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the cruel yandere and crazy cat demon × Buddhist beauty you (3)

It's not important. You just need to know that she has a boyfriend. Don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have in the future and stay away from her."
    Ozawa lied without any guilt, making people really think that there was such a thing. Something happened.
    Tanxu was stunned again and again, and then he asked tentatively: "Are you... afraid that she will fall in love with you?"
    The young man's fair face was suddenly stained with an angry crimson. If it weren't for the public at this moment, he really wanted to directly Choke this ungrateful man to death.
    Seeing the young man's expression, Tanxu knew that he had guessed correctly.
    But at the same time, Tanxu was more shocked. He never expected that someone with such outstanding appearance would be at a disadvantage in your relationship.
    Although you are good-looking, you are just a pretty little beauty at best.
    As for the young man in front of him, he looked like a top-notch handsome guy who has been pursued since he was a child.
    He actually becomes suspicious in love and is afraid of every potential love rival.
    "Then I want to compete with you." Tanxu smiled proudly.
    Ozawa narrowed his eyes and said, "You know she has a boyfriend, but you still want to rob her?" "
    So what? As long as she's not married, I can fight for her."
    At this moment, Tan Xu also tore off his usual disguise . The image of a humble gentleman is sure to win.
    Ozawa sneered, and the ferocity in his eyes appeared: "You asked for this."
    He dropped these words and left with a sneer.
    Tanxu didn't take this seriously, just thinking that the boy was too young and his words were average.
    At first glance, the young man is still a college student, with an impetuous mind. Although he doesn't look as good as him, at least he has a calm personality.
    Thinking of this, Tanxu felt more confident.
    When you got home, you found that Ozawa was not there.
    After searching inside and outside, you couldn't find that snow-white figure, and you immediately became panicked.
    Just as he was about to go out to look for her, a familiar little figure appeared.
    It was a fleshy ball, with its little tail wagging, its blue eyes filled with tears, its head drooped, looking very downcast.
    The anger in your heart suddenly subsided, and you picked it up worriedly: "Where did you go? I just said something harsh to you, but you dared to run away from home." "
    Meow~~" it whimpered and rubbed your hand. , tears fell down.
    This look makes one feel pity.
    "You can't bite people randomly in the future, you know?"
    "Meow~" it responded obediently.
    You thought it had listened, carried it home, and gave it a bath.
    At night, you sleep with it as usual.
    Just when he was about to fall asleep, his phone received a message from Tan Xu.
    ——[Qinyue, are you free this weekend? I happen to have two front-row tickets for the Chapter xx concert. 】
    You really want to go to this concert, but you haven’t been able to get the tickets after trying for a long time.
    Unexpectedly, Tan Xu actually had two of them, and they were still in the front row!
    Ozawa, who was leaning on your shoulder, also saw the news.
    Its blue eyes instantly darkened.
    You reply: [Okay, how much is the ticket price? I’ll forward it to you. 】
    Tanxu: 【I got this with the help of a friend, no money. 】
    When you see that he refuses to accept money, you plan to buy some gifts for him that day. You can’t just take someone else’s money for nothing.
    "Meow~meow~" Ozawa nuzzled your neck at this time.
    You smiled and said, "Are you urging me to sleep? I know, I'll go to sleep right away."
    Pat, you turned off the night light, lay down and fell asleep holding the warm cat.
    When your breathing calmed down, the ragdoll cat in your arms turned into a teenager.
    He looked at you infatuatedly for a while, then cautiously leaned closer and pecked you on the lips.
    Then he quietly got up and went out, and didn't come back until late at night.
    Two days later, Monday.
    When you go to work, you find that Tanxu didn't come today.
    "Don't you know? Tanxu didn't know what he bumped into the night before. He seemed to be completely frightened. Now he is in the hospital."
    You were stunned and immediately sent a message to Tanxu to express your concern.
    As soon as the message was sent, a red exclamation point popped up.
    Tanxu blocked you!
    You were confused, but nevertheless, you went to visit him in the hospital after get off work.
    Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked in, he kept screaming like he was seeing a ghost, and he was very excited.
    In order not to affect his treatment, you had no choice but to put down the fruit basket and leave.
    He just invited you to the concert the night before, why did he block you out of nowhere?
    And when you go to see him, he actually rejects you so much.
    A few days later, you heard that Tan Xu had resigned and was going back to his hometown to recuperate.
    The account he blocked has never been released.
    You couldn't help but feel sad, sad for his condition and sad that you had lost a good friend.
    "Ozawa, was he very angry after being bitten last time when he came to my house?" " I apologized to him, but he didn't mind at all at the time. I thought he really didn't take it to heart."     "But
    I apologized to him.
Now it seems that he really hates me and has blocked me directly."
    You kept talking to Ozawa, feeling sour and uncomfortable in your heart.
    This time, Ozawa did not wag his tail loudly like usual, but lay quietly on your lap.
    You don't care and continue to talk about it like a tree hole.
    "Hey, I must be more careful in the future. I don't have many friends to begin with."
    After saying this, his lying head suddenly lifted up and looked at you brightly.
    You smiled: "Ozawa, do you want to say that you are also my sister's friend?"

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