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Baiqie Hei, yandere mermaid × rescued in distress, little Baihua you

As the cruise ship sails into the deep sea, you see colorful lights on the water.
    There it is again.
    Since a few days ago, you have discovered that this sea creature has been following the cruise ship. It is very mysterious and never shows up.
    "What do you look like?" You are curious about its full appearance.
    It seems to understand your words, and suddenly it shakes its tail vigorously, and the entire fish tail emerges from the sea. The colorful and gorgeous tail is extremely beautiful.
    But I still couldn't see what its upper body looked like.
    It's getting late at night, you close the window, and there is still the salty smell of sea water in the room.
    After taking a shower, you rested for a while and then lay down to sleep. You didn't notice that the window was opened silently.
    You sleep more and more uneasily, your face is always itchy and a little wet, the quilt on your body seems to be missing, and something cold is sliding around on your body.
    After you turned over, you felt something being held around your waist. Your whole body was turned over, and your lips were blocked by something warm. You were having trouble breathing. Something soft and wet stuck out, teasing your tongue. Sometimes sucking, sometimes circling.
    You opened your eyes drowsily and saw a pair of amber eyes.
    The owner of the eyes had a breathtakingly handsome face. He looked at you, curved his lips and smiled, then lowered his head and touched your soft lips.
    He spread his legs, slid down, and licked the most sensitive spot with his tongue.
    After a while, you felt that tongue sticking out.
    You were stunned again and again. You hadn't been in love for a long time, and you actually started to have this kind of dream. Or was it with a handsome guy?
    This handsome boy's tongue can also deform, suddenly becoming very long and flexible, and it can reach all the way inside.
    There were still small particles on his tongue, and he deliberately used those small particles to touch the folds on the flesh wall.
    "Ah~" You couldn't help but moan, your whole body trembling with excitement.
    The feeling of this dream is too real. The touch on the lips, the intertwining of breaths, and the numbness on the body all make you think that it is really happening.
    The next day.
    When you wake up, you smell a strong smell of sea water. When you look down, there are traces of dried sea water on the quilt.
    My pajamas fell to the side at some point, and my body was sticky. I couldn't tell what was going on.
    You woke up and checked around the entire room. There was no trace of anyone entering.
    "Weird." You couldn't help but think of the dream last night, but it was just a dream.
    This happened more than once. In the next five days, you would have that embarrassing dream every night, and the bed would still feel strange when you woke up.
    After that, you simply seal the windows and doors, and when you wake up the next day, the strange phenomenon is gone.
    You were in a good mood and went to the deck to enjoy the sea breeze.
    Suddenly there was a huge wave from the side, and the whole ship was completely overturned, and everyone screamed.
    You can't swim, the sea water chokes you and makes it difficult to breathe. It's the first time you feel such a strong fear of death.
    When you are about to lose consciousness, you feel a huge thing swimming under the water. You can't see the head clearly, only a tail with colorful luster.
    It's him, that mysterious and beautiful guy.
    It circled you and lifted you up. You could finally breathe fresh air, but your strength was exhausted and you fainted.
    When you wake up, you find yourself on an isolated island. There is a clear pool not far away, and there are live fish in the pool.
    You were so hungry that you speared a fish, lit a fire and started grilling it.
    After eating, a fish was suddenly thrown at my feet. How did this fish come to the shore by itself?
    You walked to the edge of the pool again and were stunned for a moment. The water was filled with colorful lights, and the tail was exactly the same as the one you saw on the sea.
    "It's you!" You were pleasantly surprised.
    It suddenly jumped up, splashing water. You backed up and closed your eyes. When you opened your eyes again, your whole body froze in place.
    Its upper body is that of an adult man, its abdominal muscles are distinct, its lines are smooth and perfect, its face is beautiful and handsome, and its amber eyes are extremely magnificent.
    Mermaids... there are actually mermaids in this world.
    "I was dreaming about you!" Its face overlapped with the blurry face in the dream.
    It looks at you without blinking, suddenly smiles, and leaps ashore nimbly, with its long tail able to shuttle freely on the ground.
    You see it pick up the fish on the ground, clean the internal organs with ease, and put it on a stick to roast it over the fire.
    After a while, it handed the grilled fish to you and said inarticulately: "Eat, Chi..."
    "You can still talk?" You feel very novel, what species is it?
    "Yes, one, yes." It said very hard, like a child just babbling.
    You took a bite and found it was quite fragrant.
    "Did you save me?" You remembered seeing it before you fell into coma.
    It nodded, smiled and stayed next to you, silently watching you eat.
    Seeing that you are about to finish eating, it starts to go to the pond to catch fish.
    "I'm full." You subconsciously reached for its hand.
    The skin of its hand is warm and smooth. Thinking that its upper body is no different from that of an adult man, you quickly let go of your hand. The palm of your hand feels inexplicably itchy.
    And it looked down at the place where you just held it, its amber eyes suddenly lit up, and it pointed at you with a smile, and then at itself.
    "What?" You didn't understand.
    It came closer and kissed you on the lips without warning.
    The feeling was exactly the same as in the dream.
    "Save. Happy, happy." Its pronunciation was a little unclear, but you still understood its meaning.
    Is it because I like you that I saved you?
    You covered your mouth in shock, how could a mermaid...
    "Thank you." You didn't know what to say, so you could only say thank you.
    It pointed to the jungle opposite: "Stay there."
    You followed it and walked over. A net was tied between two big trees.
    "Did you specially do it for me?"
    It smiled and nodded, stumbling and saying, "Are you happy?"
    "Yes, very much."
    It was getting late, and you were lying on the fine net swinging around. , it will quietly fan away mosquitoes for you.
    After a short while of swimming, you felt uncomfortably thirsty, but the water in the pool was also sea water, so you couldn't drink it at all.
    Beside it, it suddenly jumped into the pool.
    When it came ashore again, it bent down and blocked your lips directly, and held the back of your head with its big hands.
    "Uh-huh--" You didn't understand what it was doing, so you started to struggle.
    During the struggle, a trace of sweet fresh water was passed over by it and flowed down the throat.
    It turns out that it is filtering the seawater before feeding it to you. Realizing this, you stopped moving.
    Feeling your cooperation, it kissed deeper and deeper, and continued without crossing the water again.
    Your scalp felt numb and you quickly pushed it.
    Only then did it leave your lips.
    "Thank you." Even though he was just helping you carry water, you still blushed uncontrollably.
    late at night.
    The sea breeze kept you awake, so you whispered: "It's so cold."
    As soon as you finished speaking, the net behind you sank, and you fell into a warm and strong embrace.
    It clung to you: "Hug."
    "..." You were stunned.
    It's just a mermaid, don't think of it as a man.
    Thinking like this, you can accept the warmth he gives with peace of mind.
    Early the next morning.
    A search and rescue ship sailed over the sea, "Is there anyone there?"
    You opened your eyes suddenly and hurriedly ran over to wave: "Yes!!!"
    The search and rescue ship stopped by the beach, and you couldn't wait to get on board. You heard something as soon as you got on the escalator. A sharp cry.
    Looking back, you saw the handsome mermaid looking at you aggrievedly, her amber eyes filled with tears, stubborn and pitiful.
    "Don't, don't go." It said with difficulty.
    "Thank you, but I have to go. I can't stay on this island. I'll see you later."
    You turned around and got on the boat.
    Didn't you see that the moment you turned around without hesitation, its eyes darkened, and its eyes became bottomless.
    After returning to the sea.
    You always can't help but think of that mermaid, it saved you before you even had time to repay it.
    I will definitely have a chance in the future...
    Suddenly the hull bumped a few times, and huge waves arose on the sea.
    This time you see clearly the initiator of the huge wave, which is a colorful fish tail.
    The moment before falling into the sea, it swam over and hugged you.
    You suddenly realized: "It was you, and it was the same last time, right?"
    "Yes." It admitted, its eyes like rivets on you, and it carried you upstream to the island.
    "Let me go, I'm not going there!" You couldn't break away from its embrace, so you had to turn your head and call for help to the people on the search and rescue team, "Help me..."
    It froze for a moment and suddenly turned back.
    Amber eyes stared fiercely at the overthrown people, with a strong unknown fire emerging from their eyes.
    It's all their fault, they took you away.
    If you don't eradicate them completely, you will still be taken away by them. Thinking of this, its eyes are extremely stern.
    It narrowed its eyes and swung its tail with all its strength, flying out a piece of shining golden scales and slashing towards those people like a sharp blade.
    In an instant, several people's throats were cut, and blood splattered, dyeing a large sea red.
    "Die, deserve to die." It was very angry.
    Follow-up in Ai Power Generation: Xiong Xiongnan

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