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The pestering yandere male vixen 3

"Okay, okay." You coaxed him like a child.
    Xiaoxuan was finally satisfied until he saw you take back the heart-protecting lock from the male fox.
    This farce has finally ended. "Xiao Xuan?" You didn't expect that Xiao Xuan would secretly follow you down the mountain to here.
    You pretended to be calm and said: "He is a good friend I met while traveling in the world."
    Xiaoxuan didn't believe it at all. He smelled it carefully and became even more angry: "I smelled a demonic energy on him. He is a demon! You How can you mix with monsters?"
    You are not good at lying, and Xiaoxuan is also a monster hunter with great magic power, so you can't deceive him at all.
    "It's not what you think. He's not that kind of evil spirit." You explained feebly, and you were embarrassed to admit that you were deceived by the male fox's beauty.
    Taking advantage of the gap between your confrontations, the male fox deliberately took out a golden heart-protecting lock from his sleeve and tied it around his waist as if nothing had happened.
    This heart-protecting lock was given to you by Xiaoxuan.
    With your back to the male fox, you couldn't see his little move.
    But Xiaoxuan saw it clearly and recognized it at a glance as the heart-protecting lock he once gave you.
    Xiaoxuan's expression suddenly changed, and the veins on his forehead popped out with anger. Without saying a word, he drew out his long sword and stabbed the male fox fiercely.
    "Xiao Xuan, stop!" You were frightened, why did Xiao Xuan suddenly move his hands.
    Your male fox has weak demonic power and can't even defeat an underwater general. How could he be Xiaoxuan's opponent?
    You immediately stood in front of the male fox, formed a seal and cast a spell to attack Xiaoxuan.
    But in a moment of impatience, you accidentally hit Xiaoxuan and seriously injured him.
    "Senior sister, you did this to me for a demon?" Xiaoxuan's eyes were hurt.
    You feel very guilty: "I'm sorry, Xiaoxuan. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted you to stop." "
    Why stop? He is a demon, and we are demon hunters. Killing him is only natural!" "
    He didn't do any evil. Why do you want to kill them all?"
    You refused and started arguing with Xiaoxuan.
    At this time, the male fox had already put the heart-protecting lock back on his sleeve, and he came over with a guilty look on his face and said, "It's all my fault, Qingqing, don't quarrel with your junior brother because of me."
    You use the Dharma name when you go out. , only people who are very close to you know your real name - Qingqing.
    The male fox's "Qing Qing" means that his relationship with you is extraordinary.
    There are items related to you hanging everywhere in this room. You also love to eat the food he cooked. You missed him after a day on the mountain and even fought with Xiaoxuan because of him.
    Thinking of all this, Xiaoxuan became jealous and completely lost control. He rushed over and killed the male fox regardless of the situation.
    However, Xiaoxuan's behavior is simply unreasonable in your eyes.
    "Zhou Xuan!" You called Xiaoxuan's full name.
    Xiaoxuan's back froze, and he looked shocked: "Senior sister..."
    "If you dare to hurt him, don't call me senior sister in the future!" You were also angry this time and put down your harsh words.
    The male fox obviously did nothing wrong. How could Xiaoxuan insist on killing the male fox because of his inherent prejudice?
    Xiaoxuan's pupils shrank, his handsome face was full of grievance and sadness, and he whispered: "Senior sister, am I not as important as a goblin?" "
    Of course you are more important, Xiaoxuan, but you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately." You don't even think about it. to answer.
    The expression of the male fox behind him froze, and his eyes flashed with coldness.
    Some are sad and some are happy.
    Xiaoxuan finally calmed down after hearing that he was more important.
    Xiaoxuan retracted his sword and said, "Okay, I won't touch him. But senior sister, you can't get so close to him anymore." "
    I know." You prevaricated, "I will let him go later. ."
    "Let's let this matter go for now." Xiaoxuan still twisted his handsome face and continued to cross-examine angrily: "Then why did you give him the heart-protecting lock I gave you?"
    You explained: "I didn't give it to him, I just gave it to him. He's taking care of it for me."
    "Keep it yourself! Don't give it to him!"
    After Xiaoxuan was sent away, you had time to care about the male fox. Seeing his lowered eyebrows and listless look, you thought he was injured and hurriedly asked for it. Check.
    But he shook his head and said, "I'm not hurt."
    "Then what's wrong with you?"
    The male fox slowly raised his eyes, his clear peach blossom eyes were watery, his eyelids were red, he was helpless and pitiful: " Please don't abandon me. I will be very good and obedient. I will do whatever you ask me to do." "
    When did I say I don't want you anymore?"
    Male Fox: "You just told that person that you would let me do it later. Let's go..."
    You reacted and laughed dumbly: "I was lying to him! Look at the way he is going crazy. If I don't coax him, I'm afraid there will be a big fuss tonight." "
    So you don't Will you drive me away?"
    You couldn't help but feel distressed when you looked at his frightened look. You raised your hand to rub his hair and comforted him, "I won't drive you away, don't worry." The
    loss in the male fox's eyes Even though it was reduced a bit, he hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't hold it back: "Then... am I important in your heart?"
    You were stunned. You really hadn't thought about this question.
    If it weren't for Xiaoxuan's sudden intrusion tonight, you wouldn't have thought that you would still be protecting a fox like this.
    "It's important." You nodded, "Otherwise I wouldn't protect you so much."
    The male fox curled his lips. It's important, but it's not good enough.
    It has to be the most important one.
    The continuation of this article is on iPower: Xiong Xiongnan

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