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the yandere brother who spends all his time × the beautiful sister who loves to fool

But there are not only screenshots, but also screen recordings. No matter how hard you dare to believe it, you have to believe it.
    "Wenwen!" Gu Huai ran over with a worried look on his face, "Listen to my explanation, it's not like that." You
    turned to look at him and sneered: "Okay, tell me."
    "I didn't send those. .My account was stolen two days ago. Those messages were really not mine, I..." Gu Huai was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead.
    At this time, the girl from the next class came over. She took Gu Huai's hand affectionately, "Don't lie to her." Your
    friend also said at this time: "Wenwen, don't believe this scumbag!"
    You were stunned. On the spot, he glanced at their hands linked together, and then at Gu Huai, who was stumbling and unable to explain clearly, and anger instantly surged into his forehead.
    "That's enough! I don't want to hear your lies anymore, and I don't want to see you again!"
    You ran out immediately after saying this.
    You ran to the quiet basketball court and squatted under the big tree nearby to cry.
    "Sister, stop crying."
    A familiar voice fell from above her head.
    You raised your eyes and saw your younger brother Shen Jinze.
    He handed you a tissue, then squatted down next to you and said, "It's a good thing to recognize the scumbag. There's nothing to cry about. Let's go back to the classroom."
    You wiped your tears and choked out, "If you don't go back, Everyone will definitely laugh at me, I will be so embarrassed."
    "No, they don't dare." Shen Jinze said firmly.
    The truth is just as he said, no one dares to laugh at you after you return to the classroom.
    You secretly find your friend and ask what's going on.
    The friend looked exaggerated and said excitedly: "Your brother was so awesome just now that he beat up all the people who were talking about you. He fought so hard that several boys were beaten to the point where they couldn't fight." "
    He? Beating people? "You were shocked and couldn't imagine what it would be like for your usually gentle and well-behaved brother to beat someone up.
    At the same time, you are even more touched that he, a good student who never makes mistakes, actually fights with others because of you.
    You received a call from Gu Huai. He begged you to meet again, saying that he wanted to explain the previous misunderstanding.
    "The last time." You still relented and agreed.
    My younger brother Shen Jinze knew that you were going to see the scumbag, so he said displeasedly: "Why should you give that scumbag a chance?"
    "I just want to hear what he has to say."
    Shen Jinze looked gloomy, "When will we meet? , where will we meet?"
    "Three o'clock in the afternoon, Rulan Lake."
    "Then I'll go with you."
    "Didn't you say you were going to participate in an event in the afternoon?"
    Shen Jinze shook his head: "I won't go, I'll accompany you. "
    You're a little surprised. Isn't he a little too nice to you? "
    Thinking of my previous attitude, I felt even more guilty, and decided to treat him well in the future.
    After eating the lunch he made, you habitually went to take a nap first.
    It was an unexpectedly deep sleep, and you didn't even know someone walked in.
    Shen Jinze walked to your bedside and touched your face with a strange smile: "Sister, I won't let him have a chance to tell the truth."
    After Shen Jinze said this, he raised his hand to help you. Quilt, turned and left.
    Like the Blue Lagoon.
    Gu Huai had been waiting here early.
    "Don't waste your efforts. She won't come."
    Gu Huai turned around to look for the voice and was stunned.
    The boy in front of him was tall, thin and tall, with a cap and a mask covering his face.
    Even so, Gu Huai could guess who this person was.
    "It's you again? Is it you again this time? What did you say to her?"
    "I don't need to say anything. She didn't want to come in the first place." Shen Jinze sneered.
    "Impossible, she promised me! It must have been you who caused the sabotage. Why did you do this?"
    "Why?" Shen Jinze laughed softly a few times, raised his feet to approach him, and pushed him off guard. Go down, "Because you don't deserve it."
    The free chapter of this article has been distributed, and you can read it later on Aifa.
    Love to generate electricity: Xiong Xiongnan
    puts out a small advertisement for his new novel. If you like to watch crazy male protagonists, you can read the novel next door. The title of the book is: "Persistence to the End"

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