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256 Literature  >  Time Travel and Rebirth > The sea water rises one meter every day [the end of the world]

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The sea water rises one meter every day [the end of the world] (183) + extra

Author: Qi Shi Sun Quan Reading Record

The child who stole something last night will be sent to that elementary school. Moreover, boarding is required directly, and food and accommodation are all in the school.

The school is of course open to the public, and all children can attend their own grade according to their pre-flood situation. You can also choose to live there. It's just that problem children, or children with problem parents, are forced to live there, and the teachers will also focus on education. It's half a juvenile detention center.

As for the child's father, he abetted the child to steal, and the situation was so bad that he was sentenced to three months of compulsory labor for inciting a minor to commit a crime.

The voluntary labor here is naturally the kind of working in a greenhouse or factory, where only meals are provided, but no work points are given.

The sentence is also very satisfying.

The woman woke up in the evening, still remembered that she had been dragged into the water, and wanted to file a complaint.

It's just that the fact that she was dragged into the water by the water ghost will be punished, and after an afternoon of fermentation, it has been spread from ten to ten. She soon learned about this from others, and the more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

After all, so many people drowned in the sea, it would make sense for a monster to appear. The person was so frightened that he couldn't even think of anything else.

The matter was resolved, but Li Hanfei and the others had some free time in the afternoon, and it was nice to be able to build snowmen and have snowball fights with their children. The good atmosphere and mood were ruined by such a person, which made Li Hanfei feel a little embarrassed. flat.

This cannot be compensated by continuing to play tomorrow. The good atmosphere was ruined and it was also contaminated with bad luck, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

There were only three alarms in total. Several people studied it for a long time, and finally came up with the plan to put one right in front of the container and shine it on the bamboo raft in front. Several adjustments were made to ensure that the alarm would not sound if people walked on the small plastic bridge.

The remaining two are still two small boats, one on each side in the direction of the bamboo raft.

The container is so high here that nothing can't climb up. If a thief climbs a bamboo raft to steal something, he will inevitably be detected by infrared rays as long as he turns over the things and moves back and forth.

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