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The cruel and harsh-tongued young master? You are the maid who protects him from disasters (3

Before you could finish your words, he lowered your head and kissed you.
    His kiss, just like his personality, is overbearing and overbearing, almost making you breathless.
    And he didn't give you any chance to resist. After carrying you to the bed with one hand, he tore off all your clothes...
    This night, he went completely crazy.
    In autumn, the nights should be cool, but the temperature in this bedroom has risen, making people sweat profusely.
    The beech wood bed was shaken by the impact, as if it was about to fall apart.
    Intermittent cries and screams pierced the night sky, but no one in the mansion was surprised.
    They all thought the sound came from the wedding room next door.
    As for the bride in the wedding room, she was still wearing a red hijab, but she had already been stunned by the drugged wedding wine. She was sleeping on the wedding bed, completely unaware of the intensity in the next room.
    After several twists and turns, Zhao Juan finally let you go.
    You were so tired that you had no strength at all, and the pain all over your body kept you from falling asleep.
    You raised your eyes and glanced at the man on top of you. His chin rested on the crook of your neck, and his hot breath touched the shallow bite mark on your collarbone.
    That was when he was at the peak of his emotions for the second time. He suddenly lowered his head and bit his collarbone, and his muffled and hoarse voice came out: "You are just a fool." He was
    aggrieved and aggrieved.
    You have never heard his tone like this before, you just thought he was really drunk and going crazy.
    At this time, he was breathing evenly and was obviously fast asleep.
    When he fell asleep, his anger faded away, he was quiet and well-behaved, and not scary at all.
    This sudden accident shocked your whole body. The only good thing was that Zhao Juan was so emotionally ups and downs during the process that he untied your bracelets and anklets in a daze.
    Now that everyone in the house is resting, it's the best chance to escape.
    You braced your sore body, grabbed a few sets of clothes from the closet, packed them neatly and left quietly.
    The world is so big that you don’t know where to escape. You only know to stay away from the cage that has imprisoned you for a month.
    Your legs were weak and you couldn't run fast. You didn't finally leave the city until dawn.
    As they were passing by the post road, they met several carriages, and the leading one stopped.
    The curtains were lifted to reveal Mr. Xu who had purchased cloth from other places and returned to the city.
    He was shocked and surprised: "Xiaobing? Are you still alive?"
    "What?" You tilted your head in surprise, not caring about how ugly you looked, "What do you mean I'm still alive?"
    "Everyone in the Zhao family said you were in He died in a fire a month ago."
    You were stunned for a long time, never expecting that Zhao Juan would fake your death just to completely imprison you.
    "Xiao Bing, what happened?" Mr. Xu noticed something was wrong with you.
    "I've encountered something unspeakable." Your eyes turned red for a moment, tears welled up unsatisfactorily, and you wailed, "Mr. Xu, please take me in for a few days, just a few days..."
    Shen You don't have the second half of the money, your whole body is sore and tired, and you are really afraid of dying on the streets.
    I can only hope to hide in Xu's house for a few days and recover well before running away.
    Mr. Xu hurriedly picked you up in the car. He carefully wiped your tear-stained face with extreme gentleness: "Xiao Bing, don't be afraid, I will help you. Don't say a few days, it will be a lifetime."
    Mr. Xu is a very nice person. He placed you in the best wing of the Xu family.
    It also helps you hide it airtight.
    You can finally live a peaceful life, and your body and bones are almost healed.
    Mr. Xu is reluctant to let you leave, so he begs you to stay: "We agreed to get married a month ago. Although I don't know what has happened to you these days, my desire to marry you has not changed. Can you please not leave?" "
    Mr. Xu. We are not suitable now." You didn't dare to respond to him.
    The shadow that Zhao Juan left in your heart makes your whole sky shrouded in gray.
    "Why isn't it suitable?" Mr. Xu's eyes were anxious, "Do you have someone else you like?"
    "No..." You lowered your head, not really wanting to think about this problem.
    "Then you want to never get married?"
    You shook your head: "No..."
    Mr. Xu has a gentle temperament. Even if he wants to get the girl he likes, he will not be aggressive, but will persuade her politely.
    "In this case, then I can wait until you are willing to marry me. Even if you have been unwilling, it doesn't matter. It won't be too late to leave when you have somewhere to go."
    He speaks gently and considers everything for you. It's impossible not to be moved.
    The tip of your nose was sore, and you nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Xu."
    After you decided to stay in the Xu family temporarily, you were not idle either. You always had something to do and kept the place in good order.
    Time passes little by little, but you still never go out.
    Mr. Xu is afraid that you will be isolated from the world for too long and that you will be bored. He will share his knowledge with you every day when he comes back.
    On this day, he mentioned Zhao Jun, whom he had not seen for a long time.
    "The eldest son of the Zhao family insisted on reconciling with the Miss Li family. This matter caused a lot of commotion. The elders of both families disagreed. In the end, the eldest son of the Zhao family threatened to commit suicide before agreeing. But after the reconciliation, he disappeared again. It's really A big show."
    You drank the porridge from the bowl, suddenly feeling that the sweet porridge was a bit bitter.
    Zhao Juan actually disappeared.
    The follow-up of this article is at biRdsc.cO m:

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