time, he came to you with a cold face.
    "In the past five years, you have never left this body?" His expression was strange and hard to read.
    You nodded: "Yeah. Ah Shui hasn't come back during this period."
    "Then what's your real name?"
    "Why do you ask?"
    He sneered: "My name is so shameful that I don't even want to say it. Say?"
    After a long silence, seeing that he still refused to give up, you had to whisper: "My name is Liu Xi."
    "Write down those two words."
    After you finished writing, he sarcastically said: "It's ugly. Not even the slightest bit like Ah Shui."
    "..." Your heart aches, does he want to be so sarcastic with every word he says now?
    It was not your choice to wear Ah Shui, you were also forced to do so.
    You simply lowered your head and stopped paying attention to him.
    He refused to let you go, pinching your chin and forcing you to look up at him.
    But he stared into your eyes for a long time and said nothing.
    "What's wrong?" You couldn't help but ask.
    He suddenly came to his senses, retracted his hand in disgust, and walked away.
    Because your identity has been revealed, everyone in the General's Mansion and the Zhou Mansion are trying hard to find the real Miss Zhou family's Ah Shui.
    And you are trapped in the general's mansion every day.
    I thought it would continue like this until one day Xuan Ming took you to the temple.
    There were many people standing in the temple.
    There are the Zhou family, a nationally famous spiritualist, and a young woman you don't know.
    The woman lost her legs and was in a wheelchair.
    She said that she was the real Ah Shui.
    "I woke up in a ruined temple five years ago, my body became disabled, and I have been homeless since then. I never thought that I would be reunited with my family one day..." The woman burst into tears, which was pitiful.
    Everyone present looked at you with a bit more hatred.
    You frowned as you watched the woman keep crying and repeating things from her childhood to verify her identity.
    The things she said were too detailed. Do you still remember them so clearly after so many years?
    You can’t even remember what you did three months ago.
    "Exchange the souls of these two people." Xuan Ming said.
    The spiritualist stroked his beard and whispered: "The power of spiritualism is boundless. One of them will definitely be injured. Who does the general want to keep safe?"

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