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the extremely possessive and sinister male protagonist x you who fell into the wolf pit (1)

You have been kidnapped.
    When life and death are at stake, the person who comes to save you is your fiancé...'s good brother He Cheng.
    You looked around and asked in disappointment and anger, "Why didn't Feng Yihan come?"
    Feng Yihan is your fiancé.
    He Cheng hesitated and said, "He has something to do and he can't come."
    "What's the matter?"
    He Cheng said, "I can't say."
    Your face was filled with anger, and you turned around to leave without saying a word.
    Seeing that you were angry, he quickly changed his words: "I said, I said, Feng Yihan... went to celebrate Bai Lin's birthday."
    Bai Lin is Feng Yihan's ex-girlfriend.
    Since Bai Lin returned to China two months ago, your fiancé has often gone to see her.
    You held back your previous anger. But this time it's a matter of life and death, and you'll never forgive him again.
    You were completely disappointed and suddenly looked up at the man in front of you who was as good-looking as your fiancé.
    "He Cheng, do you like me?"
    He Chengjun blushed and nodded shyly: "Yes."
    "Then let's get married." You said firmly.
    Since Feng Yihan doesn't care whether you live or die, then you don't bother to care about his face.
    It would be best to stay with his good brother and piss him off to death!
    He Cheng's eyes flashed and he nodded without a trace of hesitation: "Okay."
    The flash marriage between you and He Cheng caused a sensation in the entire circle of relatives and friends.
    Feng Yihan was heartbroken when he found out: "When did you get close to He Cheng?"
    You felt disgusted by his hypocrisy: "Stop pretending. When I was kidnapped and almost died, what about you? You were actually there Celebrating your ex-girlfriend’s birthday.”
    His expression froze, his pupils dilated in disbelief, “What kidnapping? What birthday??”
    It’s this innocent and confused look again. He’s so good at acting, but you won’t believe it this time. He did.
    You are completely cut off from your fiancé.
    He Cheng listened to your words and cut off contact with this former good brother.
    You also have a good impression of He Cheng, who has always chosen you.
    After marriage, He Cheng has a high quotient, is gentle and patient, and knows how to please the elderly.
    Even your dad, who is so picky, took the initiative to bring him into contact with the family's core industry.
    This was a good thing, but strangely, the family quickly became centered on He Cheng.
    The eyes of the elders are all on him, and your parents are becoming more and more distant from you.
    "Yingying, why are you unhappy?" He Cheng hugged you from behind and asked gently.
    You muttered: "My parents now regard you as their own son, and I have become an outsider."
    He Cheng smiled: "How come, you will always be their precious daughter."
    You turned around and looked at it in confusion. Xiang him, "But they don't talk to me much now."
    "They just talk less as they get older, don't think too much about it." He gently rubbed the top of your hair and comforted you softly.
    You felt a lot more comfortable being coaxed by him.
    But the weirdness continues.
    Your good friends in the past gradually stop asking you out and don't talk to you much.
    You seem to be trapped on a closed island, and only He Cheng will care about you.
    "Why are my friends ignoring me?" You are very disappointed.
    You don't like the feeling that the world is getting smaller and smaller, until He Cheng is the only one there.
    "Everyone is too busy."
    "But... I was busy before, and I found that since I got married, I have fewer and fewer social interactions."
    He Cheng lowered his eyes, hugged you and said, "How about Shall I go out with you to relax this weekend?"
    You looked up and saw the tired blue-grey look under his eyes.
    He's so busy, so you'd better not add any more burden to him.
    "No, I'll just go for a walk by myself."
    He Cheng agreed, but he made a phone call after you went to bed.
    But you don't know this.

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