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The long-planned yandere male god × you who have super facial control (Part 2)

Li Ren's eyes were bloodshot. He ignored you and went straight in.
    "This is my home!" You quickly stopped him, "We have broken up!"
    Li Ren said irritably: "I didn't sleep all night. If you want to make trouble, wait until I wake up."
    You laughed angrily: "Who made the trouble? I'm serious, you have no right to come here from now on, you have to find a place to sleep by yourself!"
    The air was silent for a few seconds.
    Li Ren glanced at you several times and sneered: "Zhao Ran, you have to make a fuss now, right?"
    He actually thought you were making a fuss.
    You closed your eyes and said coldly: "Get out."
    Li Ren's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't believe it, but soon he thought you were playing a new trick.
    "Okay, don't regret it." Li Ren said sarcastically, and then turned around and left angrily.
    You rolled your eyes, regretting not breaking up earlier!
    Soon you put your mind back together again, Meimei went to see the handsome guy from yesterday.
    The handsome guy's name is Mu Si Nian, and he has been waiting in the restaurant early in the morning.
    What a coincidence, the restaurant he chose happened to be your favorite one.
    He was also talkative, and even though you didn’t know each other, there was no silence throughout the whole process.
    You were even smiling the whole time.
    "Shall I take you back?" After finishing the meal, he asked in a very gentlemanly manner.
    You get what you want, so you are a little reserved: "Isn't that good? I live in xx Garden, which is quite far away." "
    It's quite far, but it's just on the way."
    You: "On the way?"
    "I live in the community next to you."
    The community next door? Then why have you never seen him in the past few years?
    But that's not the point. You can take his car back now as a matter of course.
    His car was clean, and the air had the fresh scent of shaving water.
    He also drives very steadily, which is very friendly to your motion sickness constitution.
    You always felt uncomfortable riding in Li Ren's car before, but Li Ren still blamed you for being pretentious.
    "Thank you." After arriving, you said goodbye to him with a smile.
    It's a coincidence that since you learned that he lived in the neighborhood next door, you ran into him more and more often.
    Gradually, you become friends with him.
    You often take his car to work, and when he is free, he will take a long way to pick you up.
    Tonight, you took his car back again.
    When you get out of the car, a person suddenly rushes over from beside you, grabs your wrist and pulls you over.
    "Zhao Ran, are you so courageous that you dare to cheat?" Li Ren asked angrily with his eyes scarlet red.
    You wanted to throw his hand away, but he was too strong.
    "Let go." Mu Sinian immediately got out of the car and opened Li Ren's hand without saying a word.
    You rubbed your sore wrist and said shyly, "Thank you."
    "You're welcome." After Mu Sinian said that, he turned around and looked at Li Ren, who was in a state of rage.
    The moment Li Ren saw Mu Sinian's face, he froze on the spot like a stone sculpture, his pupils dilated.
    "Mu, Si, Nian?" Li Ren was astonished.
    You were shocked, how did Li Ren know him?
    When Li Ren saw you standing close to Mu Si Nian, he was so angry that his eyes burst into flames. "Zhao Ran, why don't you come here quickly?"
    "Why should I go there?" You found it funny.
    He doesn't think you have him in your heart.
    Li Ren gritted his teeth and said, "Even my goddess Qingqing can't catch up with Mu Si Nian. Do you think you can win him?"
    After hearing this, I remembered that Li Ren's Bai Yueguang Qingqing had been chasing him for three years. The male god seems to have the surname Mu.
    I looked back at Mu Si Nian in surprise.
    I saw him smiling at me tenderly, then walking over and holding your hand affectionately.
    His clear and low-pitched voice sounded great at night: "Li Ren, you made a mistake. I can't take her down."
    You were so shocked that you were completely speechless. He, what was he talking about?

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