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the crazy and powerful minister who puts profits first × you who were given to the prince by him × pretend

When you heard him use such vicious words to describe King Rui, you couldn't help but feel aroused in your heart.
    You deliberately hit back: "I'm afraid that I'll dirty the chief minister."
    "Very good." He smiled instead of being angry, "After raising him for so many years, he dared to disobey me less than a year after being released."
    You retreated subconsciously, I still remember that he was extremely scary when he was angry, and venting his anger would cause a lot of pain.
    But he restrained your arms and didn't allow you to retreat.
    An extremely oppressive body came over you, easily suppressing you on the bed, and the thin shirt you were wearing was torn to pieces in his hands.
    This was what you were most looking forward to before, but now you don't want to happen with him at all.
    You started to resist with all your strength, but it only made him more and more annoyed.
    Fortunately, rapid footsteps and voices suddenly came from outside the door.
    "Sir, there is something urgent to report!"
    After all, the great cause of the country is much more important. The man on the body stopped, he reluctantly got out of bed, and walked out with a cold face.
    He left and did not return for several days.
    You don't miss him, and the person who keeps popping up in your mind is not him, but King Rui.
    Hearing that King Rui died miserably, it was obviously an outcome that had been expected, and even you were an accomplice in this outcome, but you were still so sad that your heart was broken.
    No one collects his body, no one pays homage to him, the kind and sincere King Rui should not have ended like this.
    You secretly set up a spiritual tablet to worship King Rui.
    Giving salvation to him relieved my own guilt.
    Unexpectedly, your move was known to the chief assistant who suddenly returned home.
    He flew into a rage, chopped the little magic tablet into pieces, and threw it into the fire pit until it was burned to ashes.
    "Wang Ran, are you tired of living?"
    This is the first time he has never called your name.
    "My slave deserves to be punished, please punish me." You said the words to admit your mistake skillfully, but there was no fear in your eyes.
    When you were worshiping just now, you thought that you had killed the only person who was sincere to you in the world, and you actually wanted to go down with King Rui like this.
    I want to go to the underworld to confess my mistakes and atone for my sins to King Rui.
    He chuckled: "You know you're going to die but you still do it? It seems like you are really deeply in love with Prince Rui."
    You didn't refute or say anything.
    The angrier he gets, the more he likes to laugh. At this moment, he laughs even more evilly: "Prince Rui is such a good actor who has been buried for a long time. He can actually deceive the craftsman I have cultivated for many years. Do you really think he is an innocent and good person?" , how much do you think he loves you?"
    "What?" You raised your head quickly, but quickly shook your head in denial.
    The chief assistant's words cannot be trusted. He just deliberately angered you.
    "Don't believe me?" He stepped forward and grabbed your hand, dragging you out of the house. "Then let me see with your own eyes."
    You were taken to the military camp by him, and a few days later you were forced to follow the army. Went to Liucheng to confront the Qing army.
    You don’t understand, you can’t make any difference, so why do you have to be involved?
    It wasn't until the two armies were negotiating that you saw the person sitting high up in the curtain...
    the familiar face, the unfamiliar posture, and the scheming words were completely different from the King Rui in your impression.
    King Rui also saw you, his eyes darkened for a moment, and his calm posture disappeared in an instant.
    At this moment, you can't tell whether King Rui is really anxious or just acting.
    But the venomous chief assistant also deliberately provokes you: "Aran, look at how good he is at pretending. He has already controlled the entire Qing army, and he still pretends to be innocent and affectionate. I don't blame you for being deceived by him for a year.
    " The sound lingers, and you are shocked and speechless.
    The chief assistant was very satisfied with your reaction. He smiled and pushed you back into your seat, "Just stay here and wait for me to come back."
    After saying these words, the chief assistant stood up and went to negotiate.
    You sit stiffly, your brain hurts terribly, and your whole body feels hazy.
    I still remember that after that night, there were two teams of troops attacking the imperial city with great ferocity.
    The first team is the Qi army controlled by the first assistant.
    The other team is the Qing army that has been dormant for many years. Everyone thinks that the Qing army is controlled by General Zhao, but they don't know that the real mastermind behind it is the secretive King Rui.
    The King Rui who was usually the most non-competitive and the most filial and benevolent.
    "He's not dead." You couldn't help but mutter to yourself, "Why did he die in the explosion... Why..."
    "You are still concerned about why he died in the explosion?"
    The first assistant came back at some point and stood behind you. , you didn’t realize it until he made a sound in displeasure.
    You quickly turned around and saw his face full of sarcasm.
    "You should reflect on how failed you have been this year. You thought you were using him in a roundabout way, but you didn't know that he was using him in the opposite direction."
    You looked confused: "He was using me in the opposite direction?"

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