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the cruel yandere and crazy cat demon × the Buddhist beauty you (1)

After working steadily for a period of time, you suddenly want to get a cat.
    When you first entered the pet store, you immediately noticed the ragdoll cat in the back.
    Its hair is snow-white, its aqua blue eyes are like stars in the sea, and its fluffy tail wag towards you.
    "This one is so beautiful!" You trotted over excitedly and couldn't help but reach out and touch it.
    This ragdoll cat is not afraid of strangers at all, and will let you touch and rub it casually without hiding or hiding.
    "Wow! He's so well-behaved." You didn't feel like touching it was enough, so you just hugged it on your lap.
    It is very quiet and well-behaved, and knows how to lie down so that you can smooth its fur more easily.
    When the clerk saw this, he said: "It's strange. It's usually very fierce. No one is allowed to touch it. Sometimes it will scratch people with its claws."
    "Really?!" You were surprised. It seems that this cat also likes it very much. you.
    That's a perfect choice!
    "That's it!"
    You bought it immediately and took it home.
    The little home you built for it was blue, and you named it "Ozawa".
    Ozawa is very smart and obedient, and he also loves to be clean. He never messes things up and bathing him is easy.
    What you look forward to most when you go to work every day is to come home from get off work and see the beautiful and cute Ozawa rushing over to rub your legs.
    Every time, you can't help but hold it and take a few deep breaths.
    When you hold it to sleep at night, it actually knows how to kiss your cheek and rub its round head against your neck.
    "Ozawa, I love you so much."
    You can't help but "confess" to it, but it seems to understand, not only will it respond, but it will also wag its tail enthusiastically.
    You are a very Buddhist person. Apart from going to work every day, you just stay at home and play with Ozawa.
    All in all, you spend more time with Ozawa than anyone else.
    Gradually, Ozawa becomes the most important presence in your life.
    The same is true for Ozawa. Apart from eating, drinking and defecating, he squats at the door waiting for you to get off work.
    On this day, your group’s project was completed, and your colleagues shouted that they would go to your house to celebrate.
    You blushed and resisted: "Why don't we eat at a restaurant outside..."
    "We have already been to several of our houses, and you are the only one left. Let us go!"
    "That's right, let's go to your house to have fun. ."
    Two female colleagues immediately started acting coquettishly.
    You have always been soft-spoken, and you couldn't resist the advice: "Okay."
    Everyone cheered happily, and the one who laughed the most was Tanxu, a boy of your age. His facial features were handsome, and his smile was even more eye-catching. .
    After get off work, a group of you went to the supermarket to buy ingredients and went to your home carrying large and small bags.
    As soon as the door opened, Ozawa squatted on the ground, holding his round head high.
    Its watery blue eyes looked over with expectation, "Meow~"
    When he saw that there were so many people today, Ozawa's eyes moved and he lowered his head in disappointment.
    "This cat is so beautiful, so cute." A colleague knelt down to touch it.
    Ozawa immediately dodged and jumped to your feet, his tail circling around your ankles.
    Several other colleagues also wanted to tease it, but they all avoided it in disgust.
    Once in a while, it will simply jump into your arms and refuse to come down no matter what.
    You smiled awkwardly: "It, it's a bit unfamiliar."
    Your colleagues didn't mind, and they had already gone to take a shower and prepare to eat hot pot.
    And Ozawa has always been in your arms, leaving you unable to help.
    "Good boy, Xiaoze, can you go over there and play by yourself? My sister will come to accompany you after dinner." You gently coaxed the kitten in your arms.
    Ozawa snorted and dug his head into your arms, refusing to come down.
    You always doted on it, sighed helplessly, and just held it with one hand and sat down.
    But it is still inconvenient. Tanxu, who is sitting next to you, sees this and quickly helps you pick up the food.
    "Thank you."
    "You're welcome." The tips of Tan Xu's ears were slightly red, and he was even more enthusiastic about helping you cook meat and vegetables, and also helped you wipe away the oil that accidentally dripped in front of you.
    You guys were eating so hard that you didn't even notice that the Ragdoll cat in your arms was already in a state of rage.
    It stared, its pointed teeth exposed, ready to attack.

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