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the crazy gangster who robs and robs x the weak girl you are targeted by him (1)

You were stopped on your way home from school.
    The man was very tall and had a very good-looking face, but he had a gangster air about him, especially when there were a group of tall followers behind him.
    He stared at your face for two seconds and asked, "Do you know where Xu Shen lives?"
    When you heard this man say your cousin's name, you quickly became alert, shook your head and said, "I don't know."
    But you He could see the panic that flashed across his face.
    He sneered, glanced down at your school uniform, pinched your face with a sneer, "Good students also lie?"
    His hands were very strong, and the cheek he pinched instantly turned red.
    "I really don't know..." You were so scared that your voice sounded like crying, and you quickly turned around and left.
    "Did I let you go?" He grabbed your schoolbag easily.
    You raised your head, your eyes already turning red: "I'm going home."
    "Stop talking nonsense and lead the way." He said impatiently.
    This man seemed too difficult to mess with, and you didn't dare to go against his will, so you had no choice but to take him to your cousin's house unwillingly.
    "Qiaoqiao is here..." When your cousin saw the man behind you, the smile on his face froze instantly.
    You said guiltily: "My cousin, I'm sorry. He, he insisted on me bringing him here."
    Your cousin's face was ugly, but his tone was still gentle: "It's okay. Qiaoqiao, please go home first.
    " "Oh." You answered quietly. He glanced at the man next to him.
    Unexpectedly, he was also looking at you. You were so frightened that you quickly turned around and left your cousin's house.
    But when you think about the man and a group of people breaking into your cousin's house, you feel extremely uneasy and turn back midway.
    As soon as you arrived at the door, you heard a violent fight in the house and the sound of bottles being smashed.
    You were frightened when you heard it. You were afraid that your cousin was in danger and prepared to call the police.
    Just as you pressed the numbers, the door opened.
    The man strode out, his sleeves stained with blood, and his whole body exuded an aura of anger that was not easy to deal with.
    The floor inside the door was a mess, and the cousin lying on the ground was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and passed out...
    Your face suddenly turned pale, this man is so scary.
    You wanted to run away, but he easily grabbed you, unable to move.
    He noticed your phone and snatched it away, "Want to call the police?"
    You subconsciously retorted: "I don't have it, please give me your phone back."
    He twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice: "You like lying so much? It seems that you haven't been punished."
    The simple words or two coming out of his mouth were inexplicably terrifying, and you had a sense of danger that he would carry you over and beat you up in the next second.
    You quickly admit your mistake: "I was wrong. I won't lie or call the police." "You lied
    to me twice in a row. You can't just admit your mistake."
    You: "Then what do you want..."
    He didn't answer, but flipped through your phone with interest. After looking at your various social apps, he suddenly laughed.
    You don't know why, but you dare not say anything for fear of being beaten.
    "Your name is Xu Qiao? Do you want to take the A-level film and television performance exam?"
    You thought it had nothing to do with him, but you replied obediently: "Yes."
    He chuckled with unknown meaning and asked, "Can you pass the exam? "
    I can pass the exam!" You roared bravely.
    He found it quite funny. He had been so cowardly just now that when he mentioned the subject of college entrance exams, it was as if he had been given blood.
    After you yelled, you started to get timid again, and added in a low voice: "As long as you can pass the exam."
    "Okay." The man raised his eyebrows slightly and said lazily: "Then you will be responsible for paying off the debt owed by your cousin. .

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