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[abo] The inferiority complex of the alpha senior who is crazy about fishing x b-pretentiousness

Betas are not popular in your school, and only Alphas and Omegas are invited to many activities.
    In order not to lose touch, you secretly injected gardenia-flavored pheromones to disguise yourself as a secondary differentiated Omega.
    This is why I can participate in many coveted activities, such as today's brand linkage party.
    You attach great importance to this party and get up early in the morning to prepare.
    But when you arrived at the venue, you still felt a strong sense of inferiority in your heart.
    Everyone is dressed gorgeously and can sing and dance well. Only your clothes are rented and the tags are carefully hidden inside. You don’t have any talents.
    From the moment you came in until now, you have been sitting alone, with no one willing to be your companion.
    Many classmates look at you very strangely.
    "If you can't get along with some people, don't be too hard on yourself. Otherwise, you'll be embarrassed." Your roommate even mocked you.
    You were restless and just when you were about to leave, someone walked towards you.
    He was extremely good-looking, and the dim light pouring down from the crystal chandelier cast a dark shadow on his face, which overlapped with his tight jawline and made his already delicate facial features more three-dimensional.
    "Hello, is there anyone here?" He pointed to the seat next to you.
    "No, no one." You were so nervous that you were in knots.
    "Okay." He smiled and sat down next to you.
    Because of his arrival, the table that was originally empty except for you was soon filled with people.
    Even the roommate who just laughed at you ran over.
    You glanced at him curiously several times. Everyone called him A Zhichang. What was his background? Why did everyone compliment him?
    After a while, someone suggested playing a board game and deliberately ignored you when the cards were dealt.
    You once again became a transparent person, so embarrassed that your face turned pale and you were sitting on pins and needles.
    They don't even deal you cards when they play board games, which makes you extremely embarrassed.
    "And her." He suddenly said, his meaning obvious.
    Everyone looked at you, and because of his face, they had no choice but to deal you cards.
    You quietly curled your lips towards him and whispered, "Thank you."
    "You're welcome." After he finished speaking, he reminded you to pay attention to the cards in a gentlemanly manner.
    With his help, you felt much more at ease. Board games were your specialty, and you won the most in a few games.
    But everyone present praised him.
    "Stop flattering me." He looked at you with a smile, "She is obviously the most powerful."
    You were shocked, and your pretty face turned red.
    All the noise around him faded away, leaving only his clear voice and the pounding of his heartbeat.
    At the end of the party, it started to rain lightly outside.
    You walked very carefully, for fear that water on the ground would splash on the hem of your skirt. The rent of this skirt is very expensive.
    "Are you going back to school?" A black Cayenne parked next to him. The driver's window was halfway down. The person inside was none other than Mr. Azhel.
    You nodded: "Yes."
    "If you don't mind, can I take you with me?" He asked politely, not making you feel the slightest offense or contempt.
    This is very rare in the campus culture that dislikes the poor and loves the rich.
    "Then thank you, senior." You were quite moved, and after getting in the car, you carefully lifted up your skirt for fear of staining his car.
    He seemed to notice and smiled gently and kindly: "Don't be so formal. This car is going to be cleaned tomorrow." "
    Oh, okay." You sat and relaxed a little.
    "Which dormitory do you live in? I'll drive directly downstairs."
    You said the name of the dormitory and watched him stop downstairs. He also took the initiative to get out of the car and help you open the door and open the umbrella.
    "Thank you..." You lowered your head and didn't dare to look at him, "Senior, please go back and be safe."
    "Well, goodbye."
    "Goodbye." You didn't go upstairs until his car disappeared from your sight.
    Your heartbeat has been very erratic, and the warmth on your face has not faded. You feel like you have stepped into a beautiful dream.
    He is attentive, gentle and gentlemanly, helping you out of trouble and even walking you back to your dormitory.
    How could there be such a good-looking person like Azhi?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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