(25) Today's the day

109 11 25

AN: Oohh! We're reaching the end of this movie arc! These are her clothes for today, she's wearing them till the end cause it's all happening on the same day, along with her hair brooch. Hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. The next morning at the Kuroba household~

Irene had brought Edogawa's gadgets back with them yesterday, the ones he brought with him to the party that night but didn't get back, and she woke Edogawa up and told him to wear them as today was special.

After they ate breakfast with Kuroba at the Nakamori's, the duo bid them farewell, Irene and Kuroba sharing knowing looks, with him nonverbally saying "Good luck." with his eyes which she nodded at, and the two were off to the train station.

When Edogawa asked where they were going, Irene simply explained, "Well, you reacted to Tropical Land even if you don't feel any familiarity to it, so I think going there will help you regain your memories. The police were called so someone would help guard you, also Ran-neechan and her father are coming along with Agasa-Hakase and Haibara-san."

He listened to the explanation and nodded in understanding as he said, "That might work, it's the only place that got me to react in anyway." which made her nod back with a small smile.

Of course, he would see the point even without memories.

After they arrived at the station, they got on the train to Beika and arrived in 20 minutes like usual, they got off the train and Irene, remembering the way from the time she went there with the kids and to meet Kudo for the first time, led the way as they both went to Tropical Land.

They arrive and immediately see the others as Mouri who saw the two was waving them over as she said, "Conan-kun, Irene-chan over here!" and so the duo walked over.

Mouri was there with her father, Agasa, Haibara, and Takagi, Irene relaxed slightly in relief that this was the same so far, just without the kids and Suzuki.

They shared pleasantries before Mouri hugged Edogawa as she had missed him which made him all shy and uncomfortable again but he made the effort to hug back awkwardly.

Haibara then said, "We shouldn't waste time out here where the culprit can see us, let's head in already." 

Kogoro replied, "Ah, right." and nodded as Mouri let go of Edogawa and they all walked into the amusement park.

Mouri asked, "So what should we do first?" looking around as she seemed to get a sense of nostalgia, some longing mixed in as she started to miss a certain someone.

Irene suggested, "What about the Mystery coaster? Even if Edogawa-kun never rode it, it might help remind him of something."

Takagi looked at the guide pamphlet before finding where the Mystery Coaster was, Terror and Fright Land.

So they went to the Mystery Coaster, though Irene and Haibara looked at each other as Haibara without word decided to go wait outside with Agasa, so Irene then said, "Ran-neechan, you sit with Edogawa-kun, maybe being near you more now will help him remember you."

Mouri didn't seem to have a problem with it as she nodded and so both Mouri and Edogawa sat at the front while Irene sat with Kogoro before the ride started.

Agasa was looking up at the coaster as he mumbled to himself about Kogoro being afraid of heights and as if he triggered it, Kogoro finally realized how high they were going and exclaimed, "Oh no!" before the coaster went down which made him scream in fear.

Irene ignored him as she seemed to enjoy the ride, this being her first time actually riding it, raising her arms up as they went up, Kogoro still screaming as he got more and more scared.

When the ride ended, they all went to sit on a nearby bench, Kogoro clutching his heart which was beating rapidly as he panted heavily.

Edogawa looked at him and asked, "Ano... Daijobou?" while Irene got off the bench and asked him, "Ne Edogawa-kun, do you want some soda?" she looked at Mouri who was going to get some, "Ran-neechan will get some."

Edogawa nodded and said, "Sure, I feel a little thirsty." Mouri heard that and nodded with a smile before she left to get the soda.

Kogoro leaned back on the bench as he complained about who made the roller coaster, Irene ignored it since she knew he was only saying that because of his fear, and she noticed Edogawa looking at the castle.

She then saw Mouri coming and went to her as she took three cans she had with her and went back to the bench, giving one can to Haibara who took it wordlessly, then going to Edogawa and, without thinking, placed the cold can against his forehead to get him to look at her, startling him as he covered his forehead and looked.

She held the can out, "Here, while it's still cold." he seemed to stare before he blushed and placed a hand against his cheek before shaking his head and took the can with a smile then said, "Arigato."

Irene nodded before glancing at Mouri, getting an idea of what his reaction meant.

It was slight, but he was remembering a bit.

She placed her can in her bag, not feeling thirsty yet and knowing she might need it, as she just sat on the bench waiting for what would happen next.

This might work.

Today might be...

No today was...

Today's the day, he would get his memory back.

AN: Done! Hope you guys liked it!

Well, they're at Tropical Land now, Conan seems to have reacted to the soda can but not the coaster, that means something.

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Looking forward to the next part? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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