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256 Literature  >  Time Travel and Rebirth > The Sea Rise One Meter Every Day [End Times]

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The sea level rises one meter every day [End of the World] (291) + Extra

Author: Qishi Sunquan Reading Record

Jiang Yuechu stopped talking, but silently took out the spear gun and carried it with him. In fact, Jiang Yuechu was the most accurate among the group. It was not about throwing darts or spear guns, but after practicing for half a year, she already had a certain degree of accuracy.

Afterwards, Li Hanfei directly contacted Grandpa Lei using the walkie-talkie and stood on the deck facing the sea breeze waiting for news.

Under the wind and rain, the waves are getting bigger and bigger. Who knows what kind of filth is hidden in the undulating boundary between the sea and the sky.

Li Hanfei looked ahead, feeling increasingly irritated.

I simply put the barrel of the rifle against my shoulder and tried to pull the trigger first.

The sound of a gunshot was so deafening that Li Hanfei's eardrums ached. Even though he was prepared, his shoulder felt the pain at that moment. The recoil was indeed not to be underestimated.

Li Hanfei just frowned, and Yuecheng felt his discomfort. He reached out to touch the place where the gun was pointed: "I'll find something to cushion you."

Li Hanfei shook his head: "No, you can't fire more than a few shots. You can try it, it feels good to fire like this."

Which boy didn’t dream of joining the army when he was young?

Yuecheng also tried to open two wooden warehouses and touched the position where they were pressed: "It's okay."

Dou Linwei held the barrel and wanted to try to open it, but his fingers hesitated for a long time and did not pull the trigger.

This is also consistent with his indecisive character.

Li Hanfei reached out and pressed Dou Linwei's shoulder: "Don't force yourself. It's still uncertain what will happen next. Maybe we are scaring ourselves."

Dou Linwei nodded, looked at the two younger men, raised his pistol again, frowned, gathered his emotions, and finally pulled the trigger.

He closed his eyes when he fired the shot. After the sound of the wooden gun, Dou Linwei opened his eyes with some disbelief and looked forward.

There seemed to be a hint of gunpowder in the air. But this wooden warehouse was obviously much easier to take down than expected.

At this time, Grandpa Lei's voice rang out from the Bluetooth headset: "Two ships are coming! Fire warning shots!"

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