(2) One wrong action

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AN: This is the next part. Hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. Continuing~

He followed Sato to the bathroom but ended up being spotted as Sato asked, "Conan-kun? What are you doing here? It's the women's bathroom."

He laughed nervously while rubbing his head as he said, "Aha. I... I was going to the bathroom too but got into the wrong one..." sounding embarrassed, though it wasn't clear whether it was because he was actually in the women's bathroom, or that he was caught.

Sato just laughed as she put on her makeup, and Edogawa decided to take the chance to wash his hands since the sink was low enough to reach without a stool.

While doing that, Edogawa asked, "Ne Sato-Keiji, what was that between you and Megure-keibu earlier? He looked worried."

Sato sighed and said, "Ah, that. He's just being protective of me. Don't worry about it, Conan-kun."

He tilted his head, "Protective?" 'But why? Megure-keibu knows Sato-keiji isn't the type to get herself attacked easily.'

Sato nodded, "Un. Since if what we think this case's victims connection is is true then..." She paused as she realized what she almost said and just smiled, "He's just worrying too much."

Edogawa narrowed his eyes, as he finished washing his hands and used his handkerchief to dry them before he went to ask another question but then the blackout on the party floor happened.

Both of them looked up in surprise, as Edogawa asked, "A blackout?" Sato said, "Weird. I'll go see what's going on. Conan-kun, stay here." she stretched her hands out in front of her and started walking ahead to where she remembered the door was.

Edogawa went to activate his watch's flashlight before he saw the light coming from the cabinet and opened it to see a flashlight, 'Huh? Why is a flashlight here like this? And turned on?'

Despite the weird situation, he thought it would help Sato who didn't have a light so he took it and said, "Sato-Keiji, there's a flashlight here." Sato let out an "Eh?" as she stopped walking and looked back to where he was.

He shone the flashlight at her as he said, "Here." before he tensed at the same time Sato did, both of them noticed someone with an automatic handgun at the door.

'The shooter!' he thought to himself in panic and seriousness as Sato immediately cried out, "Watch out, Conan-kun!" running over to protect him before the shooter started shooting at her.

Edogawa's eyes widened and he called out, "Sato-Keiji!" as the shooter shot 3 times, one bullet hitting one of the taps and knocking it off the sink as water started flowing everywhere and filling up the floor.

The water knocked the flashlight out of his hands and it illuminated the shooter's face for a second, making him widen his eyes again, 'Nani?! That person is...?!'

He shook himself out of it with gritted teeth as he exclaimed, "Kuso!" kneeling down to turn on his shoes, going to kick the flashlight at the shooter before he started to run, 'I won't let you get away!'

Except, he forgot about the water on the floor which made him slip, 'Oh no!' the shooter bumped into him while running, which caused him to fall...

Into the edge of one of the sinks, hitting the back of his head against it which immediately knocked him out. The lights turned back on a second later.


Meanwhile, at Kuroba's, Irene felt a shiver go down her spine while lying on her bed waiting to fall asleep.

'What the? Why do I feel that something bad happened? I already know how the case will go.' she sat up, now feeling less like sleeping, wondering what was wrong for her to feel like this.

AN: Done~ Hope you guys liked it! 

Well well, Conan got a pretty nasty hit on the head there. Wonder what will happen? >:D

 Yeah, you clearly see why this needs to be in parts. A lot of things are changing from here. 

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Are you looking forward to the part after? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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