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The twin male protagonists who are crazy and crazy × You who can’t tell them apart and are deceived

You worked overtime today and didn't leave the company until the last minute, rushing to catch the last subway train.
    There are still a lot of people on the subway, and there are no empty seats at all.
    The boy wearing a mask who was nearest to you suddenly stood up and raised his hand to motion for you to sit down.
    "Thank you." You smiled and sat down. The moment you raised your eyes, you could clearly see the eyes on his mask.
    These eyes are too familiar. Isn't this your boyfriend?
    "Tang Shisi?" Still afraid of admitting the wrong person, you tentatively called out his name.
    The boy's eyes fell on your face, he was stunned for two seconds, and then suddenly took off his mask.
    It's your boyfriend's face that touches your aesthetic point.
    You immediately frowned and said displeasedly: "Why didn't you tell me when you came back?"
    The boy was stunned for a second, then quickly said with a smile: "Isn't this a surprise for you?"
    After he finished speaking, he was very He pinched your face affectionately, his fingertips feeling slightly cold.
    It's a little trick that your boyfriend usually does.
    You weren't really angry, so you grabbed his hand and squeezed his fingers out of habit.
    "When did you come back?"
    He said, "
    You just came back." "Where is your luggage?" You found that he didn't bring anything with him, but the clothes were not what he wore when going out.
    He said casually: "The express delivery is here, I'm too lazy to pick it up."
    At this time, the subway just arrived. You stood up and held his hand, "We're here, let's go." There was
    a trace of hesitation in his eyes, and he quickly He follows you out with a natural expression.
    Usually he leads you, but today it was you holding him the whole time.
    But you didn't think much about it, just thinking that he just came back from a business trip and was a little tired.
    After returning to the apartment.
    You asked him to make dinner and ordered a few dishes that you usually eat.
    He nodded and quickly went into the kitchen to get busy.
    "I found that your knife skills have improved a lot." You said in surprise.
    He smiled and said, "Really? It's okay."
    "Really." You watched him busy with your eyes intently. Occasionally, for a few moments, you unexpectedly felt that his profile was different from usual. .
    What's different is that the jawline seems to be smoother than usual.
    After cooking, he watched you eat expectantly and asked, "Is it delicious?"
    "Yes, it's delicious!" You nodded repeatedly.
    The corner of his lips curled up slightly and he asked again: "How does it compare to usual?"
    You thought for a moment and said, "The taste you made today is different from before, it is more spicy and spicy." "
    Then which one do you like better? "
    You pointed to the delicious and delicious dishes on the table: "Today's."
    Then you immediately saw his dark eyes filled with a smile, as if he heard something particularly happy.
    You don’t understand, it’s all his cooking anyway, what’s the difference between today and before, why are you so happy?
    But seeing him smiling so happily, you laughed too.
    after dinner.
    You go to the bathroom to take a shower first. The bathroom door is made of patterned glass, and you can see your silhouette reflected in it.
    Slim and graceful, she is fat when she should be fat and thin when she should be thin.
    You were so focused on taking a shower that you didn't even notice someone standing outside the door.
    By the time you finished washing and came out, the person outside the door had already gone to the closet and took out a set of pajamas.
    "Why are you wearing this outfit today?" You looked at the gray pajamas in his hand. This was obviously the outfit he disliked wearing the most before.
    I still remember his reason at the time was that the gray color would make the area particularly visible, and he was afraid that you would act like a gangster while you were asleep...
    He lowered his eyes and quickly looked at you again, "I'm in a good mood today. And there's nothing to do tomorrow."
    The tone is ambiguous, and the meaning conveyed by the eyes is obvious.
    You understood immediately, your face turned red immediately, and you pushed him: "Then hurry up and wash it!"
    Ten minutes later.
    He came out wearing gray pajamas, covered in moisture, and the faint scent of sandalwood lingered in your nose.
    Then you were laid down on the bed by him.
    It's as exciting and comfortable as ever, but some of the details are a little different than usual.
    He seems to like kissing your neck especially today.
    Usually he prefers to kiss your earlobe.
    After a sweet moment, both of you were sweating profusely.
    He carried you to the bathroom and took a shower again. After drying you, he carried you back to bed to sleep.
    You were so tired that you fell asleep quickly.
    But the person holding you behind you was very awake. In the dark night, he bent down and looked down at your peaceful sleeping face, and suddenly laughed softly.
    Next day.
    The exertion last night made you drowsy for a long time, until the apartment door was opened and the sound of the suitcase being pulled on the ground woke you up.
    "Who came in?" You couldn't help but frown.
    You had no choice but to put on your pajamas and get out of bed immediately.
    As soon as you opened the door, you bumped into someone, and that person's face was so familiar to you.
    And he was neatly dressed, with a suitcase next to him, and it looked like he had just returned.
    You were shocked and immediately looked back at the bathroom where the lights were still on.
    The person in front of you is your boyfriend, so who is that in the bathroom?
    "Baby, do you miss me?"
    Tang Shisi smiled and was about to hug you, but his eyes suddenly fell on the marks on your neck, and the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly froze.
    "What's wrong with your neck?" Tang Shisi's tone suddenly turned cold.
    You turned around, the color drained from your face, your mind went blank, and you were completely speechless.
    Just then the bathroom door opened.
    The man who looked exactly like Tang Shisi came out.
    He didn't seem to be embarrassed at all, and he curved his lips and smiled at Tang Shisi who was in anger at the door:
    "Brother, my sister-in-law is very cute. I took care of her for you for one night."

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