(15) Going to school

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AN: This is after the last chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. Later after dinner at the Kuroba house~

"By the way, Thorny," Kuroba said after Edogawa went upstairs to get ready for his first night here, out of the hospital.

"Nani?" Irene asked as she looked up at him, away from the stairs as she watched the amnesiac go up them.

"What about school? Do you think it's too dangerous for him to go?" Kuroba asked, bringing up an important topic.

'School...' Irene thought to herself, 'Well, even if Kyosuke-san finds out we're still going to school, he can't do anything without being caught so it should be fine...'

"No. I think it's fine if we go together." she finally answered, "I'll tell him after we're both ready for bed." she went up the stairs to her room to also start getting ready before she knocked on Edogawa's door.

He opened it, now in his pajamas he got from the suitcase, and asked, "Midorikawa-san? Do you need something?" while tilting his head curiously.

Irene explained, "Just wanted to tell you that we're going to school tomorrow. I'll wake you up when it's time but I thought you should know beforehand."

The amnesiac blinked, "Ah, alright. But are you sure it's safe to go?"

She nodded, "The shooter isn't stupid enough to try and sneak into an elementary school to kill a student. So don't worry." she said reassuringly.

He nodded and smiled, "Makes sense. Alright. I can't wait to go to school tomorrow."

She nodded back, smiling slightly at his usual enthusiasm, "Well, we should go to sleep now. Oyasumi, Edogawa-kun."

He replied, "Oyasumi, Midorikawa-san." before she walked back over to her room, he closed his door.

She got in her room and lay down on her bed, expecting to stay awake, but her eyelids immediately started closing and she fell asleep.

Time skip to the next day (Brought to you by Conan's amnesia)~

The sound of the alarm woke Irene up and she was confused at first about how she fell asleep so fast like in the agency...

Until she remembered the similarity.

'Kudo-kun... So being around him gets me to sleep? Wonder why...' she thought but didn't dwell on it as she got off her bed and went to the amnesiac's room, opening the door to see him asleep on his bed.

She walked over and gently shook him awake as she whispered, "Edogawa-kun. Ne, Edogawa-kun wake up. It's time to get ready for school."

The boy stirred with a sleepy groan as he opened his eyes slightly to look at her, looking tired still.

'Amnesia or not, you're still not a morning person, huh?' she thought to herself a bit... fondly? Weird.

It wasn't the time to think about that.

She gave him her, now usual, slight smile and reminded him, "School, we need to leave to catch the train in time, so get ready."

He finally nodded as he rubbed his eyes and sat up, "Hai..." he said with a sleepy tone, sounding his age yet again, especially with his actions.

She nodded as she returned to her room and started doing her usual morning routine to get ready.

She got out of her room when she was done and saw Edogawa get out of his a second later, also all dressed and ready. And they both greeted each other before going downstairs.

It was a good thing Mouri thought of putting his school backpack in his suitcase and did, even if she had no confirmation that he was going.

'Probably thought that his school notes might help him remember something.' Irene realized a second later.

They both picked up their backpacks downstairs as Irene unlocked the door with the spare key and locked it behind them.

They walk out the gate and start walking to the train station side-by-side.

Irene was getting a weird sense of deja vu from this, being reminded of her time at the agency.

Edogawa then spoke up, "So... What's our class like? And our teacher?" 

Irene, having expected this, answered, "They're all nice. Our teacher especially. Actually, some classmates of ours might surprise you."

He blinked and tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

She slightly smiled knowingly, "You'll see when we get there."

He nodded before he asked, "Ne... How well do you know me? I mean, I know we're friends but... How much about me do you know?"

She thought about what to say.

Now, if Kudo with amnesia was the one asking this, she would have a reason to lie, but since it was Edogawa with amnesia...

She figured it was better to be truthful.

"I know pretty much everything about you." she finally answered, "We're that close. Why? Want to know more about yourself than I told you?"

He nodded, "I do."

She nodded back, "Alright, ask me whatever you want."

He took the offer and did just that, asking more about his hobbies, his friends, and how close he was to the Mouris.

They arrived at the station and bought the tickets while he paused but he continued his questioning while they were riding the train.

Irene didn't blame or try to get him to slow down, she understood that there was a lot he wanted to know about his life now that he didn't remember it.

The questions only stopped once the train arrived and they got out, now walking to school.

Irene looked to see that the reason his questions stopped was that he was looking around, his eyes exploring and memorizing the route, maybe even admiring the view.

She understood that and so didn't comment as he followed her while looking around in silence.

AN: Done! Hope you guys liked it!

Yep, unlike in the original movie, I'm including them going to school. I mean they never mentioned that it was a holiday and I don't think having amnesia gives you an excuse to be absent.

Surviving an accident though, does give an excuse as long as you're recovering in the hospital, but now that he's out and healthy, there's no reason not to go.

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Looking forward to the next part? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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