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Picky Vampire You × Crazy Yandere who wants to tie you with blood (1)

You are a picky vampire.
    Yes, I am very picky about food. You will be disgusted by the stale and tasteless blood after just one taste.
    "They all taste terrible!" You are annoyed. No one you have captured these days satisfies you.
    The elder laughed dumbly: "You scare those people half to death every time. Is their blood good to drink?" "
    I want to suck blood, but don't they have to be scared to death? What can I do?"
    The elder said again: "You How can you tie people up without saying a word? You have to do it slowly, you have to be able to coax them to trust you, and even be willing to suck their blood..."
    You suddenly realized that this was how it was supposed to be.
    A week later, you regroup and target a poorly managed sports academy.
    The people here are young, energetic and in good physical condition.
    In order to get in touch with them better, you applied for a job as a dormitory manager.
    "Have you seen the new dormitory manager? She is so beautiful."
    "Don't call her the dormitory manager, we call her old. She looks about the same age as us." "
    And she is very gentle, and I will agree to help if I ask her. , You are such a good person."
    When you heard their discussion while passing by, you suppressed the ecstasy in your heart.
    Awesome, I have deceived them initially, and the next step is to find the perfect blood-sucking target.
    But unexpectedly, I was so lucky that delicious food was delivered to my door.
    "Sister, do you have a band-aid?"
    This man's name is Fang Yibai. As his name suggests, he looks fair and tender. I never expected that he is an excellent long-distance runner.
    However, people who are so flamboyant and outstanding on the field are actually bullied by their bedfellows in private.
    You helped him several times.
    Not even a few days had passed, but he was actually injured again. There was a long bloody cut on the back of his hand, and blood kept dripping down.
    As soon as the smell of blood wafts over, all the cells in your body start to boil involuntarily.
    The blood smells so good! I really want to suck it!
    Your eyes were almost glowing red, but you were afraid of scaring him, so you held back: "Your wound is so deep, a band-aid is not enough. Let me bandage it for you."
    He was shy and uneasy: "This is too deep. Sorry to bother you..."
    "No trouble." You smiled and pulled him to the bench aside, took out the medical kit and bandaged him carefully.
    This process is a great test for you.
    His blood is so fresh and the color is so beautiful that just smelling it makes you want to jump on it.
    But you must remember the elder’s words, you must take your time, you must not scare him, and you must gain his trust and dependence.
    "Yibai, why are you injured again?"
    He lowered his eyes, looking like he was hesitating to speak, looking like he had suffered great grievances.
    You suddenly knew something in your mind and said, "Did your roommate do it again? That's too much. This time I'll help you teach them a lesson." "
    No, no need." He quickly stopped you, "Just bear with it and let it go." "
    Then I'll help you teach them a lesson." How can it be done!" How can your delicious food be allowed to be destroyed by others? It will affect the taste!
    You finished bandaging him and rushed into his dormitory.
    It's a piece of cake for you to deal with a few ordinary college students who are helpless.
    But you didn't make things too difficult for them, lest they go to the school to report you.
    "If any of you dare to bully Yibai again, I will deal with him." You changed your usual gentle and sweet style and warned them aggressively.
    When you turned to leave, you didn't see the astonished expressions on the faces of the boys.
    a week later.
    "Sister, thank you. Since you helped me, they haven't given me any trouble."
    Fang Yibai came here specially to thank you and bought a lot of delicious food.
    But human food has little appeal to you.
    It's the hand he stretched out that makes you unable to take your eyes away. The blue blood vessels under the fair skin are clearly visible, and the delicious blood flowing in them can make you energetic.
    "Does sister like my hands very much?" he asked doubtfully.

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