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Crazy and perverted gangster x innocent little white flower you

"Please, let me go."
    Your fifth escape plan failed, and you were captured again by the tall man in front of you and brought back to the villa. Under the dim light, his handsome and three-dimensional face was hidden in the darkness, covering his face at this time. The shadow is furious.
    Half a year ago, you came to a tourist town in country L for vacation. Everything was going well, but suddenly there was turmoil. Under the many dangers, you thought you would die. Unexpectedly, you
    hid in a small town in desperation. The warehouse makes you lucky to survive.
    Just lucky, not completely lucky.
    You think you have escaped death, but you don't want to turn around and step into another abyss where life is worse than death.
    That warehouse is under the jurisdiction of the local gang. Although your rash intrusion did not annoy them, it attracted the attention of the tall and gloomy man Wei Yan.
    The way Wei Yan looks at you is like a hunter looking at prey that has fallen into a trap. He is extremely aggressive and the pressure makes you terrified. And his actual actions also confirmed his wolf-like eyes.
    From that day on, you were locked in this villa, and you were forced step by step by him to tear away all innocence. Whenever night fell, you were dragged into the sea of desire by him.
    At first you resisted strongly, but then you became aware of his ruthlessness and perversion, and began to learn to behave, and were finally allowed to leave the villa where you were imprisoned.
    But just when you thought you had hope of escaping, you discovered that you were on an isolated island, and the island was full of his people.
    Your every move is being monitored, and there is no hope of escaping. Despair engulfs you once again. You cry and beg him to let you go.
    He raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of your eyes. His fingertips were calloused from years of holding hands. He rubbed your delicate skin and made you tremble.
    "Nono, isn't it nice here? Why do you always want to run away?" His tone was extremely gentle, but you could still hear the anger hidden in his words.
    You couldn't stop your tears from flowing and said with a choked voice, "I want to go home, I want to go home."
    "This is your home." He lowered his head and kissed away the tears running down your cheeks.
    When your crying subsided, his deep voice sounded again: "Nono, this is the fifth time you have made me angry. What do you think I should do to punish you?"
    You shook your head in fear, nearly three months in prison | Don't let your spirit be on the verge of collapse, and you can only repeat "please let me go" in confusion.
    However, these words only made Wei Yan's anger reach a higher level. His eyes suddenly darkened, and he wrapped his hands around your waist and turned you over.
    Kneeling on your knees, your head was turned to the side to receive his domineering and hot kiss. The process of almost punishment and humiliation lasted for more than an hour...
    You cried until your throat became hoarse, and you lay on the ground limply. His anger dissipated. He picked you up a lot and carried you into the bathroom...
    After washing you, he held you in his arms. While sliding his fingers across your collarbone, he threatened in a low voice: "Nono, are you still going to run?" "
    No. I ran away... I dare not run away..." You answered him choked with sobs, because you knew that once your words dissatisfied him, you would not be able to sleep peacefully tonight.
    "What if you run away again? How about you take off your beautiful legs and give them to me?" He was not that easy to fool.
    You were frightened by his words and kept promising: "I won't run away again, I really won't run away again, really."
    He chuckled, kissed you on the lips, and said playfully: "It's best this way. Nono, don't go back on your word."
    Late at night, he fell asleep with his arms around you.
    Just when you were about to fall asleep, there was a sudden knock on the door.
    "Brother Yan, something happened over there on Beidao."
    Your consciousness suddenly wakes up and your heart beats faster. It's Mingli who has taken action. After waiting for so long, the light finally comes.
    Mingli was hiding among Wei Yan's men as an undercover agent. When you failed to escape for the fourth time, he found you, revealed his identity to you and was willing to help you, on the condition that you sneak into Wei Yan's secret room and get a a secret document.
    Unaware of your secret joy, Wei Yan kissed your face and said dotingly: "Be good, wait until I come back." "
    Yes." You responded vaguely, pretending to be still asleep.
    After he left, the room returned to silence. You waited for several minutes before tiptoeing out of bed.
    The sea breeze is howling, the dawn sky is slightly bright, and the rising sun is about to rise slowly from the sea level.
    You stand on the deck of the cruise ship, letting the cold sea breeze hit your cheeks, staring at the island getting farther and farther away from you.
    "It's a pleasure to cooperate." Mingli accepted the document bag you handed him, with a smile in his eyes.
    You nodded: "It's a pleasure to cooperate. Mr. Ming, where is this ship going?"
    Mingli: "Haibingzhen, we will arrange a car to take you to the airport and back to your original place."
    This simple sentence is what you long for. After nearly half a year of dreaming, you can finally escape from this nightmare place and go home.
    After returning to your hometown, you met your parents who you thought about day and night.
    "It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."
    They have aged a lot, and they have been worried about you for half a year, and their hair has turned gray, but you are afraid that they will be sad, so you only dare to tell them half the truth to comfort them.
    After staying at home for less than half a month, you would dream about that man at night, dreaming about him pressing you against the bathroom, the piano, the sofa...
    "Ah--" You woke up suddenly, and it took a long time to calm down.
    You realize that you can no longer stay at home like this. You have to reintegrate into society and use your busyness to forget the nightmare life of the past six months and forget about that devilish man.
    With constant self-promotion, you started a new job and moved to an apartment long away from the company. Your life slowly got back on track, and that memory gradually became blurred.
    Two years later.
    You returned to your apartment after working overtime, closing the door while changing your shoes. After putting on your shoes, you pressed the light button on the wall, but the light did not come on.
    Is the light broken?
    You turned on the flashlight of your phone suspiciously, but the moment the light came on, you saw someone sitting on the sofa in the living room.
    “Ah——” You were so frightened that your legs became weak and you quickly dialed the number to call the police.
    And the man stood up, walked towards you, and snatched your phone easily.
    With the light of your phone's flashlight, you saw the man's face clearly, it was Wei Yan.
    Shouldn't he be in jail? How would it appear here?
    In an instant, blood surged up like a countercurrent, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of strength. He collapsed limply on the ground, his lips turning white and trembling constantly.
    Wei Yan knelt down and came close to you. His impeccably handsome features magnified in front of your eyes, just like the fear he brought you.
    His cold fingers scratched your cheek, and his deep voice lingered in your ears: "Nono, long time no see."
    Follow up in AiDian, ID: Xiong Xiongnan

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