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the violent and crazy gangster × you who were imprisoned by design

Your boyfriend takes the initiative to take you to a tourist island for vacation.
    "Why do you want to go on vacation all of a sudden?" You remember that he has been worried about failed investments recently.
    "Bring you here to relax." Your boyfriend was too guilty to look at you, so he just dragged you to the hotel room you reserved.
    You are quite relieved that this workaholic has finally come to his senses.
    "Let's go."
    He walked a little hastily, and finally reached the door of the room, but he hesitated to open it.
    You asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"
    Your boyfriend looked at you several times, as if hesitating, and finally put the room card into your hand.
    "Nian Nian, you go in first, I'll go to the front desk to do something."
    After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry.
    You frowned, why were you so anxious about something, why was he acting so weird.
    After the room card clicked, you dragged your suitcase and walked in.
    It's cool inside, and the air conditioner was turned on early.
    Just as you were sighing at the attentive service in this hotel, you found someone sitting inside.
    The man was sitting on the sofa with his legs bent. He had a good-looking face, but his eyes were sharp and a bit fierce.
    "Sorry, I went to the wrong room." You were very embarrassed that you went to the wrong room.
    However, you tried so many times that you couldn't open the door, and you were so anxious that you broke into a sweat.
    "Don't waste your efforts."
    The man behind him suddenly spoke, his voice was slightly cool, but also revealed a trace of ease and comfort.
    You turned your head and looked at him warily and horrified, only then did you realize that his face looked a little familiar.
    "Why did you forget me so quickly?" The man's eyes turned cold, he stood up and walked towards you with his long legs.
    As he got closer, the scent of cedar drifted over him, mixed with the faint scent of tobacco.
    Your eyes widened in an instant: "It's you!"
    The vague memory came back, and you remembered what happened more than two years ago at this moment.
    At that time, you had just graduated and went to the border to support teaching. By chance, you helped a tall and handsome man.
    After that, you met him. You regarded him as a friend, but he had other thoughts about you.
    It wasn't until later that I learned that he was a gangster, with a violent and cruel personality, arrogant in his actions, and even blood on his hands.
    You had followed the rules since you were a child and didn't dare to have too much contact with such a person, so you cut off contact with him after the teaching mission ended.
    But unexpectedly, he would come to find you in the city where you work.
    You understood what he was thinking and firmly rejected him.
    I still remember that he had to leave because of something urgent.
    You didn't expect that he would appear in front of you again after such a long time.
    Now, his aura is getting stronger, his brows and eyes are even more fierce, and he feels full of oppression.
    Presumably the urgent matter has been solved and he has managed to get ahead.
    You tried to stay calm and lowered your head to greet him: "Huo Qi, long time no see. What do you want from me?"
    "What do you think?" Huo Qi's long, clean fingers pinched your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
    The enthusiasm in his eyes was the same as it was two years ago, instead of decreasing, it was increasing.
    You were so nervous that you sweated: "I already have a boyfriend."
    He smiled contemptuously and said coldly: "Because I betrayed you for only five million, is this what you call your boyfriend?"
    "What?" You My mind went blank.
    What he means is that your boyfriend tricked you here for money and fell into his hands?
    "No way, he's not like that!" You refused to believe it.
    Huo Qi took out his cell phone and dialed the number, saying, "You might as well listen to what he said."
    You took the phone tremblingly, and a familiar male voice came from the receiver.
    "Nian Nian, I'm sorry. I lied to you."
    Your heart aches, your ears buzz, and your throat is so dry that you can't speak.
    The boyfriend's voice continued: "I owe a lot of loan sharks, and those people threatened to kill me if I don't pay back... Nian Nian, I really have no choice, I'm sorry..." The
    call ended abruptly here.
    Huo Qi took back the phone and looked at you condescendingly: "Do you understand?"
    "Yes." Your body was as cold as if you had fallen into an ice cellar, your legs were weak, and you almost fell down.
    With quick eyes and hands, Huo Qi grabbed your waist and thrust you in front of him. His clear and low voice was like magic silver: "
    It's really annoying to reject me and choose such a loser."
    You are incontinent to tears . I have a physical constitution that makes me cry easily when I am scared or wronged.
    Your eyes were filled with tears at this time, and when you saw his sinister expression, you couldn't help but cry.
    In Huo Qi's opinion, you are crying now because you are sad because you were betrayed by your boyfriend.
    To actually cry for an incompetent and despicable loser.
    His face became darker and darker, and his grip on your chin became stronger and stronger.
    Just when you felt like your bones were about to be crushed, he suddenly leaned down and blocked your lips.
    The hot and domineering kiss left you breathless.
    Your waist was tightly clung to him, and you quickly felt the changes underneath him.
    You were afraid that he would mess up, so you froze for a moment, not daring to move. You were crying while accepting his angry kiss.
    After a long time, he finally let you breathe fresh air.
    But when you glance there, you find that it's even worse than before.
    "You..." You backed away in fear.
    But he directly grabbed your hand and pressed it there...
    You felt the boiling soup and hardness, and your hand was trembling.
    "Don't want to?" he asked, staring at you.
    You know very well what kind of madman he is. According to people on the border, people who anger him die miserably.
    Now you were helpless, and you didn't dare to answer at all for fear of angering him.
    After waiting for a few seconds, he directly picked you up by the waist and sneered: "If you don't say anything, that means you are willing."
    He threw you on the bed.
    The sound of tearing clothes made the fear in your heart defeat your reason. You pushed him and screamed: "No, please don't!"
    "He can do it, but I can't?"
    The follow-up can be watched by iDianfa or lofter~
    the pen names are Xiong Xiongnan

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