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The yandere male protagonist is deliberately evil × you are a soft and confused person

You failed miserably in a truth or dare game at a social gathering, and you also lost with a senior student.
    You were asked by several seniors present to complete the "100 Days as a Couple" challenge.
    When you first heard about this request for a big adventure, you actually didn't resist it very much, because your senior was only one year older than you. He was handsome and heroic, and he was also a popular figure in the school.
    It’s not hard to accept pretending to be a couple with a handsome guy.
    But the next second you began to worry that the handsome guy would not be happy, so you looked at Gu Yinuo cautiously: "Senior, this..."
    Gu Yinuo said calmly: "If you don't mind, I'll have no problem."
    "Oh." You smiled and nodded, feeling an inexplicable flash of joy in your heart.
    "Wow -" everyone in the audience started to cheer, "Hug me! Hug me!"
    You were so embarrassed that your scalp was numb, and you looked at Gu Yinuo helplessly, muttering in a low voice: "What should I do, senior?"
    "It's okay, don't do it. Ignore them." Gu Yinuo smiled at you.
    He turned to look at the group of people who were watching the excitement and said in a cold voice: "You're almost done." The
    booing people finally stopped, and you breathed a sigh of relief and looked at her gratefully: " Thank you, senior."
    "Don't scream so harshly, just call me Yinuo."
    "Yeah...Yinuo." Fortunately, you have long hair hanging loose at the moment, otherwise he would definitely be able to see the tips of your red ears.
    After the party, it started to rain outside.
    The weather was very good when you arrived. You didn't even think of bringing an umbrella. You were at a loss when Gu Yinuo walked up to you.
    "I'll take you back."
    "The dormitories for boys and girls are so far apart, won't it be too much trouble for you?" You were a little embarrassed. You didn't know him well in the club on weekdays. The reason why we met this time was because of someone with bad taste. big Adventure.
    "My boyfriend is sending his girlfriend back to the dormitory, is it troublesome?" Gu Yinuo's eyes were frivolous and his tone was so relaxed that he seemed to be talking about something ordinary.
    You didn't expect him to get into the role so quickly. After looking left and right to make sure there was no one familiar with the club, he said seriously: "Senior, there is no one to supervise here, so we don't have to act, right?"
    "The challenge time is one hundred. God, that means we will be lovers all the time for these hundred days."
    You were stunned, your round and beautiful eyes full of disbelief, when did you become so serious about playing a game?
    Gu Yinuo sighed, feeling helpless: "It doesn't matter. If you are really not happy, just give up on this challenge. I will punish myself with three drinks tomorrow, and it will be over."
    Upon hearing this, you suddenly felt that this You can't afford the same thing, and you were the one who got him into trouble in this game, but in the end you made him drink as a fine. What does that sound like?
    "Oh no, senior, it's just a hundred days! No problem."
    Under the dim street light, you didn't notice him smiling.
    In the next ninety days, you adhered to the mentality of completing the challenge well and performed your role as Gu Yinuo's girlfriend responsibly.
    You were very nervous at first, but it didn't take long for you to discover that Gu Yinuo was not only handsome but also had a good personality, and he also took special care of you.
    I will get up early every day to bring you breakfast, supervise you to go to the library to study together when there are no classes, and insist on sending you back to the dormitory no matter how late it is.
    You two are inseparable almost every day, and many people know that you two are a couple.
    At first, you will go out of your way to explain to them that you two are just completing a big adventure.
    But later you discovered that Gu Yinuo basically didn't know how to explain and didn't seem to take it seriously, so you didn't bother to explain again and again.
    The point is, you found that you quite liked staying with Gu Yinuo, and there were even a few moments where you actually wished that these hundred days would go by slower, and slower still.
    But the good times didn't last long. At noon on the weekend, when you went to the club's storage room to get equipment, you heard the truth.
    Several senior brothers and sisters were playing cards in the storage room, laughing and talking about various gossips:
    "Zhao Mianmian is so stupid. She has no doubts about such an outrageous adventure, and she still carries it out stupidly!" "
    How many days have it been now? , it seems like it’s the fiftieth day.”
    “What’s so stupid? Maybe she’s so happy inside, it’s so great to be in love with a handsome guy.”
    “I really don’t know how Gu Yinuo asked us to cooperate and lie to her, what? What an eye."
    "It's fun to play silly, and she does look delicious, hahaha." "
    When the hundredth day comes, if Gu Yinuo dumps her, she won't cry like shit, right?" "
    I'm sure. Yes, Gu Yinuo is just playing around. He will probably get tired of it in less than a hundred days." "
    When you heard their conversation at the door, you were so angry that you were shaking all over, and those sharp and harsh ridicules kept coming to you. Swirling in the ears.
    stupid? Liar? Have fun?
    You couldn't accept these ugly words at all, so you immediately sent a message to Gu Yinuo: [Where are you? 】
    Gu Yinuo sent an address. It was a small independent villa some distance away from the school.
    【I'll pick you up. 】
    You force yourself to calm down, arguing in school is unsightly, so you might as well go to the small villa and argue with him again.
    You were silent along the way. He noticed something strange about you and reached out to touch your head.
    You immediately turned your head and hid, while his hand froze in mid-air.
    "Mianmian, what's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?" When he asked this, the car had already arrived at the door of the villa.
    You got out of the car with a cold face, but didn't want to argue in public, so you walked straight into the villa, followed closely by him.
    As soon as the door closed, the grievance in your heart gradually spread, your eyes turned red, and you asked, "Did you let them say that on purpose about the Hundred Days Couple Challenge? Did you deliberately lie to me?" "Who
    told you that?" Gu Yi Nuo's expression changed slightly.
    You rubbed your eyes and choked up: "You just said that?"
    "Yes. I asked them to cooperate in that game, deliberately made us both lose at the same time, and deliberately raised that challenge."
    You looked at him in disbelief. , the tone of his voice changed: "Why? Is it so fun to lie to me?!"
    "Mianmian, I..."
    "That's enough!" You couldn't accept so much explosive news for a while, your mind was very confused, and you just wanted to stay away from him, "I'm stupid. I thought everyone was doing this. I didn't expect that I was the only one stupid enough to accept such a bad challenge! This matter ends here."
    He blocked your way and asked, "What do you mean it ends here?"
    You glared at him: "What else? You still think you haven't played with me enough? You lied to me for fifty days, and you're not tired of it yet?"
    "I didn't play with you." He explained, "I am sincere to you."
    You were so angry that you wanted to slap him, how could you say such a shameless thing?
    "Liar! I hate you!" You pushed him away, not wanting to stay any longer.
    Suddenly, the door of the villa was closed from the outside and locked with a click. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't open it.
    Your heart skipped a beat and you turned to look at him.
    He pulled his lower lip and smiled wantonly: "Mianmian, originally I brought you here just to let you taste the food I cooked. Now it seems that it has other uses."
    He took out a pair of handcuffs from behind him. The ankles are chained, walking towards you step by step.
    up in Ai Power Generation, ID: Xiong Xiongnan

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