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The crazy devil who is born bad × you, the half-assed little fairy

You caught a stone goblin bullying a defenseless teenager.
    "It's him." You recognized the boy.
    It was the handsome man who generously paid for you when you were almost kicked out by the restaurant owner when you first entered the mortal world!
    He also gave you all the silver he had on him.
    You always wanted to thank him, but you didn't expect to find an opportunity to repay him this time.
    You saved the boy.
    "Is it you? Thank you..." The boy also recognized you, but he seemed to be marked with a demon mark, and he was weak and pale.
    A mortal can only survive half a year after being stained with the demon mark. You can't help but feel distressed: "I'll help you unlock the demon mark. I'm very powerful!"
    After a moment, nothing changed.
    You stuck out your tongue in embarrassment: "Today... my magic power is not very good."
    The young man lowered his eyes, his pale handsome face looked pitiful: "I am lucky to live for half a year longer. Thank you fairy for saving me."
    You are a bit I want to cry, why good people never live long.
    No, you can't just watch him die like this.
    "Don't worry, I will definitely remove the demon mark!"
    Just like that, you took this young man with you and tried every day to find ways to remove the demon mark on him.
    Five months later.
    You squatted on the ground, crying in frustration: "Oh, oh, oh, why can't it be untied?!"
    You didn't want him to die. He was so good-looking, and you still wanted to raise him at home.
    The young man squatted down and looked at you. He had a pair of dark handsome eyes, which made you blush and your heart beat when he looked at you.
    The young man touched your head and said, "It doesn't matter. The worst thing you can do is die."
    "You can't die!" You wiped away your tears and said stubbornly.
    You have been in this world for a hundred years and finally fell in love with a beautiful young man. You must take him back and raise him.
    The young man was stunned for a moment, and his eyes wandered around your face: "Why?"
    "I still want to take you home." Your soft voice said firmly, "I am a fairy, you have to believe it Me."
    "I believe you." The young man nodded, his eyes full of trust in you.
    In the sixth month, the boy's deadline is approaching, and you have only one last option left - use your own elixir to lift the seal.
    Although you are a half-hearted fairy, Master said that your elixir is very unique and contains huge energy.
    It would be easy to use the elixir to unlock the demon seal of a little stone demon.
    You looked at the young man with burning eyes: "I will help you unlock the demon seal, but you have to go home with me." "
    Okay." The young man smiled, and he looked very nice when he smiled.
    Your heart is beating wildly, and you feel braver for a moment. No matter what, just fight!
    You immediately started to cast a spell, and a shining golden elixir slowly flew out from your heart.
    Only when you were halfway through casting the spell did you realize that the demon mark on the boy's body was strange.
    The demon seal exudes the immortal energy from the same origin as you.
    You suddenly wake up, that's not the demon mark made by the stone demon!
    That is the divine seal cast by God!
    Among the six realms, the only one that can make the gods work together to seal it is the Magical Tomb.
    "You...are the devil..." No matter how naive you are, you understand that you are being used by him.
    The elixir was quickly sucked away by the young man and melted into his body.
    A fiery red flower mark appeared on the young man's forehead, and his pupils glowed blue. It was a karmic fire that was so powerful that even the Emperor of Heaven feared it.
    Boom - a loud noise.
    White smoke spread out from his chest, and nine stars suddenly appeared in the sky.
    You realize that the demon god who has been sealed away for thousands of years has reappeared, and you are the culprit.
    "Come back, I am the master of your little elixir! Come back quickly!"
    You were so anxious that you were sweating profusely, gritting your teeth and trying your best to get the elixir back.
    It can't be a big mistake, oh oh oh.
    But you, a half-assed fairy, are no match for the awakened devil.
    You failed to seize the elixir, but you were burned by the karma fire he released, your brain was in chaos, and you gradually fainted.
    The Demon God grabbed your waist, raised his hand and tapped your neck, and dropped a restraining silver ring.
    Then he took you to the Demon Realm.
    You were in a coma for ten days and ten nights.
    During this period, the demon god lifted the seal, and the fire of karma reappeared in the world, killing people everywhere.
    "Well, my head hurts." You woke up in a daze.
    At this time, the ice on your neck is cold. When you look down, you see a silver ring, exuding evil energy.
    You instantly remembered everything before you fainted, blamed yourself, and quickly got out of bed to go out.
    "Where are you going?"
    The devil walked in. His face was the same as the handsome young man in your memory, but there was a flaming red flower between his eyebrows.
    But you no longer have the joy of facing him, replaced by fear and disgust.
    You kept backing up: "You, you are the devil. You lied to me."
    The devil still smiled at you as before, "When did I lie to you? You never asked."
    Seeing this again Laugh, you just find it ironic.
    "It was my fault. I shouldn't have saved you." You said, pulling off the jade bracelet on your hand, taking out the jade blade your master gave you, and stabbing him with all your strength.
    The jade blade pierced his heart, and golden light burst out from the reaction of the elixir melted inside.
    Just when you thought you could kill him with this, you saw blue karma fire igniting in his hand, directly sweeping away the jade blade and burning it.
    "It seems that the seal has been sealed for too long, which makes people think that I have a good temper." The smile on his handsome face disappeared completely, and he raised his hand to grab your wrist.
    At the same time, the silver ring around your neck is surrounded by evil energy, and you are completely unable to move.
    Let him push you onto the bed, and your clothes will be torn to pieces easily.
    "What are you going to do?" You widened your eyes in horror.
    "What do you think?" The demon pulled your legs apart and then took off his own clothes.
    You found that his voice was different from usual, deeper and hoarse.
    "No, please let me go, ah -"
    He grabbed your chin, lowered his head and blocked your lips, silencing all your sounds.
    He kissed you eagerly and domineeringly, entangled his tongue, and plundered wildly, forcing you to the point where you couldn't breathe and slumped down helplessly.
    While kissing, he put his hands on the softness of your chest, teasing and teasing.
    The nipples soon stood up unbearably, looking pitiful.
    After tasting enough of the sweetness between your lips and teeth, he finally let go of your lips that were swollen from being kissed, and moved downwards to suck the tip of your nipple into his mouth.
    The tongue moved around lightly, sometimes sucking and biting, sometimes licking.
    "Hmm~" As soon as you made the sound, you wanted to crawl into the ground. How could such a shameful sound come from you.
    Your chest feels moist and itchy, and you make that charming sound again and again.
    You couldn't help crying: "Please, stop..."
    The devil raised his head and helped your tears away: "We haven't started yet, why should we stop? Save your tears, the crying is still to come." "
    You... ..." You watched in shock as he stretched his hand between your legs.
    His fingers parted the pink labia and probed in...
    The tight and warm inner walls immediately enveloped him. His eyes darkened, and he couldn't wait to pull it out and replace it with his own thick penis.
    But he still had patience and inserted one, two, three.
    A strange feeling of soreness came over you. You resisted and tried to squirm, but he held you down.
    After a moment, his fingers left.
    Then something thicker and stronger squeezed in, and you and him groaned at the same time.
    He lifted one of your legs, straightened your waist and inserted it completely, pumping it up quickly, pushing it to the deepest point again and again.
    Your belly felt sore and you cried out.
    While thrusting hard, he turned your face and forced you to kiss him.
    You were like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, letting him hit you hard, turning you over and over, and penetrated you in countless postures.
    Not long after he ejaculated his thick semen into you, he came in again. This time he forced you to cry out. If you didn't cry out, he deliberately rubbed the clitoris that couldn't stand the stimulation.
    While you were forced to scream, you couldn't help but cry. By the end of the cry, your voice was hoarse, but he was in high spirits.
    No matter how you fuck it, it's never enough.
    More than an hour later.
    You lay on the bed with empty eyes, your pillow soaked with tears, and despair almost overwhelmed you.
    But then you think about it, although the demon has awakened, his magic power has not been fully restored.
    Master and uncle are gods of war in the heavens, they will definitely be able to seal him again.
    They will definitely come to rescue you.
    A few days passed.
    The devil took you to heaven, which was in ruins.
    Your heart dropped to the bottom of your heart, how could this happen?
    Where is the master? Where's the uncle?
    The demon imprisoned you in Lingyue Palace, your former home in heaven.
    He disappeared for several days. When he appeared again, you couldn't help but ask: "Why are you locking me up here?"
    "Isn't this what you want?" he asked.
    You looked at him blankly, what do you mean?
    The Demon God narrowed his eyes and waved his hand casually.
    The words you once said in person echo in your ears - "I really want to raise you at home", "I will help you unlock the demon seal, but you must come home with me".
    So is he following through on his original words? But you don't need it at all now.
    You said: "You might as well kill me."
    "You want to go back on your word?" His eyes were burning with anger. He had promised to keep him at home. Why did he look unhappy now?
    He even dared to threaten him with death.
    You closed your eyes and said, "No."
    You just felt that you had sinned so much that you didn't deserve to live at all.
    The demon was stunned for a moment, and then his anger subsided: "Do you blame me for not staying here these days?"
    You were speechless, so you simply closed your eyes and ignored him.
    "As soon as possible." The demon pinched your chubby face and flicked the silver ring around your neck. "Just be patient for now."
    You muttered, not understanding what he meant by "as soon as possible."
    Seven days later, the war between gods and demons is about to begin.
    You are still locked up in Lingyue Palace and have no idea what is going on outside.
    Suddenly the locked door was knocked open by a powerful magical force.
    "Master! Uncle!" You cried with joy and ran over excitedly.
    When they come to save you, does it mean that the heavens won in the battle between gods and demons?
    The master hugged you and found that you were only a mortal. He frowned: "Where is your elixir?"
    "It was melted away by the devil." You held back the tears for many days and finally burst out: "I'm sorry, it's all I'm not good, I got into trouble..."
    Uncle Master: "It's not a good time to stay here for a long time, let's go first."
    The two of them said no more and took you flying out.
    However -
    the silver ring around your neck suddenly turned into a bunch of magic smoke, which suddenly hit the chests of Master and Uncle Master, exploding blue sparks.
    It’s karma fire!
    "Well..." The two men's expressions froze and they spat out a mouthful of blood.
    At the same time, bursts of demonic smoke at the Nantian Gate transformed into form, and the flower on the forehead of the demon god in the center shone with golden light.
    That's your elixir.
    The devil's hand practiced fire, forcing out the infinite spiritual power hidden in your elixir, and violently attacked your master and uncle.
    It was no problem that the two of them had fought him for three hundred rounds.
    But they had just been plotted by Ye Huo, and their magic power was temporarily imprisoned. They were no match for him at all.
    The blue sky was dyed black. On such a dark day, the two legendary gods of war in the heaven were tortured and killed in a humiliating and humiliating way. Their bodies were left intact.
    Your face is pale, your whole body is shaking uncontrollably, and you are bursting into tears.
    He was used again.
    From beginning to end, he is using you.
    And he was even more cruel, using your elixir to give your master and uncle a fatal blow.
    "Master, uncle, I'm sorry for you." You closed your eyes and jumped into Tianchi without hesitation.
    If you lose the elixir, you will definitely die if you jump into Tianchi.
    The bloodthirsty and ruthless Demon God's expression suddenly changed at that moment, and he, who had always been strategizing, rushed over like crazy.
    Follow up on AiDang, please support the fairies~
    AiDan ID: Xiong Xiongnan

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