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The powerful and perverted devil × the pitiful sacrifice of the princess

[A single chapter is a complete story, follow up on iDian.com ~ ID: Xiong Xiongnan]
    He looked at you as you took off layers of clothes, leaving only the last thin shirt.
    He joked: "What, you want me to help you take it off?"
    Si Tiantai, Qi State.
    There were ringing sounds all around, thick clouds gathered in the sky, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.
    On the altar, a person held a Sanqing bell and prayed alone. Everyone in the audience, dressed in gorgeous clothes, was sitting upright at this moment, with a bit of nervousness on their faces.
    When the war came, the Qi country was weak and determined to choose one of the many princes and princesses to give to the devil as a sacrifice, in order to use the power of the devil to defeat the enemy country.
    The princes and princesses were afraid that they would be drawn, while the concubines were anxious for their children.
    Tadu, the national preceptor, shook the Sanqing Bell in his hand, his long beard swayed in the wind, and muttered something in his mouth.
    Everyone's hearts trembled.
    The Imperial Preceptor held up the wooden box. He did not reveal it immediately, but looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, I have chosen a sacrificer."
    The Emperor was a little excited, and his hands could not suppress the trembling slightly, urging the Imperial Preceptor to announce the results. . The faces of the princes and princesses around them have turned pale, fearing that the unlucky guy who was drawn was him.
    The Imperial Master glanced at the people below, and his eyes rested on a girl with red lips and white teeth.
    "Ten Princess, Jiang Ning." The Imperial Master handed the wooden box to the chamberlain, who sent it down.
    It is you who have been chosen.
    You didn't react because of the shock, but your biological mother fainted first.
    "Concubine An!"
    When Concubine An woke up, you were bending your legs beside the bed, and your eyes were so red that you said, "Concubine An."
    Concubine An looked at her slim daughter, with peach cheeks and apricot cheeks. With beautiful eyes, beautiful nose and red lips, she was originally a princess who should be held in the palm of her hand, but she was born in such a war-torn age, and was sent to the Demon Realm as a sacrifice by her ruthless biological father.
    "Ningning, my poor child..."
    "Mother and concubine..." You are also suffering from your tragic fate in the future.
    Everyone knows that being sent as a sacrifice to the Demon Lord will result in a tragic death.
    But you still don’t know that your selection as a sacrifice was not accidental, but was planned long ago.
    At this time in the Minghua Palace, the Imperial Master was receiving the reward from Concubine Su, "I would like to thank you, Concubine Su."
    Concubine Su's graceful and luxurious face was as cold as quenched poison, "Tomorrow, the envoy from the Demon Realm will examine the ten princesses. Can you pass the test?"
    "Don't worry, my dear concubine, even if the lifeline of the ten princesses does not meet the standards of the Demon Realm, I can make this matter foolproof." Concubine
    Su then smiled and said, "Little girl, what's the use of trying to win the favor of Prince Qin? The palace has countless ways to get you out of the Qi Kingdom."
    The Ninth Princess on the side was very happy: "The mother-in-law still has the skills. No matter how much Prince Qin loves the tenth sister, he can only look at the ashes of the tenth sister in the future."
    Su Guifei: "Don't be careless. Without the tenth princess, there will be others vying for the throne of Qin."
    The ninth princess said: "My daughter understands that she will definitely please the prince of Qin in the future and live up to her mother's hard work."
    The next day.
    Thick black smoke passed through the city, bending the willow trees all over the city. Fish were frightened and birds flew away, and the day instantly turned into night.
    The messenger from the Demon Realm came to the capital, and the people closed their doors tightly and did not leave their homes.
    Only the palace door opened, and everyone, including the emperor, knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully: "Welcome the envoy from the Demon Realm."
    "Who is the sacrificer?" A hoarse and thick voice came from the black smoke.
    Kneeling in the crowd, he timidly raised his head to look at them. After seeing the clouds of black smoke, he seemed a little scared and immediately lowered his head.
    The messengers did not expect that the sacrifice this time would be such a beauty. The girl's eyes were twitching, her body was weak and slender, and her body was shaking involuntarily because of fear, as if she was about to faint and fall to the ground in the next moment, but she had to hold on.
    The leading demon envoy casts a spell to create a beam of dazzling black gold light, which is fixed in front of you and gradually transforms into a gold-inlaid jade with black spots.
    "The lifeline meets the requirements. Take it away."
    This sentence seems to be a judgment on you, which means that it is a foregone conclusion that you will become a sacrifice.
    The Imperial Master, Concubine Su and others couldn't help but burst into laughter.
    You sighed, stood up slowly, and said goodbye to your mother, concubine, and father: "My daughter is not filial and cannot be held in her lap. Father, mother,
    and concubine must take care of themselves." "Ning Ning..." Both mother, concubine, and father were in tears, their voices choked with sobs.
    My father is heartbroken and guilty, complaining why you were chosen, and hating himself even more for being incompetent.
    After arriving in the Demon Realm. The demon envoys beside you kindly warn you: "Miss Jiang, as a sacrifice, you must put the Demon Lord first in everything, and you must not anger the Demon Lord."
    You asked ignorantly: "What do I need to do next?"
    "First of all. Go see the Demon Lord, and all matters must wait for the Demon Lord's orders."
    The sky above the Demon Realm was red and black, with no clouds, no wind, no ray of sunshine, curls of black smoke floating past, and the surroundings were silent and completely without a trace of dust or smoke.
    Suddenly, all the black smoke flying in the air and floating on the ground gathered in front of the disc, and even the walking people immediately turned into black smoke and came here.
    The thick black smoke divided into two columns in an orderly manner, leaving a broad avenue in the middle.
    "Welcome the Demon Lord!"
    You knelt down quickly after hearing this. She was a color that could not be ignored in the endless black smoke.
    A huge stream of black gold suddenly exploded from the red and black sky, and black smoke fell straight down, quickly transforming into a human form.
    The Demon Lord was dressed in a black robe, with a hollow silver knife binding his hair, and a bright red ribbon tied in his hair. There were purple-red flowers between his eyebrows, and his angular face was cold and cold.
    You only dared to secretly glance in his direction, and it turned out that the demon king who dominated the three realms was so handsome.
    The Demon Lord looked coldly at the light blue figure in the dark smoke. It was you who was weak and timid.
    The moment he saw your face clearly, his handsome eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of surprise flashing across his face.
    Immediately, a cold and deep voice echoed throughout the Demon Realm: "Send her to Cangling Palace."
    "As you command!"
    You looked blank. Why did the Demon Lord's voice sound vaguely familiar?
    Before you had time to think, you were lifted up into the air by a group of little demons and spun around towards Canngling Palace.
    Every time you get closer to Canngling Palace, your heart sinks.
    Are you about to face death so soon?
    You came to Canngling Palace anxiously.
    You look at the Demon Lord on the gilded seat at the end of the hall, kneel down on your knees, and perform the most solemn kneeling ceremony, "See the Demon Lord." The Demon Lord
    holds a blood bead in his hand and looks at you lightly. : "Go to the pool."
    "What?" You were stunned, not understanding the meaning of his order.
    He chuckled lightly and stepped down from the seat. He was more than half a head taller than you, and he was very oppressive. His handsome eyes roamed around your light blue clothes, and his low magnetic voice surrounded your ears: " No one taught you what to do?"
    "No...the messengers said they would see the Demon Lord first and wait for your order..." You were shocked by his cold aura, but you didn't dare to step back even half a step, you couldn't even breathe. A little tighter.
    You continued tremblingly: "Then I have to do whatever you say and listen to you in everything." "
    So why are you still standing there?"
    You finally came to your senses and quickly turned around and walked towards the pool in the center of the hall, raising your feet. Just as he was about to go down, the deep and strong voice came from behind again.
    "You wear a full set of clothes when you take a shower?" He found it quite funny.
    You turned your head in embarrassment, confused. What on earth was going on? Was it necessary to clean up before going to the fire?
    But you didn't dare to hesitate, so you had to raise your hands and start to unbutton your clothes.
    When you took off your innermost layer of thin clothing, your face turned red and you shyly raised your eyes to look at the Demon Lord who was very close to you and was not shy about watching you take off your clothes.
    Why doesn't he leave? Why is he still watching you take off your clothes?
    The Demon Lord saw through your thoughts, and not only avoided looking at you, but also said jokingly: "What? You want me to help you take it off?"
    author has something to say: Go to Aifa to see it later~

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