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Step by step, the yandere senior x the innocent elementary school girl you

You feel like you are being followed and monitored, but every time you turn your head, there is nothing.
    You wonder if you are being suspicious.
    Until yesterday when you received a delivery.
    Inside is a bunch of photos, all taken from various angles on your way to school and back to your rental house.
    For a moment, you were frightened to death. Who is it? What does that person want to do?
    You went to report the crime that day, but there was a lack of information. Apart from a few words of comfort, nothing could be done to solve the problem.
    The situation became even worse after that, with weird notes and tattered dolls appearing at the door of the apartment...
    Your condition got worse and worse, causing errors in the data processed by the group, and you were scolded by the seniors in the same group. A meal.
    You didn't dare to refute, the emotions accumulated in recent days came to you, and your eyes turned red with dissatisfaction.
    The senior sister rolled her eyes: "Are you so pretentious and say you're still crying?" "
    I'm sorry, I'll revise it right away..." You tried to hold your head high, trying to hold back the tears.
    Senior sister: "If you cry, you will cry. You made a mistake in the data, which made it impossible for all of us to carry out the follow-up work..." "
    Okay. The important thing is to solve the problem." A clear and deep male voice suddenly spoke, it was the same person. Duan Zeyu, a senior in the group.
    "That's right." The senior sister stopped blaming and looked at you indifferently, "It was your fault, so you will have to complete all the following work."
    Your heart tightened, will you do all the work? Wouldn't that mean working until late at night?
    Someone has been following you recently, and you don’t want to go back late at night when no one is on the road.
    But if you make a mistake, you have to take responsibility, so you have to bite the bullet and say: "Okay."
    Soon, the people in the research team left one after another.
    You sat back down at your desk dejectedly and started working.
    "Let me help you."
    A familiar and pleasant voice came from above your head. When you looked up, it was Duan Zeyu.
    You shook your head: "I appreciate the kindness of the senior, but this is too troublesome for you."
    "How late will it be to finish it if you handle it alone?" Duan Zeyu simply sat in the empty seat next to you, smiling softly. "And I'm quite familiar with those tables. I can handle them quickly and without any trouble."
    What he said really touched your heart, and you were worried that you would be late finishing the work.
    You looked at him gratefully, your cheeks slightly red: "Thank you, senior, I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow!"
    "You don't have to be so polite."
    With the help of senior, the work progress bar has sped up, but the workload is still a lot. It's past eight o'clock.
    Although it is already dark, it is better than late at night, you comfort yourself silently.
    "I'll take you back." Duan Zeyu said suddenly.
    You have troubled him enough today, so you said sheepishly: "I live in the West District, which is a bit far away. This is not good..." "
    What a coincidence, I'm going with you."
    "Really?" You couldn't hide the surprise in your eyes. , you feel more at ease when you have someone to accompany you back, "That's great!"
    On the way back, he kept chatting with you. Coincidentally, the topics he talked about were all of interest to you.
    You didn't expect that he, who was usually aloof and taciturn, could be so funny in private, and his interests and hobbies were similar to yours.
    Suddenly, a gust of wind passed behind me.
    It was a familiar sound that was usually followed by someone.
    You turned around reflexively and looked around, your whole body instantly in a state of high alertness.
    But as always, there is nothing behind you.
    "What's wrong?" Duan Zeyu followed you and looked back.
    You were so nervous that your forehead was sweating and your face was pale. You stumbled and said, "No..."
    Duan Zeyu looked at you suspiciously, and his gentle voice was as soft as the evening breeze: "Did something happen?"
    Listening to his gentle voice, you couldn't help but want to express your pent-up fears and fears, but you were worried that he would think you were talking nonsense.
    No one would follow you specially these days. You are not a stunning beauty, nor are you the daughter of a rich family.
    "It's okay if you don't want to talk. I'll take you back first." He said considerately, "If you want to talk later, I'm always here to listen."
    You looked up at him, and the moonlight shone on his face, making his handsome face stand out. It's so bright and flawless that you feel like a god has descended into the mortal world to save you.
    Your heart skipped a beat, and as if grasping at a life-saving straw, you choked up and recounted the horrific experience during this period.
    He was shocked after hearing this. After a moment of silence, he said: "Then where you live is very unsafe." "
    It is very unsafe. Sometimes there are knocks on the door in the middle of the night..." You really want to change places. , but the rent is paid every six months, and I really don’t have the money to move out.
    Duan Zeyu was silent for a moment and said: "There is a small single room next to the apartment where I live. If you don't mind, could you move there temporarily for a while? Will you move back after the police find out?"
    This simply solves your problem. You were so moved that you cried. You raised your hand to wipe your tears and said pitifully, "I don't mind at all! I will pay your rent when I get rich."
    Duan Zeyu chuckled a few times and said cheerfully: " It's not urgent, you can settle down first."
    "Well, thank you, senior."
    You and Duan Zeyu became neighbors in this way.
    He takes great care of you, and since telling him what happened to you over there, he has come back with you almost every day.
    With his help and company, you finally got through the most painful stage.
    Over time, that person stopped following you.
    Your life is finally back on track.
    There is also an unexpected surprise - Duan Zeyu confessed his love to you on your birthday.
    Your face was burning hot at the time, your heart was pounding, and you nodded shyly.
    He takes good care of you, knows all your preferences, and will always take your feelings into consideration.
    After being with him, you gradually become dependent on him, act like a baby to him, and play tricks with him.
    On this day, he went to another province for an internship. When the two of them were chatting via video chat, you puffed up your cheeks and complained: "When will you come back?"
    "Miss me? If you miss me, go to my room to sleep."
    "No." You immediately His face turned red with embarrassment, who wanted to sleep in his bed?
    After chatting with each other for more than an hour, you hung up the phone, but his words "Go to my room and sleep if you want me" are still in your ears.
    You walked into his room by accident. This was your first time, and you were curious for a moment.
    His room was very spacious and somewhat complicated in design. You accidentally knocked over the pothos at the corner and your soles slipped. You stumbled back a few steps and rested your hands on the wall to steady yourself.
    Snap -
    a piece of the wall was dented, and you looked at the place where your hand pressed down in surprise.
    It seems to be a hidden grid.
    You tried to take out the sunken wall block, but accidentally pulled out the box inside as well.
    Bang, the box hit the ground and the USB flash drive inside popped out.
    You are afraid that the USB flash drive will be affected by water on the ground, so quickly connect it to the computer to check.
    However, the moment you open it, you see hundreds or thousands of those pictures, and instantly your blood flows backwards and your whole body becomes cold.
    how so?
    Watch the follow-up on iDianfa

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