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The male protagonist who is forced to pretend to be obscene and crazy?? You are the omega who escaped and was caught (1

This is a hierarchical ABO world.
    You are unlucky, not only are you a C-level Omega, but you were also born into a poor family.
    Growing up, your biggest wish is to eat a lot of delicious food.
    Fortunately, this summer vacation, you are lucky enough to be hired by a local fairy restaurant, and you can pick up the leftover food every day.
    But you have to scramble to grab it, and if you get there late, it will be gone.
    "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's late today." You looked at the empty kitchen, annoyed that you were too slow today.
    "Didn't you grab it?"
    A thin and tall boy walked into the kitchen. His name was Xiaoyu. He was the first good friend you met in this restaurant.
    You said with a sad face: "Well, I didn't grab anything."
    "Don't cry, I'll give you all mine." Xiaoyu smiled and handed you a large bag of oysters and abalone from behind.
    "Give it all to me? What about yourself?"
    Xiaoyu: "I've already eaten. I saw that you were very busy upstairs today, and I was afraid that you would be late in the kitchen, so I took some more."
    You I was very touched. It is rare to meet such a nice person at work. I said thank you many times.
    "You're welcome. We are good friends." Xiaoyu smiled very cutely, with bright eyes and a small dimple at the corner of his mouth.
    He looks like the most perfect male omega, and everyone loves him.
    You really like getting along with him the first time you see him.
    Gradually, you and Xiaoyu are getting closer and closer, from being ordinary good friends to becoming close friends who talk about everything.
    The end of the year is approaching, and the restaurant has given you fifteen days of annual leave.
    Everyone else was so happy, but you couldn't laugh at all.
    This means that you can only go back to eating vegetables and radishes for fifteen days.
    "Don't you want to take a vacation?" Xiaoyu packed up his things and walked to you.
    You sighed: "Well, there is nothing delicious at home."
    "Then you come to my house to play?" Xiaoyu began to tell you that he had a lot of snacks at home, a big garden, and several cute animals. Cat.
    These are all things you like, and you can’t help but want to go to them just by listening to them.
    But you still refused: "I won't go."
    You are very afraid of strangers, and you are not used to facing elders you don't know.
    Xiaoyu immediately understood your concerns and quickly explained: "I live alone."
    "Why do you live alone?"
    Xiaoyu looked disappointed and said aggrievedly: "I am just a B-level omega, and my brother I'm an S-class alpha. They only see me as my brother. I've always been alone..."
    You understand, he was abandoned by his family.
    The resources here are limited, and each family pays more attention to the children with high-level pheromones, especially the S-level alpha, and almost all resources will be given to him, while the other low-level children will be ignored.
    You immediately felt sorry for him and comforted him: "It's okay, I'll go play with you during the Chinese New Year, so you're not alone!"
    "Really?" Xiaoyu raised his eyes, his watery eyes as deep as whirlpools, extremely attraction.
    "Really! I never lie to anyone!" You patted your chest and solemnly promised.
    Xiaoyu's eyes flickered, and he quickly said with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for you to come."
    On the day of the Spring Festival, every household gathered together with lights and colorful decorations to celebrate the New Year.
    But your parents only had a New Year's Eve dinner before going out to work again.
    "Yao Yao, you have to take care of yourself."
    You nodded obediently: "When the annual leave is over, I will go back to the restaurant to work. I have a lot of money and good food. Don't worry."
    "My Yaoyao is very lucky . , to be able to enter that restaurant."
    You smiled and sighed that you were very lucky.
    That restaurant has very high standards for selecting employees, and even has requirements for employees’ family conditions.
    You are the only one who is as poor as your family.
    After your parents go to work, you are the only one left in the simple home.
    You remembered what you promised Xiaoyu years ago, quickly packed your things and rushed to the address he gave you.
    The place we arrived was in the suburbs, where an elegant and luxurious white villa sat in the middle of a lush garden.
    "Yao Yao!" Xiao Yu comes out to greet you and takes you into his home enthusiastically.
    The garden is filled with all kinds of flowers and plants, and the villa is even more magnificent and has everything you need. There are several small castles built next to the stairs, and there are several fluffy ragdoll cats lying in them.
    They heard the noise and opened their eyes. Their blue eyes were round and beautiful.
    Xiaoyu muttered something, and several Ragdoll cats jumped up obediently and waggled their tails at you.
    What a cute cat, this is your dream house.
    "Yao Yao, do you like it here?" Xiaoyu asked suddenly, his eyes full of expectation.

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