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A mutant boy who is crazy about being criticized × You, the rescuer who is being targeted (2

   "Okay." You added him happily.
    After adding his contact information, his injury healed faster.
    But you don't dare to be lazy and not look at him. You always feel very mysterious in your heart, as if if you look at him less, his injury will worsen.
    a week later.
    The injured were discharged from the hospital one after another, and the stationmaster held a commendation meeting.
    Before the meeting ended, the webmaster suddenly looked serious: "I have to inform you of something. The mutants from the Lingdao Laboratory took advantage of the accident and ran out. Their eyes turned blue when exposed to strong light. Everyone found that they must look up Report it and stay away in time!"
    Mutants have weird personalities and special abilities. They are a well-known danger, so everyone immediately paid full attention to them.
    You are no exception.
    But now you have to go to the ward to see Lingjing every day, and you have no contact with other people at all.
    Regarding the mutants, you know that you can't help.
    Lingjing will be discharged from the hospital after a few days. You went to the mall to buy a small gift for him.
    So today I came a little late.
    The pale young man on the bedside has long been looking at you. The moment he saw you, the pear dimples on his lips were fully visible, and his eyes were bright: "Sister. Why are you late today?" "We had a
    meeting." You said He hid the gift behind his back and asked with a smile, "My hands have been better recently, so I'm not lazy when I eat, right?"
    "No. Every meal I eat is delicious." He responded with a smile. He was just like his appearance, well-behaved and refreshing. Makes people happy.
    Only then did you show off the gift box in your hand: "How sweet, this is a gift for you!"
    "Thank you." He quickly took it and unwrapped it carefully with a smile on his face.
    Inside is a doll that looks like him, with a small mirror on top of his head. The shape is very unique, and you are not sure whether he will like it.
    You watched him open the gift a little nervously.
    I originally wanted to observe his reaction, but suddenly I found that when the strong light reflected by the mirror on the doll's head pierced his eyes, not only did he not blink, but his eyeballs were actually covered with thin blue-gray lines, but it was fleeting... and
    his heartbeat stopped instantly. With one shot, the blood all over your body is completely ice cold.
    H-Why are his eyeballs turning blue? That's the characteristic of mutants.
    "I like this gift very much." He raised his head and found that your face was pale and your handsome face was full of worry, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"
    You came back to your senses, your voice was trembling: "No, it's nothing, it's just that I didn't do anything last night. Sleep well."
    He tilted his head, his eyes confused and concerned: "Have you been busy at work recently?"
    "Yes. I'll go back and rest first, and I'll see you tomorrow." You just want to run away now.
    "Wait a minute." He stopped you with a sincere smile, "I also prepared a gift for my sister."
    He said and took out a dark blue gift box from the cabinet next to him, with a half-way tunnel lying inside. Purple bracelet.
    It’s worth a fortune just by looking at it.
    "Where did you get the money to buy this?"
    He smiled: "I didn't buy it, it was passed down from my ancestors."
    "Then I can't accept it."
    Lingjing insisted on you accepting it, saying that you were his savior. And took the trouble to take care of him.
    You couldn't defeat him, and you wanted to report to the webmaster quickly, so you had to accept it temporarily.
    Before leaving, he also asked: "Sister, I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, you must come."
    "Yes." This is the first time you lied against your will.
    When you walked out of the ward, your heartbeat was beating like a drum and your breathing was a little faster.
    The text sent to the webmaster has been edited, but you still can't press the send button.
    How could such a well-behaved and obedient boy like Lingjing become such a terrifying mutant?
    While you were hesitating, you happened to meet Lingjing's attending doctor.
    The doctor's expression seemed to be relieved when he saw you: "You are here, and I have something to tell you." "
    What's the matter, doctor?"
    The doctor said: "He had repeated wounds before, and most likely he refused to take medicine. , and deliberately damaged the wound. After he is discharged from the hospital, you can take him to see a psychiatrist
    when you have time." "What?" You were stunned and couldn't react for a long time.
    You didn't even hear the doctor's instructions clearly.
    At this moment, the scene in the ward just now, with his blue eyeballs, appeared in your mind unconsciously.
    Could he really be a mutant? Otherwise, why would he behave so strangely?
    The more you thought about it, the more scared you became. For the safety of everyone, you finally made up your mind and told the webmaster.
    You comfort yourself, if there is a misunderstanding, then you can apologize to him properly.
    However, not long after, Lingjing's ward was sealed off.
    Lingjing was indeed a mutant, one of the first to escape from the laboratory.
    I heard that he could have escaped, but he was waiting for someone and was captured by the people in the laboratory.
    He was kidnapped and taken to a new laboratory with unknown consequences.
    This incident has become a lingering shadow in your mind.
    Reporting mutants is a matter of course, but as soon as you think of his trusting and expectant eyes, you can't help but feel a twinge in your heart.
    You don’t know how he is doing now, and you don’t dare to ask.
    I even timidly deleted all his contact information.
    That jade bracelet was also sealed in the box by you and was never worn again.
    half year later.
    Do you dare to go to another island to participate in the rescue? This time the rescue targets are stray animals.
    Today you are responsible for registering the information of people coming and going. It rained heavily in the afternoon.
    A black umbrella appeared in sight, and you asked habitually: "Hello, show me your identity information."
    The voice was clear and crisp, very low, as if restraining turbulent emotions.
    Familiarity strikes the soul.
    Your hand holding the pen shook and you looked up in disbelief.
    The black umbrella was slowly lifted, and a delicate and handsome face appeared. The dark eyes were as clear as ever, but much darker.
    The boy's skin was so white that it glowed, and his thin lips were as red as blood. He smiled: "Sister, do you still remember me?"

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