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the crazy and powerful minister who puts profits first × you who were given to the prince by him × pretend

The candlelight swayed, and the agarwood bed made a squeaking sound as the curtains swayed. The two figures were entangled together, making the cool autumn night warm.
    On weekdays, he is an unfathomable chief assistant, never showing off his joy.
    Only at this moment can you see the uncontrollable loss of control on his handsome face, and the surging emotions in his eyes.
    You couldn't help but lose control, and suddenly felt that he had feelings for you.
    But after it was over, his expression returned to normal, and the cold words in his mouth brought you back from your fantasy.
    "You will be arranged to go to Prince Rui's Mansion in a few days. Do you understand the rules?" He slowly put on his clothes without even looking at you.
    "Understood." You responded obediently, but deep down you felt extremely lonely.
    His mansion houses all kinds of people, including dead warriors, craftsmen, and domestic craftsmen...
    You have always thought that you are special.
    He also treats you very well in terms of food and clothing, and has never sent you a mission.
    You don't have to deal with high officials and nobles, and you don't have to betray yourself.
    Once upon a time, you naively thought that you would stay with him forever, or even have a status.
    But not long ago, he suddenly arranged a big show.
    First, let King Rui be in danger, and then let you appear temporarily to help the beauty.
    King Rui was so ignorant of the plot that he was really moved.
    After that, he forged your identity, and naturally you were admitted to Prince Rui's Mansion and became his spy...
    He was soon dressed neatly again, as if he had just arrived an hour ago.
    Before leaving, he suddenly looked back at you and saw you hanging your head, "What's wrong?"
    You hurriedly gathered your thoughts and smiled at him, "I feel very sad when I think about not being able to stay with you in the future. ."
    After saying that, you raised your eyes expectantly to spy on his expression.
    Unfortunately, there was no trace of emotion on that handsome face.
    He said: "Don't think about useless things, and keep an eye on King Rui. After the work is done, I will give you your freedom."
    Sure enough, he just threw it away after using it.
    Also, by then you will be a useless person, so how can he keep you by his side.
    "Yes." You lowered your head silently, no longer having extravagant hopes.
    The plan went smoothly, and you successfully became King Rui's concubine.
    He is sincere and sincere, and will hold your hand tightly and promise: "Ran Ran, from now on we will sing in harmony and never be separated."
    That night, there was only sincerity in King Rui's eyes, without any calculation.
    This is so strange. You have never seen such clear, pure and loving eyes before, so you don’t believe it at all.
    At one time, I just thought that King Rui was just good at sweet words.
    But a year has passed, and he is as good to you as ever, and there are no new people in the palace.
    He is the first person who makes you feel sincere.
    Even on Wanshou Festival, he actually took you into the imperial city.
    You have never seen such a grand scene. As far as you can see, it is full of princes, princesses, military officials...
    and the chief minister who has not been seen for a long time is also among them.
    The chief assistant only glanced at you briefly, as if he didn't recognize you.
    The strange thing is that you no longer feel heartache. Instead, King Rui's warm hands beside you make you feel warm and safe.
    You only took a sneak peek and never looked at him again.
    I don’t know that during the countless moments during the dinner, the Chief Assistant, who always kept his emotions and angers secret, actually stared at the hands you were holding many times.
    What's more, King Rui, who has always been humble and low-key, actually showed a provocative look towards the powerful Chief Assistant, completely different from his usual gentle and jade-like appearance.
    The dinner is over.
    Before he got on the carriage leaving the palace, he heard screams behind him and saw the light of fire rising into the sky from the corner of his eye.
    "King Qi has rebelled!"
    Your heart trembles, is it so fast?
    King Qi was a stupid chess piece controlled by the chief assistant. According to the plan, he would not rebel until King Rui left the capital after being vassalized.
    Why is it so early...
    but we chose this day when all the princes gathered in the imperial city.
    Could it be that the chief assistant is not trying to control King Qi's ascendance, but to use this to wipe out all the princes and usurp the throne himself...
    "Ran Ran." King Rui's urgent shout brought you back from your thoughts, and he pushed you up without any explanation. After getting into the carriage, "Don't be afraid, get in the carriage first."
    "Your Highness, aren't you leaving?" You saw that he was staying put.

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