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The powerful and crazy regent × the subjugated princess

The moment the enemy invaded the city gate, as the princess of the Jiang Kingdom, you knew full well the miserable fate of being captured by the enemy, and even more regretted your original stupidity. You dressed in gorgeous clothes and jumped off the city wall without hesitation. And down, bent on death.
    However, nothing happened as expected, and you were rescued.
    The person who rescues you is Pei Yu, the regent who is really in power behind the enemy country.
    "Want to die? It's not that simple." Pei Yu took you away, holding your wrist with great strength.
    You staggered and followed him to the enemy's camp. The passing soldiers were shocked when they saw that their superior regent actually detained a little girl himself.
    The Kingdom of Jiang is dead. Although you are a princess, the Kingdom of Jiang is dead. You don’t understand why Pei Yu captured you.
    You obviously have no use value anymore.
    Five days later, all the cities and counties in Jiang State have been completely annexed by Yue State, and you followed the army to the capital of Yue State.
    The palace he imprisoned you in was better than a prison. There were people inside and outside watching your every word and action.
    "What do you want?" You were tortured, just asking him to give you a clear conclusion.
    Pei Yu has just returned from attending court in the palace. He is still wearing gorgeous official uniforms. His handsome features still retain a bit of the fierceness of strategizing in the court. He looks at you with a wolf-like look: "What do you think, Your Highness, Princess?"
    Hearing him After pronouncing this ironic title, hatred surged in your heart. You lowered your head and said coldly: "I am no longer a princess."
    "Yes or no, it doesn't matter. Your Highness, the princess only needs to understand that you are not allowed to step out of this place in the future." Step by step." Pei Yu moved closer to you step by step, his black eyes seeming like a vortex trying to suck you in and swallow you completely.
    The first time you saw this look was two years ago, when you were assassinated by a group of assassins while traveling, and it was he who saved you at the critical moment. The way he looked at you was as determined as ever.
    At that time, you didn't know that he was the regent of an enemy country. You just sighed that this husband was so handsome, and his skills were even more powerful than those of the imperial guards. For the first time in your life, you experienced what it felt like to have your heart beat.
    In order to thank him, you brought him back to the Princess Mansion and treated him warmly. Later, when you found out that he was going to the city to find his relatives, you allowed him to stay in the Princess Mansion temporarily and sent more people to help him find his relatives.
    During this period, as unruly and willful as you were, you also treated him with tenderness and sincerity that you had never experienced before. You treated him better than anyone else and you regarded him as your true love.
    Later, he left without saying goodbye. You had insomnia day and night, worried that something might happen to him, and kept sending people to search for him, making you feel quite haggard.
    Later, when the Vietnamese army came to the city, you saw the familiar face of the regent supported by everyone on the high platform, and you suddenly came to your senses.
    It turns out that what you brought back to the Princess Mansion was a Zhongshan Wolf. Not only was the so-called family search an excuse for him to lie to you, but even your assassination was arranged by him. His purpose was to use the cover of your Princess Mansion to carry out the plan. The purpose of his layout and planning in Jiang State.
    And you have become his accomplice in destroying the Jiang Kingdom and the sinner of the entire Jiang Kingdom.
    With tears in your eyes, you smiled sadly: "Why don't you kill me, or let me die, I just want to die." "Your
    Highness, Jiang Country is rotten from the inside out. Even without me, Jiang Country's Destruction is also inevitable." After Pei Yu heard that you wanted to die, the hands at his sides clenched tightly, but his face remained as calm as water, stating the facts indifferently.
    You shook your head, tears kept falling, and you choked and said sadly: "That's different, it's different."
    The officials in Jiang State are corrupt, and the people are living in dire straits, and you don't know this.
    But it is destroyed and destroyed, and you must not be an accomplice in promoting this result, especially his accomplice. This is extremely cruel to you.
    "What's the difference?" He suddenly raised your chin, forcing you to look directly at him, asking you to look at him to answer.
    You stare at this handsome face that has touched your heartstrings several times and made you hate him so many times. It is difficult to say all the words that are stuck in your heart.
    What can you say? Say that you once gave your sincerity, that you once defied your father's marriage by marriage and only wanted to marry him, that you were heartbroken after he suddenly disappeared, that you cried bitterly for countless nights and just wanted to marry him. Wasn't the young man from that day the one who destroyed your country?
    But in the end your lips trembled and you said nothing.
    He won't understand. He only sees power and conspiracy, so how can he understand your heartache.
    "Your Highness, stay here well and don't try to escape." He didn't embarrass you anymore, just said this and walked away.
    You just want to laugh. Even if you can escape from this mansion, there is no place for you in the world.
    The country is ruined and the family is ruined. You are an accomplice of the evil deeds. How can you live with dignity...
    The night is dark and the wind is high. You take out the bag of poison you got from your sleeve by bribing the maid not long ago, and pour it into the tea cup without any expression on your face. Drink it in one gulp without hesitation.
    "Here comes someone! Miss Jiang committed suicide!"
    A tall and upright figure pushed aside the crowd like crazy, rushed into the room, slid to the ground, climbed up in embarrassment, and carefully picked up the girl with her eyes closed.
    "Awan! Awan!" He probed your nose with trembling hands, his eyes were scarlet, and his sanity completely collapsed, "Call all the doctors in the capital! If you can't save her, everyone will be executed!" He was surrounded and suppressed
    back then, and his life was hanging by a thread. Pei Yu, who was not afraid, felt extreme fear for the first time in his life.
    The follow-up is about the male protagonist chasing his wife in the crematorium. You can watch it on AiDang.
    ID: Xiong Xiongnan

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