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the crazy second generation rich people who sow discord × fall into the trap without knowing it

Although you grew up in a poor and secluded countryside, you are still beautiful.
    When you first come to a big city, there will be countless people chasing you, with all kinds of personalities.
    For the arrogant rich second generation, you are more likely to choose gentle and considerate classmates.
    "Why did you choose Chen Zhian? Even after thirty years of hard work, he can't afford a month's living expenses for those rich second generations." My friend hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.
    But you smiled and shook your head and said, "I don't care about money, as long as I live happily, Zhi'an is a very nice person." "
    You think so, but Chen Zhi'an may not. Believe it or not, if a rich girl licks him, he will I will definitely dump you, he looks like a phoenix man."
    You were immediately unhappy and quickly defended your boyfriend: "Zhi'an is not that kind of person, don't talk nonsense."
    At that time, you trusted your boyfriend very much and would never I thought that one day my friend's words would come true.
    After graduation.
    Chen Zhian organized a bureau and introduced you to some of his best friends.
    The location is set at one of the most upscale restaurants in the city.
    You immediately feel sorry for his wallet, it must have cost him more than half a month's salary.
    "Don't worry, it's not me who pays for it, it's a friend of mine who's treating you." Chen Zhian saw your uneasiness and quickly comforted you.
    He pulled you into the reserved private room.
    As soon as you entered the door, everyone inside looked at you.
    The lights in the private room were bright and filled with the smell of delicious perfume. Several people were sitting on the soft sand, surrounded by high-end luxury brands. They were all exquisite from head to toe.
    Among them, the man sitting in the middle has a particularly outstanding appearance, and his eyes have been following you since you entered the door.
    You felt uncomfortable under the man's hot and direct gaze, and subconsciously leaned closer to your boyfriend.
    Your boyfriend quickly introduced them one by one, and you realized that the man in the middle was actually the prince of the city's leading company - Lu Chengze.
    The rest of them are all young men who are either rich or noble.
    This is even more unattainable than the rich second generations who were chasing you before.
    You glanced at your boyfriend in surprise. When did he get to know these people and become good friends with such a prince?
    "H-Hello." You greeted them nervously.
    They all smiled at you and took the initiative to shake hands with you, but they only let go within two seconds.
    Only the boy named Lu Chengze held your hand for ten seconds, and it was only after you reminded him that he let go.
    "It's okay." You shook your head quickly and didn't take it to heart.
    A few people are quite friendly towards you, and everyone seems to be very curious about you.
    "I heard that you are the beauty of your school and there are many people chasing you?" one of the boys asked.
    "I don't want to be the school beauty." You blushed with embarrassment and said softly, "There are not many people chasing you." "Don't
    be modest, Zhi'an said that there were countless people chasing you at the beginning." After the boy finished speaking, he went again. Ridiculing Chen Zhian, "You kid, you are good at chasing people."
    Chen Zhian did not deny this, and even agreed a few words.
    You were stunned, never expecting that your boyfriend, who had always been reserved, would brag about such a thing outside.
    At the end of the meal, several boys started drinking together.
    Chen Zhi'an drank the most, and the others also poured wine into him intentionally or unintentionally.
    "Zhi'an, drink less." You couldn't help but advise.
    "It's okay, don't worry!" Chen Zhian said confidently and continued to drink.
    However, he seemed to be overconfident and soon became drunk.
    "Zhi'an!" You shake him hard and he won't wake up.
    Fortunately, there was a hotel upstairs, and several boys helped him into the hotel room.
    After arranging the drunken Chen Zhian, you said goodbye to them and prepared to leave.
    At this time, Lu Cheng stopped you, "It's very late, shall I take you back?"
    You turned around to look into his deep eyes, and when you caught his slightly burning gaze, you quickly lowered your head: " No, no, thank you."
    "The subway is out of service at this point, and it's not easy to take a taxi here." Lu Chengze said calmly.
    What he said makes sense, but it's raining outside now. If you refuse again, it will appear that you are ignorant.
    "Then... thank you."
    His car was something you had never seen before, so you were careful when you got in it, fearing that the dust on your shoes would stain his car.
    He drank and hired a driver to drive, while he sat in the back seat with you, very close to each other.
    The warm body temperature next to you made you particularly uncomfortable, but he didn't realize it at all and stayed close to you.
    You reported the name of the community.
    "Do you and Chen Zhian live together?" Lu Cheng asked without changing his expression.
    You explained: "It's just one floor, we take care of each other."
    Living in a closed mountainous area since you were a child has made you conservative in character. You would not consider living with your boyfriend before getting married.
    When Lu Cheng heard this, he curled his lips imperceptibly.
    After arriving at the gate of the community, Lu Chengze insisted on adding your contact information.
    You couldn't get rid of it after several attempts, so you had no choice but to add him with a trumpet.
    "Is your WeChat account usually so deserted?" He teased you implicitly.

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