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the crazy gangster who robs and robs × the weak girl you are targeted by him (2)

    He didn't explain, threw the phone back to you, and walked away arrogantly.
    Without even bothering to understand what he meant, you quickly called an ambulance and sent your cousin to the hospital.
    After my cousin woke up, his parents surrounded him and asked him various questions.
    Standing outside the adults, you don't hear it clearly. You only know that the man is powerful and evil-hearted. He set a trap and caused his cousin to owe a lot of debt.
    This time, he deliberately staged a demonstration and sent his cousin to the ICU.
    You silently scolded that person thousands of times in your heart.
    The elders were also very angry, but they knew they couldn't afford to offend that kind of person, so they could only find ways to help their cousin pay off
    the debt. But the strange thing was that after that day, the cousin was not called for debts or found in trouble.
    Later, when you started preparing for the art exam, your schedule became hurried and you didn't have time to pay attention to the follow-up of your cousin's debt.
    I also gradually forgot what the man said before leaving.
    one year later.
    You successfully entered the film and television performance department of University A, which is your favorite, and started a fulfilling university life.
    You are very lucky to have been spotted by a leading film and television company in the industry during your freshman year and have been specially trained.
    Not long after the contract was signed, the company arranged a good deal for you and even hooked you up with a popular variety show.
    All your classmates envy you.
    You also cherish this opportunity, work harder and spend every day busy.
    After finishing work for the day, the manager said: "Qiaoqiao, go change clothes and put on more sophisticated makeup."
    "Do you have anything else to do after that?" You thought you could rest.
    The agent nodded: "Well, the president wants to talk to you about something."
    You are very surprised. You are a newcomer and you have never even met the president, but you can still trouble the president to talk to you?
    "Hurry up." the agent urged.
    "Oh, okay." You didn't dare to delay, so you quickly changed into a fairy-like long dress and put on your makeup again.
    The agent takes you to the most luxurious private club in Silver Beach.
    You have never been to a place like this before, and you can't help but feel nervous.
    "Go in."
    You nodded, trying to overcome your nervousness and walked in.
    The room was very dark, and the air was filled with a faint smell of men's perfume, which seemed familiar even if you smelled it carefully.
    "Hello, Mr. Han." You cautiously called to the man on the sofa.
    Snap - the door behind him was closed.
    The giant chandelier on the ceiling was lit, and the brilliant light illuminated the huge room, allowing you to see his face clearly.
    Your breath froze for a moment, and you froze in disbelief.
    How could it be him?
    The resource tycoon with both money and power in the industry turned out to be the fierce bad guy a year ago.
    Han Ze raised his eyes and looked over, with a smile on his lips: "We haven't seen each other for a year. Are you brave enough to glare at me?" "
    I didn't." You felt guilty, as you seemed to have subconsciously glared at him just now.
    "Still so fond of lying." Han Ze smiled and patted the place next to him, "Come here."
    His aura was so strong that you couldn't help but think of his violent appearance a year ago.
    Especially since he is your boss now, you don't dare to disobey him.
    It was like sitting on pins and needles next to him. There was a thin layer of sweat on your forehead, and you asked in a low voice: "Mr. Han, what
    do you want from me?" Han Ze's deep and sharp eyes dimmed for a moment, and he smiled and said: "It's time for you to pay off your debt. ..."
    When he heard the word "repay debt," vague and long-lasting memories came to him in an instant, and his words, "Then it's up to you to repay the debt your cousin owes." echoed clearly in my ears.
    You get goosebumps and retort in a low voice: "It's not that I owe you money, and my cousin was also
    tricked by you..."
    But you dare not say the last three words.
    He is now your boss and a resource tycoon in the entertainment industry, so you don't dare to offend him at all.
    Han Ze pinched your face, and his deep voice was like a ghost in the dark night, very scary: "Then you mean you don't want to return it?"
    You didn't dare to say anything.
    He sneered: "In this case, your cousin's good days have come to an end. And you don't have to hang out in the entertainment industry anymore."
    He was not just a verbal threat, as soon as he finished speaking, the large display screen opposite lit up. Get up, the person being tied up on the screen is my cousin.
    You subconsciously called your cousin, but no one answered.
    Han Ze was not in a hurry and drank a glass of wine slowly, letting you confirm the authenticity of the matter over and over again.
    Not willing to give in, you asked your elders again, but they all said that your cousin was missing...
    You were heartbroken and realized that he meant it.
    If you don't repay the debt, your cousin will die and your career will be ruined.
    What kind of lunatic is this.
    Tears welled up in your eyes, and you choked and compromised: "Okay, I'll pay it back. How much does my cousin owe you?"
    Han Ze smiled with satisfaction, turned off the screen, and said in a long tone: "One hundred and fifty million. The interest is 200%."
    ​​You were stunned, how could you possibly pay it back?
    "I can't pay it back." You said bitterly.
    "Not yet? Then do as above." Han Ze raised his chin and motioned for you to look at the document on the table.
    The request is clearly written on it: to be his underground lover for a year...

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