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[Snake] The clingy, yandere snake monster × You, a researcher dedicated to scientific research

You are a natural ecology researcher who concentrates on scientific research.
    This is the third month since you took your team to the pristine rainforest.
    "What is that?!" The companion walking at the front pointed to a mass under the tree in the distance.
    You react quickly: "It's a python! Be careful!"
    Everyone is uneasy, afraid that the python will go crazy.
    But it was curled up in a ball, its head hanging on the ground, and it remained motionless.
    It is completely indigo blue, with mottled light and shadow hitting it. It is extremely beautiful. It is a species that has never been seen before.
    The research value must be very high!
    You couldn't help but feel a little excited. You observed it carefully for a few seconds and found that it seemed to be asleep. You immediately took out the tranquilizer gun.
    The anesthesia needle was accurately inserted into the python, and it fell into a deeper sleep.
    "This new species needs to be studied carefully and we will try to publish an article in the top issue." Your eyes are shining. This is the biggest gain in three months.
    After bringing the indigo python back, you studied it day and night.
    That night, at three o'clock in the morning, you were still busy in the laboratory.
    Your boyfriend couldn't stand it anymore, so he came over and put his arm around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder, and said in a muffled voice: "Xinxin, it's late, go back and rest." The
    research has made some progress, and you don't feel sleepy at all: "When you're tired, go back and sleep on your own."
    "No, I want to be with you." He sat down next to you, hugged you on his lap, leaned close to your ear and started to kiss you carefully.
    "It's ticklish..." You chuckled and tried to avoid it, "Wait until you get back."
    "No." Your boyfriend began to act shamelessly, hugging you and kissing you constantly.
    You didn't notice at all that the python that had been sleeping for a long time in the transparent glass cage not far behind opened its eyes without anyone noticing.
    Its eyes are glowing purple, staring straight at your boyfriend, very fiercely.
    With a bang, its snake tail smashed the glass violently, and it crawled toward you like it was going berserk.
    "Ah -" you screamed. It crawled so fast that you didn't even have time to react, and your boyfriend was tightly wrapped in its snake body.
    The boyfriend's face immediately turned purple, and he was almost suffocated and speechless. The python in a manic state was still exerting force, and it was ready to hang him alive.
    You were so anxious that you were sweating profusely. With trembling hands, you got the anesthetic needle and injected it several times.
    However, the anesthesia needle that took immediate effect before had no effect at all at this time, and instead angered the terrible python.
    It continued to tighten the snake's body and coiled it into loops. The boyfriend died completely and was thrown to the ground by it. His lifeless body was squeezed out of shape.
    It turns to look at you and crawls towards you again, but this time the speed is much slower.
    You were so frightened that you kept backing away until your back hit the wall. You simply closed your eyes and waited for death.
    At that moment, you ask yourself, will you regret it if you rashly bring it to the laboratory without knowing anything about it?
    No hesitation, you have no regrets, but if you could do it again, you must be more cautious.
    After thinking wildly, the expected attack did not come, and you couldn't help but open your eyes in confusion.
    The boa constrictor that was in a rampage state just now is lying in a ball next to you obediently, its oval head drooped on your lap, and its purple eyes are closed.
    Will the anesthesia injection be effective only at this time?
    You even breathed softly, and when you saw that it really seemed to be asleep, you moved away quietly and hurriedly ran out to call someone to deal with it.
    The team leader found out about this and asked you to send this dangerous python away.
    The research finally made progress, and you didn't want to give up: "I promise this time..."
    "What guarantee do you have?"
    You paused and lowered your head in shame: "I'm sorry, I promise you."
    On the day when the python was sent away, It was placed in the strongest hardened glass enclosure, with an electric fence surrounding it.
    Several workers carried the python onto the truck and stuck it against the glass. A pair of purple eyes like glass balls kept staring at you. The
    farther the truck went, the python became more and more impatient, and its body kept twisting. Moved, seemed very anxious.
    The moment you close the base door, its restlessness becomes more obvious, and it tries to break through the hardened glass and iron fence.
    You are a little worried that it will hit your head and cause blood.
    Unexpectedly, the hardened glass, which could not even be penetrated by ordinary bullets, was easily shattered by it, and the electric fence was also overturned by it.
    It walked through like crazy, sweeping its tail wherever it went, and the base quickly became a mess.
    Some people at the experimental base fired tranquilizer guns, and some directly fired shotguns, but it was completely unscathed.
    You are shocked, and the first thought that pops up in your mind is: It is too anti-biological, and its research value is off the charts.
    But right now, everyone is thinking about escaping, and you are no exception. No research is important.
    Before you took two steps, you felt a huge force wrapping around you. Your legs quickly left the ground, and you climbed into the air.
    Everyone thought you were going to be hanged, including yourself.
    But it actually circled you and shuttled into your laboratory, put you on the workstation, crawled to the place where you were originally locked, and lay down quietly.
    Those beautiful purple eyes are staring at you again, looking as well-behaved as a captive pet.
    You came up with an idea and hesitantly walked over and opened the original glass door, testing to see its reaction.
    As expected, it climbed in obediently.
    "Do you want to continue to stay here?"
    It seemed to understand your words and nodded like human behavior.
    You had mixed emotions. After struggling for a few minutes, you decided to go to the team leader to renegotiate.
    But when I walked out, I found that the base was empty and all the cars were gone.
    They ran away and abandoned you.
    You were stunned for a long time and then walked back to the laboratory. As if it could sense your mood, the beautiful python silently came over and gently touched your face with its head.
    "It's time to concentrate on research." You are a person who is devoted to scientific research. Whether or not there is anyone in the base cannot affect you.
    After a while, you are surprised to find that this python is very spiritual.
    Not only can it completely understand what you say, but it can also complete tasks according to your instructions.
    "Can you take me to your house?" You plan to study the details of its behavior in its habitat and want it to take you deep into the jungle.
    It is very obedient, and even when it sees that you are struggling to walk, it will wrap you up directly. The force is controlled appropriately, and you will not feel strangled at all.
    After more than half an hour, it stopped. In front of it was an ancient sky-gazing tree, so old that the heart of the tree was empty.
    You touched its head and asked, "Can I go in and have a look?"
    It stared at you for a few seconds. You didn't understand what it meant, so you repeated it again.
    It took you in, but as soon as you entered, a dense network of vines sprouted from the ground.
    You were surprised. You didn't expect that it would also install a door into your home.
    "You are so smart." You praised it with a smile. It seemed very happy and quickly put you on a blanket.
    The blanket looked like it was made of deer hair. Although it was a little rough, it was very comfortable to lie on.
    You lie down and fall asleep, you are so tired.
    I don’t know how long you have been sleeping, but you feel that your face is sore and a little itchy, and there is something pressing on your body, which is very heavy and hot.
    You opened your eyes drowsily and saw someone licking your face, all the way to your ears. His upper body was pressed against you, and his lower body turned out to be a long, indigo snake tail.
    "Ah-" You screamed in fright, breaking out in a cold sweat.
    He raised his head at the sound.
    He has a handsome face, a high nose bridge and deep purple eyes that give him an exotic mixed-race feel. There are some water stains on his crimson lips, which makes him look very charming.
    Seeing that his eyes are purple and the snake tail on the lower body is indigo, you instantly react: "It's you."
    It can actually transform into a human form, even though it only has the upper body.
    "It's me." He suddenly spoke, his voice was pleasant and ethereal.
    You are so stunned that you can still speak!
    It was quiet here, and when he saw that you didn't speak any more, he lowered his head again and continued to kiss you.
    "Don't!" You quickly pushed his head and twisted around to avoid his menacing kiss.
    He raised his head again, his eyes glowing in the dim environment, like a whirlpool in a lake trying to suck you in.
    "I want a kiss." He smiled at you.
    Without waiting for your reaction, he directly blocked your lips. Because it was so sudden, before you could even close your lips, his tongue nimbly got in, attacking the city.
    The strange fragrance instantly spreads in your lips, and you realize that he is actually transferring the secreted snake saliva to you.
    You remembered that in your previous research, you found that his snake saliva had a hallucinogenic effect, and you struggled quickly: "Uh-huh--"
    He frowned, held you down with both hands, and continued to plunder.
    "Cough cough cough." You were finally forced to swallow the snake saliva he passed over.
    Your head starts to feel dizzy and your vision becomes blurry. You feel as if you are in a warm hot spring, a little damp and a little hot.
    After two splashes, there are fierce water splashes that make your whole body float up and down.
    The wet and slippery thing was licked all over your body, and it especially stayed on your soft pink lips for a long time, sucking and biting them. You couldn't help but moan, and the person on your body suddenly became excited...
    Him His hand reaches between your legs, gently rubbing the most sensitive part of your body.
    Then two thick stems popped out from the deep folds hidden under his abdomen. One was thick and long, and the other was slightly upturned, with a circle of tiny soft thorns on it.
    He hesitated for a moment and said to himself: "This one shouldn't hurt."
    follow-up and the male protagonist's perspective easter eggs are all about AiDang~

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