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Crazy Bamboo Horse × Yandere Tiansheng × Sweet Little Qingmei You (Part 1)

Someone else's best friend, considerate and gentle, a caring big brother.
    And your sweetheart is a scoundrel and a mean-mouthed person who specializes in bullying you.
    After the college entrance examination this year, you specially applied for a university that was far away from him.
    On the day you received the admission notice, you found that the bamboo horse was exactly the same as the one you received.
    You were shocked: "Qi Xin, you lied to me! Didn't you say that you applied for A University as your first choice?"
    "You also lied to me? You also said that you applied for A University as your first choice." Qi Xin replied calmly. road.
    "..." You were speechless and your heart collapsed. Why can't you get rid of this bullshit even after you go to college?
    "The school is so big, you can't even see me except in class," Qi Xin said awed.
    "Who wants to see you!" You pushed him away angrily, turned around and ran away.
    Qi Xin stared at your back as you ran home and chuckled, "You can see me if you don't want to."
    After you went to college, you discovered that what Qi Xin said that day was pure nonsense.
    The school is very big, but he can appear in front of you almost every day.
    Even if you go to a movie with your roommate, you turn around and he is sitting right behind you.
    You were getting annoyed to death and asked him if he was following you.
    Unexpectedly, Qi Xin said, "You are following me, right? Why are you everywhere?"
    He was leaning against the wall, his long legs crossed casually, looking so careless that he deserved a beating.
    You were so angry that you kicked him, and when you were about to leave him, he grabbed your wrist.
    "What are you doing?"
    Qi Xin lowered his head, looking a little uncomfortable: "Why are you so close to Lin Zhihuai recently?"
    Lin Zhihuai is a boy you met in the club. He is handsome and can tease him with just a few words. A gentle fairy man with red ears. It directly touches your aesthetic.
    "Because we have to plan activities recently and have frequent meetings." You said casually.
    "That's it?" Qi Xin didn't believe it at all and looked at you sideways.
    You felt guilty when he saw you, and you quickly confessed in surrender: "Okay, okay. I tell you, you have to help me come up with ideas."
    Growing up, although Qi Xin always "bullied" you, he also The person who protects you the most, you often confide in him like a tree hole, and he will often help you.
    You leaned close to his ear and told him that you kind of wanted to chase Lin Zhihuai.
    And he and Lin Zhihuai are on the same basketball team, and they are quite familiar with each other, so they can definitely help you a lot.
    "You want to chase someone because their parents are handsome?" Qi Xin's expression did not change, but the air pressure around him dropped significantly.
    You blushed instantly, "Are you going to help or not?"
    Qi Xin's eyes darkened, and he said with a smile, "Help."
    "That's great." You jumped up with joy, immersed in the thought that you finally had help. In his joy, he didn't notice the sudden gloominess of the young man in front of him.
    One month later.
    You decided to confess your love straight away, and asked Qixin to help find an excuse to invite Lin Zhihuai to a nearby artificial lake.
    Qi Xin nodded: "No problem."
    "Okay, after everything is done, I'll treat you to dinner."
    Qi Xin was silent for a few seconds, looked up at you, and asked, "Are you so sure he will agree?"
    "Probably yes. Yes." The tips of your ears are slightly red. After spending these days together, you can actually feel that Lin Zhihuai treats you differently.
    Lin Zhihuai is very introverted, and people in the club say he is very distant.
    But he will stay up late to help you draw pictures, will go out of his way to bring you late night snacks, and will patiently listen to you talking about trivial matters...
    This should be regarded as a sign of interest in you, right?
    "Let's go to the cafeteria to eat first." Qi Xin's voice brought you back from your thoughts.
    "No, no, I have to go back to the dormitory and put on makeup." You took your schoolbag back and ran away quickly.
    Qi Xin's eyes darkened, his hands at his sides were clenched tightly, veins popped out on his forearms, and his whole body was filled with a cold aura.

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