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the ruthless and crazy usurping bastard?? The late emperor’s beloved concubine you (2)

He suddenly grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the back room.
    A portrait of the late emperor hung beside the bed, and the late emperor's spiritual tablet was placed on the bedside table below.
    Your scalp is numb, wondering what new torture method he has come up with.
    "Brother Emperor cared about you the most when he was alive. Whenever anyone hurt you, he would go crazy with anger. Is that right?" You didn't dare to say anything. You were shocked and afraid. How could he know about these things     in
    the palace and the backyard...
For a dazed moment, you noticed a shadow covering your head, a warm and aggressive breath approaching, and a pair of strong hands on your waist.
    When you raise your eyes, you find that he is very close to you and is still getting closer.
    You were so frightened that you put your hands in front of him, "What are you doing?"
    "What are you doing?" He pressed you directly against his chest with a little force on his hands, "In front of his portrait and spiritual tablet, he The brother he hates the most, and the concubine he loves the most, are doing the things he least wants to see. Don't you think it's interesting?"
    You understand what he means, and you don't care about the fear at all: "You're crazy ?! I am your sister-in-law. If you do this, you will be punished by God!"
    "Condemned by God?" He seemed to have heard a big joke, "I even committed patricide and brother-in-law, and my last sister-in-law was still afraid of being punished by God!" God's punishment?"
    His arrogance and shamelessness made you stunned.
    Wait, what did he say?
    Patricide and brother murder?
    While you were dazed for a moment, he kissed you recklessly.
    His kiss was extremely aggressive, almost taking away all your breath. The tip of your tongue felt numb and painful, and the strength on your waist made it impossible for you to move.
    Fear and disgust flooded through your heart, and the hand on his chest slowly slipped down and touched the silver hairpin on his bun.
    While he was focused on kissing you, you summoned up great courage and suddenly poked the sharp silver hairpin into his neck.
    But he had already expected it. He raised his hand and grasped the silver hairpin, and in an instant he broke it to pieces with a strong force.
    I heard him sneer: "Originally I wanted to be gentler."
    Then the force on his lips became fierce, as if he wanted to swallow you in.
    He channeled his anger into this fierce and long kiss.
    Your breath was completely robbed, and you gradually lost strength and collapsed in his arms.
    The world was spinning for a while, and when you opened your eyes again, you were already placed on the bed, and the clothes on your body were mercilessly removed by him...
    "No, don't..." You cried and crawled out.
    This is your former palace, the place where you and the late emperor loved each other.
    How could he be humiliated like this?
    The more you think about it, the more desperate you become. You might as well hit the pillar, thinking that if you knock yourself out, you won't be able to feel the pain soberly.
    But in the eyes of the new emperor, this behavior means that you would rather die than have anything happen to him.
    This made the jealousy in his heart reach its peak. He grabbed your ankle and dragged you over.
    He opened your legs, and placed the thick length with bulging veins at the hole, and forcefully squeezed in.
    You are sweating profusely in pain.
    But strangely enough, he was just like a young boy having his first time, and he quickly gave up.
    The moment he ejaculated, the new emperor's face turned pale, and he continued regardless.
    He always forced you to scream, but you bit your lip and refused to compromise.
    "You really love Brother Huang so much. Do you just scream under him?"
    He was so angry that his veins bulged, jealousy and hatred surged, directly annihilating his reason, and he came again and again regardless of it. .

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