(28) Memory triggered

123 13 35

AN: Hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. Continuing~

Irene started the countdown, "10... 9..." she noticed Edogawa looking at her in surprise but she continued, "8... 7... 6..." 

Kyosuke scoffed and asked, "What's this some kind of childish prayer?"

Irene ignored him and continued, "5...4... San... Nii... Ichi..."

The fountains activated which surprised Kyosuke as expected and he looked behind him with his gun hand still raised, and the second fountain activated, covering everything but his gun.

Edogawa gasped before he held his head and cried out a bit in pain which made Irene look at him, "Edogawa-kun!"

But he wasn't hearing her, memories started to flood back in.

Flashbacks of the shooting of Sato and how he got knocked out.

And then...

Flashbacks time~

"Kudo-kun... Ne Kudo-kun wake up..." was the first voice he heard since he was drugged and left to die by those men.

He opened his eyes and mumbled, "I'm alive..." realizing that that drug must not work on humans before he looked around and noticed a little girl in front of him looking at him with an empty stare.

Was she the one that woke him? If so why did she call him like that as if they're the same age? And she seemed to mostly speak English...

"What did you just call me, kid?" he decided to ask in the same language she seemed to understand better which seemed to work as she blinked.

This kid seemed like a weirdo, who called someone older than them by their last name while using "kun"?


He was now at Agasa's venting about what happened at the case at Tsukikage Island and deciding to just tell the inventor about Irene since she did say she was planning on doing it anyway.

"And she makes it sound okay not even to try to do anything when she knows what happens!" he said angrily while crossing his arms.

Agasa, who had processed the whole knowledge thing pretty quickly, seemed to think and replied, "Well, what did you expect her to do? She's in the body of a kid too after all, or did you expect her to have a better chance of convincing the culprit to get out?"

He paused at that and Agasa continued, "And according to what you say she said, she has a point. What if her intervening only meant that Ran-kun died instead? Or what if Irene-kun going there got her to die with Seiji-san?"

"Besides, Shinichi, you know how she is right now, do you really expect her to think emotionally much? The fact that she can show she cares for others without emotion is already a miracle and shows she's still human." Agasa reminded.

"So, I get your point but I get hers too, she doesn't want to make things worse when she knows how things going the way they are will make good things happen, that's how the butterfly effect works," he explained his opinion, "If there's something that's not going to do much if it happens, she will stop it."

Kudo seemed to start thinking about it now, "... I should apologize... Even if she didn't look like she was hurt by it, she's still human... And she deserves to be treated as such." 


He and Hattori had just realized they had forgotten the evidence against the culprit and started to scold each other before they remembered how the culprit told the time which made them figure out what the evidence was.

Hattori was on his way out to start his part of the act when Edogawa noticed the pot that seemed to be filled with something that wasn't water so he opened it and peeked in.

Hattori noticed his silence and asked, "What's wrong?"

Edogawa stayed silent for a second as he remembered a certain someone before he asked, "Na Hattori... Do you think you can save someone... who doesn't know they need to be saved?"

Hattori's response was looking at him in confusion while saying, "Huh?"


 'Something's wrong...' he thought as he looked at Irene and saw her sleeping in class, again.

She had started doing that since the Haido City Hotel incident with Pisco and he didn't know why her insomnia got worse since then.

It could be because she got injured by the men in black and had a close encounter with them.

... Or the fact that she willingly left Pisco to die there, which she admitted the day he went with her to Hakase's so Haibara could return her jacket.


He had a feeling that it wasn't either of those.

No, it had something to do with the moment she seemed to space out before the murder happened, even if she said it was nothing.

Honestly, he was getting worried.

Flashbacks end~

He had stopped screaming now, breathing heavily as he still held his head, Irene gave him a slightly worried glance before she turned back ahead and took the can of cola out of her bag, turning her gloves on to get ready to throw it hard.

AN: Done! Hope you guys liked it!

So, not only does Conan get his memories back, but we see some things from his perspective.

The time he woke up after shrinking.

His talk with Agasa about the Moonlight Sonata, that happened the day Irene moved out.

A certain change to his question to Heiji at the Distinguished family murder cases, where he was referring to Irene.

And lastly, how he noticed her insomnia worsening.

And now Kyosuke is getting arrested and taken down.

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Which memory was your favorite? Are you looking forward to the next part? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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