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256 Literature > Time Travel and Rebirth > The sea water rises one meter every day [the end of the world]

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The sea water rises one meter every day [the end of the world] (61) + extra

Author: Qi Shi Sun Quan Reading Record

Just as it happened, a man walked over to the deck of the ship opposite. The man was so thin that he could be blown over by a gust of wind. He was wearing a shirt that obviously didn't fit him, and he looked quite elegant.

This was the first time Li Hanfei saw him come out.

The man also waved to Li Hanfei. Li Hanfei jumped off the bamboo raft and took two steps that way, and the man also jumped off the bamboo raft.

Jiang Yuedong, don't tell me, he looks much more handsome after shaving. It's just that the bright smile on his face, set off by his still sunken cheeks, looks a little sad. He had just experienced a famine at sea and was still recovering from it.

"You can't see it at all now, so it's easy." Li Hanfei said in greeting.

"Actually, I was able to get up yesterday, but Xiao Chu held me down. But after one more day of rest, my condition is indeed much better." Thinking of the previous predicament, Jiang Yuedong felt bitter in his heart.

Then he said sincerely: "I was confused that day. I only realized how dangerous that day was after listening to Xiaochu. Thank you very much. Not only did you solve the group of bandits, but you also helped us. Otherwise, even if we didn't meet them, the situation between me and Xiaochu , I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on until now."

They really ran out of ammunition and food and were in dire straits.

Li Hanfei did not follow what he said, but pointed to the coconut tree with slightly yellowed leaves on the bamboo raft: "Do you think this can survive?"

Jiang Yuedong understood what Li Hanfei meant and walked slowly to the coconut tree: "This is a dwarf coconut. There is still a little bit of soil, but it will not be a big problem to raise it for a few months."

"Can it bear fruit?" This is what Li Hanfei cares about.

Jiang Yuedong smiled bitterly: "It will take another year or two to grow. If we can still find land, just dig more soil. But if we find land, just transplant it directly on land."

Li Hanfei extinguished his hope: "It's impossible. The water level is still rising."

Seeing Jiang Yuedong's shocked expression, Li Hanfei explained: "I originally wanted to settle on an island. I observed that the average sea water rose by one meter every day. Just ten days ago, the sea water completely submerged the island. This tree The tree was 'rescued' from the island before we left, and this is the only one."

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