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The sultry and clingy wolfdog × You, the king of learning who loves learning (has been posted)

This article was published in full at once~~~
    Small cookies, it has nothing to do with yandere crazy comments, it is purely for welfare~
    The final exam is over, and the January winter vacation is ushered in.
    You didn't go home, and you were soon alone in the dormitory.
    The reason for not going home is simple. You still have a lot of unfinished homework assigned by the instructor, so you will be more efficient at school.
    Except at night, of course.
    Because when night comes, your clingy boyfriend will definitely send you a video call and won’t stop until he pesters you to chat for an hour.
    It's almost time today, but he didn't send a message.
    You feel surprised: [What happened to you today? 】
    Boyfriend: 【Baby, I don’t know what happened to my mobile phone. I can’t use it anymore. Now I can only send you messages on the computer. ]
    You frowned and edited the message: [Did you mess with something that caused a virus in your phone? 】
    My boyfriend sent an emoticon of a puppy rolling on the ground.
    I cried three times in a row and asked for comfort.
    You burst into laughter: [Isn’t there a mobile phone repairman in the university town? Wouldn't it be nice to fix it later? 】
    Boyfriend: 【But my takeaway is coming soon. 】
    Recently, the situation of stolen takeaways in schools is very serious. If you arrive even slightly late, there is a risk of being stolen.
    Especially now that it's dark, people stealing takeaways are even more rampant.
    You: [Aren’t you very full after lunch? Why did you order something to eat? ]
    Boyfriend: [My girlfriend only loves studying and doesn’t love me. I’m sad. Only good food can relieve my worries. 】
    You were amused by him: 【Just ask me to get it for you. 】
    He deliberately said in a weird way: "That won't work. It will delay Master Liu's scientific research. What a sin!" Unless Master Liu takes the initiative to mention it. ]
    You: "..."
    You rolled your eyes speechlessly and sent: [Okay, I'll get it for you! 】
    My boyfriend sent a cute emoticon of kissing, 【Love you baby! 】
    The changes in front and back have become huge, and you have become accustomed to his "crazy" style.
    About ten minutes passed.
    Your boyfriend sent you a screenshot of the order number.
    You closed the computer, hurriedly went out, bought a self-service electric car downstairs, and rode to the takeaway stall.
    There are many takeaways placed in a spacious place. You can take photos one by one according to the order number.
    You found the corresponding order number and asked in surprise: "What is this?"
    Isn't it a midnight snack? Why is it a bouquet of white roses and an unknown large gift box?
    The gift box is exquisite and beautiful, made of hard paper and printed with your favorite lavender pattern.
    To avoid getting it wrong, you double-check the buyer information on the order.
    That's right, the phone number and the name of the person who placed the order belong to your boyfriend.
    You are confused, what is this?
    Didn't he say what he ordered?
    The next moment, you were tapped on the shoulder.
    At the same time, you smell the familiar scent of mint in your nose.
    You reacted instantly and said with a smile, "The surname is Tang."
    "What's Tang?" Your boyfriend walked around from behind and came to you with a weak smile.
    You smiled and said, "Tang Zhaoda."
    After saying that, you lightly slapped him on the arm.
    He got up and covered the place where you hit him, and pretended to cry: "Domestic violence! The hottie from the Telecom College has a domestic violence boyfriend..." The
    classmate next to him who was also taking out takeaway glanced over with strange eyes.
    "Shut up!" You scratched your toes in embarrassment. How could he be so shameless? He was a social gangster!
    Your boyfriend smiled from ear to ear and pinched your face: "Do you like the gift?"
    "A gift?" You frowned, "What gift."
    The handsome young man's face darkened, and he said displeasedly: "You can't really You don't remember it at all?"
    "I... don't remember..." You smiled awkwardly.
    The corners of his mouth drooped, and he said with extreme dissatisfaction: "One-year anniversary!"
    You were stunned, does this even exist?
    Okay, then you really don’t know that you still have to commemorate this kind of day.
    Thinking that he is a person who is full of rituals, you immediately lowered your head guiltily: "I'm sorry, I... I was busy and forgot." Your
    boyfriend looked at you several times, suddenly took the bouquet and gift box, and left angrily. .
    "Hey, are you angry?" You quickly stepped forward to chase him.
    You chase him until you reach the foot of a secluded camphor tree, and then he stops.
    The boyfriend's cheeks were bulging, like a sulking child who didn't eat candy.
    "I was wrong, can you not be angry?" You grabbed the corner of his clothes and coaxed softly.
    Your boyfriend turned his face away and said coldly: "You don't even have a title, who are you apologizing to?"
    You suppressed your smile, looked around, and only after making sure that no one was there, you said calmly: "I'm sorry, I'm the coolest and coolest person in the world. Smart handsome guy, can you forgive me?"
    After saying this, you want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.
    It just so happens that he, a twenty-year-old male college student, really likes this kind of childish title.
    Every time you get angry, you have to call him that.
    A shout will surely coax him into submission.
    But this time it didn't work so well, and he was actually still angry.
    "Handsome guy, what are you going to do to calm down? Just say something." You pushed his hand.
    He didn't say anything, but he pursed his lips, which was obvious.
    I want you to kiss him.
    "How about changing places?" You were worried that someone would see you passing by.
    The boyfriend snorted and said: "That's it. We are serious boyfriend and girlfriend. Are you afraid of being seen? Do you have someone else? No wonder you can't remember the first anniversary. I am just one of your thousands of flowers. ?"
    He was about to cry as he spoke.
    "You're almost done." You laughed angrily at him. This guy has enough brain power to become a screenwriter.
    "Then kiss me."
    You were extremely helpless, stood up on your tiptoes, and kissed him on the lips.
    Just when they were about to separate, he turned his back on you and held your head, deepening the sweet kiss.
    "Is this okay?" You panted.
    He finally smiled, but it looked so mean.
    You noticed something was wrong: "What are you doing? You're smiling so treacherously."
    "Even the top student at the Telecommunications Institute sometimes has a bad memory." He opened the circle of friends and scrolled down.
    He likes to record life, especially every moment he spends with you.
    So after looking through it for a long time, I found the official announcement of your relationship a year ago.
    The period is clearly shown above.
    ...The real first anniversary is actually a week later.
    You were stunned, he was actually playing tricks on you!
    You were so angry that you kicked him: "How dare you lie to me?"
    "What did I lie to you about?"
    You accused: "You lied to me that today is my first anniversary."
    He said confidently: "I just said this is The anniversary gift I gave you, I didn’t say it was today."
    You were speechless: "..."
    On purpose, absolutely on purpose!
    "Here, let's see if you like it?" He accepted it and put the gift box in your arms.
    After you take it apart, you find that inside is the Lego you've always wanted to buy but was out of stock.
    You suddenly realized: "You bought the last item of inventory that day?"
    "That's right." He raised his eyebrows, "Fortunately, I have fast hands."
    "Damn it, why didn't you tell me!"
    He ticked Curved lips: "Tell you, why is it called a surprise?"
    You were sad for a long time when you didn't get this Lego that day. This kid kept changing his tricks to make you happy, but you didn't say that he got it.
    Really strict mouth.
    But you really liked this, so you quickly raised your head and pecked him on the lips: "Thank you."
    He didn't expect you to kiss him off guard, so he took the initiative, and his handsome face turned red.

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