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The crazy and perverted male protagonist picked up on the roadside x the kind lady you (Part 2

After marriage, you were really very good to him, and you couldn't wait to show him your sincerity.
    Everyone in the city knew that the eldest lady of the Bai family was a lover, and all she could think about was that handsome husband.
    But not long after the sweet days of marriage, they faced huge difficulties.
    Sanjie City's perennial enemy, the feudal army, attacked again.
    It is not that the feudal armies have never attacked the city in the past, but with the brave and capable Bai family army here, they were able to avert danger every time.
    But this time it was different. The feudal army had information that they didn't know where, and they not only had a thorough understanding of the situation in Sanjie City, but also knew the Bai family army well.
    After three battles, the Bai family army was defeated and completely defeated.
    You were sent out of the house by your father, and he asked you to escape as far away as possible.
    "What about you?"
    "We won't leave. We will defend Sanjie City to the death." My father and brother never thought about escaping.
    Your eyes were so red that you couldn't help crying.
    At this time, Zhou Sheng got out of the car: "I'm not leaving either, father-in-law and brothers, I'll stay to help you."
    Dad nodded happily. He was indeed someone his daughter valued, not someone who was greedy for life and afraid of death.
    You were stunned. You were touched that Zhou Sheng was willing to share life and death with your family, but you were reluctant to let him stay in the flames of war.
    "A Sheng..."
    "Mengmeng, don't worry about me." Zhou Sheng touched your head, "Take care of yourself."
    In the end, you were dragged into the carriage by your mother and taken away overnight.
    A few days later, a spy appeared within the Bai family army, and the feudal army broke through at a speed beyond everyone's imagination.
    The entire Bai family army was wiped out, and the entire Sanjie City fell into the clutches of the feudal army.
    And you were also captured on the way to escape and locked up in a dark and cramped cell.
    The people in the next cell were talking:
    "It turns out that the Bai family's spy is the Bai family's son-in-law." "
    Well, he set fire to the granary, and many soldiers starved to death." "
    The most pitiful thing is Master Bai, who was seriously injured. They all wanted to protect his brother-in-law from escaping, but they never thought that his brother-in-law deliberately led him into a trap and killed him with a sword." "
    I heard that the sword that killed Master Bai was the love token that Miss Bai gave to her husband."
    "What kind of vision does Miss Bai have for such a ruthless person?"
    You listened to every word they discussed, your heart sank to the bottom, and your face turned ashen.
    Zhou Sheng... Zhou Sheng is a spy?
    He set fire to the granary and killed his brother?
    At this time, a group of people appeared at the door of the cell. They looked around, and finally their eyes locked on you.
    "That's her."
    As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people opened the cell door and took you out.
    You were taken to the familiar lobby of the White House.
    It's just that things are different here. The person sitting on the high seat is no longer your strict father, but the Zhou Sheng who looks very strange to you.
    The cuffs of his dark blue brocade clothes were embroidered with the unique symbol of the feudal army, and there was a sword on the table in front of him.
    It was the sword you gave him, and the same sword he used to kill your brother.
    "Young Master Xiao, we're here." They immediately left after they brought you here.
    There were only you and him in the huge lobby, and it was eerily silent.
    He walked down the steps, looked down from beginning to end, held your hand, and asked nervously: "Are you injured?"
    You didn't answer, shook his hand away, and smiled sarcastically: "Your surname is Xiao? So you even lied to me about your name?"
    He looked at the hand that was thrown away by you, and then looked at your eyes filled with hatred at the moment, and stood there helplessly.
    "I didn't lie to you." He said confidently, "Xiao Zhousheng."
    You: "..."
    If you knew his surname was Xiao, you would never leave him in the mansion without checking anything.
    "It's not important anymore." You don't want to see the face that has deceived you again. "What do you want?"
    Xiao Zhousheng doesn't seem to understand why your attitude towards him suddenly changed. He puts his hand on your shoulder. , forcing you to look directly at him again.
    "Mengmeng, why are you so cold to me?"
    You simply couldn't believe that after he did what he did, he could still pretend that nothing happened, and even asked you why your attitude changed.
    You laughed angrily at him: "Do you have any need to pretend now?"
    "What am I pretending to do?" He looked innocent.
    You were so angry that you raised your hand and slapped him in the face. You could no longer hold back your anger: "You lurked in the Bai Mansion to secretly deliver military information to the Feng Faction Army, set fire to the granary, tricked my brother into a trap, and even killed him with a sword... ..."
    Xiao Zhousheng covered his face, his peach blossom eyes filled with disbelief and hurt.
    He didn't listen to what you were saying at all, and just asked aggrievedly: "Is this why you hit me?"
    This time you were dumbfounded, how could he have the nerve to say such a thing.
    "If I could, I would even want to kill you." You said bitterly, "Isn't it enough that you captured Sanjie City? Why did you have to kill my father and brother?" "If you like
    them, they deserve to die. You You can only like me."
    You slapped him again: "It's you who deserve to die!"
    Xiao Zhousheng didn't dodge and received another slap, half of his face turned red.
    The light in his eyes seemed to be broken, filled with endless pain, like a person who was so confused that he couldn't find a way out.
    "Mengmeng, do you hate me so much?"
    Xiao Zhousheng's voice was a little deeper, and his heart was aching: "But you clearly said that I will always be your first choice. How could you kill them because of me? Has it changed?"
    He didn't understand that if he killed your elder brother and your elder brother, what does it have to do with you.

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