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the jealous and crazy crazy villain × you who show up and don’t want to attack him anymore

You have traveled into this novel for two years, and your mission target is the villain Lu Wan.
    You have to change him into a good person before you can be considered successful.
    You try hard for two years and it still doesn’t work.
    So, you chose to mess up.
    You sit in the rocking chair, drinking rose tea, and feel comfortable.
    “Dong dong dong——”
    A rapid knock on the door made your eardrums hurt.
    You frowned and walked over impatiently to open the door, "Who is...Lu Wan?"
    The person who came had a harmless and handsome face, with pale skin and dark handsome eyes showing obvious anger.
    Lu Wan pursed his lips tightly and asked resentfully, "Where are the dumplings?"
    You then remembered that two days ago you had been clamoring to make dumplings for him to eat on New Year's Eve.
    But yesterday you had decided not to attack him anymore.
    "I forgot." You shrugged.
    Lu Huan seemed to have guessed that you would say this, and was not surprised at all. He even took out a large bag of things from behind.
    "Do it now."
    "It's already early in the morning!"
    Lu Xuan forcefully pushed the things into your hands and said, "You want to go back on what you promised yourself?"
    He bought the ingredients in advance and waited until midnight The people who have been waiting for you now come to you with full of resentment.
    You whispered: "It's too late. Forget it."
    He was stunned for a moment, and his eyes darkened, but he soon regained his composure.
    "Then I'll make it, and you eat with me."
    He stubbornly broke into your house, skillfully made a plate of steaming dumplings, and pulled you to eat with him.
    You are not hungry at all and cannot eat at all.
    "Isn't it delicious?" he asked.
    "Yeah." You didn't bother to explain.
    He froze, his face turned ugly, and then he finished the plate full of dumplings without saying a word.
    When leaving, he stood at the door and never took a step.
    "Why don't you leave?" You asked in surprise.
    He turned back with complicated eyes: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"
    You knew very well that he was waiting for you to say New Year blessings to him like you did in previous years.
    But you pretended to shake your head: "It's nothing."
    Lu Youjun's face was slightly cold, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by cold air. He pulled his lips and left without saying anything.
    After the destruction, you never took the initiative to find Lu Huan again.
    But Lu Huan came to see you.
    It's just that you pretend not to see him every time, and even if you see him, you don't pay much attention to him.
    "Why don't you look at me now?" Lu Xuan couldn't bear it anymore and blocked you against the wall and asked.
    You smiled heartlessly: "Didn't I look at you? Are you blind or am I blind?"
    Lu Huan tensed his jaw and said, "You know that's not what I said."
    "I don't know. "You pretend to be stupid every time and focus on a perfunctory one.
    He stared at you faintly for several seconds before letting go of you.
    You haven't seen Lu Wan for several days.
    Until this weekend, you met Xiaoyi whom you hadn’t seen for a long time on the street.
    Xiaoyi is a very warm-hearted and handsome brother. Like you, he is a person who goes through books to perform tasks. You initially helped each other and formed a deep friendship.
    "How did you complete your mission?" Xiaoyi never forgot to care about you as soon as they met.
    "I gave up."
    Xiaoyi was stunned. "In this case, I will stay in this world forever."
    "I don't want to, but I can't help it..." You lowered your head in frustration.
    "Don't be sad." Xiaoyi came closer. After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and hugged you, comforting you softly, "I will always be with you..."
    You were deeply moved, and you were glad to meet you in this strange world of novels. Xiaoyi is such a good friend.
    You two hugged each other tightly, and then you suddenly saw someone in the corner not far away staring at you.
    The man's face was cold and stern, it was Lu Wan.
    You suddenly had a bad feeling in your heart.
    Lu Huan walked over with scarlet eyes and pushed the two of you away from each other.
    He held your wrist tightly and said in a solemn tone: "No wonder you haven't ignored me recently. It turns out that you have a new crush."
    ​​Lu Huan and Xiao Yi have the same appearance, handsome and fair, and they look very well-behaved.
    But the difference is that Xiao Yi is really as cool as the breeze and the moon on the outside, while Lu Huan is pure and kind on the outside, but cold and crazy on the inside.
    "No." You struggled a few times, but found that you couldn't break free at all.
    If you make a small comment, I will come over to help you immediately.
    Lu Wan narrowed his eyes, raised his foot and kicked Xiao Yi directly in the chest, sending him flying and falling to the ground with a loud bang.
    It hurts to look at it.
    "Xiaoyi!" You screamed worriedly, looking at Lu Wan with wide eyes, "You are sick, why did you kick him?"

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