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The crazy and perverted male protagonist picked up on the roadside x the kind lady you (Part 1

You rescued a young man covered in blood on the roadside. His face was as pale as paper, and he was lying on his side and dying.
    You didn't mind that the injured boy was dirty, so you took him to the carriage.
    The boy seemed to be very alert. When you put the thin quilt on him, he suddenly grabbed your hand, but he was too injured and his grip was weak.
    You sensed his uneasiness and comforted you softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I'm here to save you." The
    young man was still conscious. When he heard your words, his frowning eyebrows softened and his hands relaxed. opened.
    You brought the young man into the mansion, and asked the servants to clean the young man's body and put him into clean clothes.
    After the dirt and blood stains on the young man's face were washed away, a pale but handsome face was revealed, with impossibly delicate features.
    You stared at him blankly for a long time.
    "Cough cough cough..." The boy woke up.
    "You're awake!" You brought over the boiled soup: "Drink the medicine first, you will feel better."
    "Who are you, the girl?" Red, looking at it makes people feel pity.
    You quickly sit upright and introduce in a straight and clear manner: "My name is Bai Mengmeng, and this is my home."
    The Bai Mansion is a famous family in Sanjie City, and the Bai family army has been guarding Sanjie City for many years, and no one in the city knows it.
    Sure enough, when the young man heard that you were from the Bai family, he immediately became embarrassed: "Thank you, Miss Bai, for saving me."
    "You're welcome. It's just a little effort." You stared at his face for a moment, full of curiosity about him, "You What's your name? Why were you injured? Why did you fall on the roadside?"
    The young man was a little confused. He paused for a moment before saying: "Zhou Sheng, my name is Zhou Sheng."
    He only answered your first question, and the rest Not a word was mentioned.
    "Don't worry, you can recover here. You can leave after
    your injury is healed." You were so dazzled by his beauty that you didn't doubt anything and kept thinking about helping him recover from his injuries.
    You found the best doctor in the city to treat him, and ordered him to be fed and fed every day.
    After that, you didn't see him for several days because you were busy buying cloth.
    When you were thinking about going to see him, your mother's Jade Buddha disappeared inexplicably, and you set off to find it again.
    In the middle of the night one day, a servant came to tell him that Zhou Sheng had gone out in the middle of the night and got caught in the rain and had a serious fever.
    You quickly ran over to look at him: "What are you doing out in the middle of the night?"
    Zhou Sheng lowered his head: "I found that one."
    As he said that, he pointed to a purse wrapped in mud on the table, although it was dirty. , you also recognized at a glance that it was the purse containing the Jade Buddha that your mother had lost.
    "Are you here to help find the Jade Buddha?" You were surprised and moved.
    His injury hadn't healed yet, but he still wanted to help.
    "Yeah." He responded muffledly, then coughed a few times.
    You feel so distressed: "Don't move, I've ordered someone to make ginger soup for you."
    When you feed him the soup, his haunting peach blossom eyes always peek at you.
    You blushed slightly and asked awkwardly, "What's wrong?"
    "Why haven't you been here recently?" His voice was so low that you almost couldn't hear him.
    "Busy about shopping." You actually wanted to see him every day. When you heard what he said, you felt very happy. "Then I will try my best to take time to see you every day?" "
    I'm afraid you'll be in the middle of the night again. Go out and make yourself sick." You added guiltily.
    He nodded, and there was no change in expression on his handsome face, except that his eyes hidden under his thick long eyelashes danced with crazy joy.
    On a rainy day a month later, Zhou Sheng's injury healed.
    There will be no reason to stay at your house anymore.
    You sent him out of the house, and the raindrops dripped on the bluestone, mixed with the sound of his footsteps gradually disappearing, one after another, as if saying goodbye to you.
    After this goodbye, you wonder, will you never see him again?
    "Wait!" You couldn't help it anymore, you threw away your umbrella, picked up your skirt and ran towards him with a big stride, "Don't leave, okay?"
    Zhou Sheng looked down at you, emotions welling up in his eyes, you I didn't understand it at that time.
    You just heard him ask: "Why?"
    You didn't know that you had the courage to do anything, and said sincerely and passionately: "I like you, you stay, let's get married."
    "I'm serious, I only like you , you will always be my first choice." You flashed a pair of watery eyes, with water drops on your eyelashes, "I will be very good to you!" "
    Only like me? I will always be your first choice?" He Repeated what you said.
    You nodded: "Yeah!"
    He looked at you stubbornly and hugged you tightly: "Don't lie to me."
    "Of course not! I will do what I say!"

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