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the bought down-to-earth and cruel yandere × the unruly daughter you (1)

You are the only daughter in the family, the elders are very busy, and the huge yard is empty every day, which is very boring.
    "Mom, can you find me some playmates?"
    "Okay." Your mother dotes on you and takes you to the largest servant market here.
    Everyone's clothes here are in tatters, and you look out of place in your splendid clothes.
    The jewelry on your head is even more expensive. As soon as you appear, everyone knows that you have a very wealthy owner.
    "What kind of servant does Miss Meng want to choose?" the boss here asked attentively.
    You thought for a while and said, "Someone about my age, well, and good-looking!"
    "Okay, let Miss Luo choose."
    You held your mother's hand and walked with the boss to the inner compartment.
    There are many children about your age locked up here, and the boss ordered them to wash their faces.
    They look at you expectantly, they all want to be chosen and leave this dirty place.
    You looked all the way and your eyes stopped on the boy in the middle.
    He was quite tall, with a fair face and excellent facial features, but he was too thin and looked malnourished.
    Noticing your gaze, he tried his best to keep his face calm, but the excited light in his eyes and the tightly clenched hands at his sides betrayed his expectations and desires at this time.
    "I want him!" You raised your finger and pointed at him.
    The boy couldn't hide his excitement and his eyes were shining. Just when he was about to take a step forward, you spoke again.
    "And she, him, her!" You picked three more.
    There are four playmates so you won't get bored.
    The first boy who was clicked was immediately stunned, the flickering light in his eyes dimmed quietly, and the corners of his mouth drooped, feeling lost.
    Turns out, he's not the only one.
    After buying it home, you let these four people play with you every day.
    Everyone is very knowledgeable and cooperates with you, but there is a boy who has no eyesight at all and dares to beat you in the game.
    Win every time!
    Doesn't this insult your prestige, Miss Meng?
    "Come here!" You pointed at him angrily.
    Everyone knew about your bad temper and couldn't help but cast sympathetic glances at the boy.
    But the boy was unhurried, and even walked briskly, saying, "Miss."
    He is the most handsome one here, and he was also the first person you chose.
    "What's your name?"
    The boy was about to answer, but you interrupted him again: "From now on, you will be called Yongshu, Yongshu to me."
    Anyone would be unhappy with such an insulting word, but the boy didn't have the least bit of it. .
    Instead, he asked expectantly: "Miss, will you just give me a name?"
    "Yes!" Still not satisfied with this, you ordered: "From now on, you will move into my side room."
    You must take good care of me. Fix him and teach him a lesson.
    The boy couldn't help but curl his lips and said, "As ordered."
    You snorted coldly. You little fool, you thought it was a good thing, but you still laughed?
    In the next year, you can toss him hard.
    They made him kneel down at every turn, made him run errands in the middle of the night, and beat him and scolded him when he was in a bad mood.
    Sometimes you would wake up from nightmares at night, and you would go to his room to pinch him to vent his anger.
    He didn't cry even when you pinched him painfully. Instead, he smiled and said, "Miss, did you have a nightmare again?"
    When he saw through it, you became even more unhappy and pinched him several more times.
    "Why can you sleep so soundly?" You touched his bed. It was not soft at all, not even as good as yours.
    He lowered his eyes and stared at the place where your fingers touched, and replied: "I don't know."
    You tilted your head. Is this kind of hard bed more comfortable to sleep on?
    "Get out of here!"
    Hearing this, he quickly gave up his seat, and an exciting thought came to his mind. Could it be that... you want to sleep in his bed?
    The moment he saw you lying on him, his heart skipped a beat and his whole body became hot.
    "I'll sleep here tonight." You closed your eyes and said lazily, "You can get out."
    "Miss, have a good rest." He suppressed his joy and walked out of the room silently.
    He didn't go anywhere, just stood at the door, not feeling sleepy at all just thinking about you sleeping in his place.
    The next day.
    As soon as you opened the door, you saw him standing obediently at the door.
    In fact, you didn't sleep well last night. The cold and hard bed was really not meant for people to sleep on.
    Thinking of the bullying you have done to him this year, you rarely feel pity: "The punishment is over. Move back to your original wing from now on." It
    was obviously good news, but he seemed to have heard some shocking bad news, and his eyes were broken. Frozen in place.

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