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The dark, paranoid and crazy god of death? You are trapped by his design (1)

During the summer vacation, you went to a summer resort in the southwest with a tour group.
    Unexpectedly, the villa collapsed and everyone was almost killed.
    When you wake up, you are lying alone by the lake.
    All your belongings are gone and you have no way to contact the outside world.
    Neither companions nor a way out can be found.
    "Is there anyone?" You are so desperate, how on earth are you going to get out of this terrible place.
    A strange male voice floated from the quiet lake. You couldn't help but tremble and looked towards the source of the sound nervously.
    The person who came was very tall and young, and the hazy moonlight could not hide his beautiful face.
    He was wearing the same T-shirt as you, which was distributed by the tour group.
    You were a little surprised: "Are you also part of the tour group?"
    "Yes." He nodded and walked over.
    You saw his face clearly and asked, "Why don't I remember you were in the tour group?"
    He said calmly, "There are so many people in the tour group, so it's normal that you don't remember me." "
    But..." You don't remember anything else. I'm sure, but if you have seen such a handsome man, you will definitely be impressed.
    "I can take you out," he interrupted.
    "Really?!" You looked at him expectantly, "Do you know how to get out?"
    "Yes." He turned around and started leading the way, "Follow me."
    The lamppost of the villa was broken, and it was dark and secluded everywhere. The road is even more uneven, and my legs are always scratched by trees, vines, and weeds.
    The strange thing is that my calf was scratched and bleeding by the sharp grass edge, but I didn't feel any pain at all.
    You became more and more frightened, but you were too embarrassed to stick too close to him.
    The boy noticed your caution, suddenly stopped and took out a rope from his pocket.
    One end was tied to his wrist, and the other end was handed to your hand.
    "Don't be afraid, hold the rope."
    The moment the rope was held in your hand, the huge uneasiness in your heart was dispelled, and you followed him through the dark mountains and forests.
    Encountering a fork in the road once, he chose to take the mountain road and climb over the hill.
    "Why don't we take the flat road?"
    He said, "The mountain road is closer."
    "Oh." You were dubious, but you didn't dare to question him directly, so you had to ask again, "How long does it take to get over the mountain?"
    "It won't be long, almost."
    The young man's voice was clear and steady, feeling particularly safe in the quiet and terrifying night.
    He said it would be fast, and it was really fast.
    You walked out of the summer resort and came to the town. Unfortunately, it was late at night and all the shops were closed.
    Only one very upscale hotel is still open.
    He led you inside.
    You tugged on the rope in embarrassment, and he looked back and raised his eyebrows: "Don't want to live there?"
    "No, I, I don't have money." You stumbled.
    Your money and cell phone are in your schoolbag, but your schoolbag is missing.
    "I do." He smiled and directly booked two adjacent deluxe rooms.
    "Thank you." Your eyes sparkled when you looked at him.
    It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, he is no different from the God of Savior in your eyes.
    This hotel looks luxurious and high-end, but it's not very formal and doesn't even check your ID card.
    As you went upstairs, you looked back.
    The two front desk ladies who were standing suddenly disappeared, and the huge first floor was so empty that it felt cold.
    Your bones trembled, and you pulled off the rope in fear.
    "What's wrong?" He turned around, his tone gentle.
    You turned your head to look at him: "Why are those two people missing?"
    The young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and then chuckled: "Aren't they still there? You were dazzled."
    You turned your head again, and this time the two people at the front desk The waiter appeared again.
    "Oh, it's indeed still there." You didn't pay much attention and walked into the elevator.
    Hotel rooms are nicer than you think.
    The wardrobe is also thoughtfully stocked with newly packaged clothes, underwear, and shoes...
    What's weird is that these clothes actually fit your size.
    What’s even weirder is that more than ten hours have passed since the incident at the villa, and you are not sleepy or hungry at all.
    The more you thought about it, the weirder it became, and out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of the landline phone on the bedside table.
    Can this phone be used?
    With a tentative thought, you pressed 110 on the landline phone.
    You just said one word, but a familiar voice came from the receiver: "Are you still asleep?"
    Isn't this voice...that boy?
    You were completely stunned. You clearly dialed 110, but how could he answer the phone?
    "Hello?" The boy didn't hear your voice and asked several times in a row, "Can you hear me?

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