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AN: The rain is for the scene when Sakura/Irene dies and wakes up in the DC world it's supposed to be raining.

There are things you should know before you read:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: Detective Conan and Magic Kaitou don't belong to me they belong to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC

Now enjoy the story!!~~

Narrator pov. At midnight~ (There's usually a warning for this, but DC has murder in it so I'm not including one :D)

Sakura was taking a late walk home, as she just finished visiting the scene of the burnt orphanage, when she came across familiar but not friendly faces.

It was some of her bullies, Jake, Belle, Charles and Ron.

The only ones who always liked to pick on her ever since kindergarten.

They were smirking evilly at her, which didn't really make her feel anything since she can't, before they all took a hold of her and started dragging her with them to a certain river.

The Nightly Dead.

Without a warning, they immediately pushed her into the raging waters, making her hit a rock against her chest where her heart is in a way that was definitely going to bruise, laughing and watching expectantly as if they were waiting for her to struggle and scream.

Except, that didn't happen. She just stayed in the water without doing anything other than being pushed further in by the force.

That was when they stopped laughing and instead paled.

"Shit!" Jake said, "Why is this bitch not doing anything?!"

Belle started to look scared, "At this rate, she's gonna die!"

Charles was going to try going in but then the rain started pouring and the river flowed even faster and stronger, so instead he said, "We need to run! Come on!"

They all look at him hesitantly before they nod and run off, leaving Sakura in the waters alone as she gets pushed further away.

She didn't complain in the slightest, instead just closed her eyes as she let herself die.

She doesn't care either way. 

Not after Miyuki's death in that plane crash.

Not after she lost her parents and the kids and Miss Stella from the orphanage, her family, in one night, along with her other best friend, right after high school in a big fire set to the orphanage.

She had already forgotten how to feel anyway.

She doesn't care.

Even as she remembered her little promise to Miyuki, "Promise me that, no matter what, you'll always remember our times together and hold on to them."

Well, she does remember, but she also forgot.

She forgot how she felt during those memories.

But now, she's just letting herself go as she inhaled some water one last time and blacked out.

But what she saw when she woke up wasn't what she expected since what she saw wasn't the afterlife nor was she in heaven or hell, no she was in an alley. Not only that, but she can't feel her injury anymore which meant it was gone.

Needless to say, she was confused 'What happened, and where in the world am I?' was the question in her head, and, needing an answer, she stood up then finally felt the raindrops hitting her long brown hair but not caring about them she looked around and realized that the alley and everything else looked...anime-like.

(By the way, I should've explained this, but the reason she sees the world like a drawing here is that her eyes are still adjusting to the new dimension. So after she spends some time here, everything looks realistic again. ^^)

Normally she would think it was painted but since she did feel the ground when she stood up she knew that it wasn't 'But then how...?' just when she was about to try and find an answer to the question she heard 2 pairs of footsteps coming her way and the owners were talking to each other, what was surprising is the fact that they were talking in Japanese not only that but the voices sounded familiar.

She didn't exactly give a damn about someone coming, though, and the fact that the voices sounded familiar made her curious.

Since she couldn't speak Japanese or write it, she didn't know what the conversation she was listening to was about as the footsteps continued until she and the people talking came face to face.

And the people standing there are the Gin and Vodka.

The black-cloaked duo tensed and then looked at her before Gin gave her his typical angry glare but she was colorless hence why she didn't shiver and didn't move, still staring.

As expected, they both started moving, they were coming closer to her by the minute but she didn't care, she just watched as they got closer.

When they got in front of her and looked at her Vodka got out his gun and pointed it at her, he was about to shoot when Gin raised his hand in front of Vodka's gun causing Vodka to look at him in surprise to which Gin said something.

Since Sakura had enhanced hearing she heard the police sirens, though she didn't hear it earlier, 'It's probably because I was too confused to notice.' she thought to herself.

While she was thinking all this Vodka lowered his gun and seemed to be listening because, after a few seconds, he cursed asking something while looking at Gin who in reply smirked his cold smirk and said something that she still didn't understand.

But she still didn't resist when Vodka hit her head with the back of his gun while Gin was getting out the pack of pills for APTX-4869, indifferent to everything to feel the pain of the hit on her head.

She did feel herself falling onto the ground though but she didn't resist when Gin pulled her head up and pushed the pill in her mouth then poured in some water to help her swallow it.

She felt the burning feeling that she was expecting and instinctually, she moved her head to see if the black-cloaked duo were still there only to see them running away, at first, she was confused until she heard the sound of the sirens coming closer.

Not wanting to get the police involved just in case she either dies or shrinks, she started to run away to another alley far away from the sirens.

When she finally reached an alley, she let herself relax and gave in to her body that was demanding to shut down.

She wasn't feeling pain, but it was that sleep was finally overcoming her that made her tired so now that she had the opportunity, she let herself fall onto the ground and then slipped into the peaceful darkness of unconsciousness. 

AN: That's the prologue! This one is even better honestly. But I still hope you all enjoyed it! If you did, don't forget to comment! You guys know I prefer comments over votes. :)

That's all for now, see you in the next chapter!~

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~

DC fan2034~  

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