Protect her

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AN: Hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. Continuing~

The hijackers took out their guns from their ski bags, the one in blue pointing his at the driver while the one in pink pointed it at the passengers.

Everyone except Irene, and the familiar person, was surprised.

Since the passengers started moving around in their confusion and shock, a warning shot was fired at the ceiling which finally made them stop in fear.

The blue hat threatened the driver with his gun to keep driving.

The driver hesitated but with the threat of getting shot, he had no choice but to comply.

With the bus moving, the pink hat threatened the passengers to give their phones up if they had any.

Irene sat back in her seat and gave her phone up when the pink hat reached the backseat.

She couldn't help but glance over when the pink hat threatened the old man for his hearing aid.

She peeked over to watch Jodie trip the pink hat before sneakily turning on the safety while pretending to apologize in English before she sat back down.

Irene heard a quiet snort from a few seats ahead, right where the familiar person should be sitting, she willed herself not to look.

After Yajima's call, the ski bags were lined up vertically on the ground and Edogawa jumped off his seat to check but was spotted by the pink hat again who pointed his gun at him and told him to stand up.

'Araide' covered the detective and angrily told the pink hat to stop but 'his' words only made him angrier.

Blue Hat stopped him, warning him against shooting cause he might hit the bags so Pink Hat stopped and walked to the front.

Before they reached the tunnel, the hijackers started their plan as expected as they had demanded 'Araide' and Akai to come over that's when Edogawa realized their plan.

When they were now in the darkness of the tunnel, Irene heard her badge beep but turned it off as she didn't see a need to help in this plan as the rest listened to Edogawa's explanation.

When they were almost out, Edogawa spoke up as he explained how everyone would die and held up one of the bags with Agasa's help when they were back out of the tunnel.

Pink Hat almost made the same mistake of shooting close or even at the bag at this point before Blue Hat reminded him and then they noticed the writing.

The driver could see what it said so he hit the brakes and the plan worked, Irene sat on the bag on the floor, helping Mitsuhiko and Genta hold it to stop it from impacting anything while Agasa held the one he had alone.

Edogawa took out the Blue Hat with his watch as Jodie had the pink hat taken care of by turning on the safety so she just kneed him down before showing her true side a bit to him.

He was scared so he asked who Jodie was but she only said that iconic line "A secret makes a woman, woman." before putting on her act again.

Miharu then screamed and struggled against the hold as she realized how she accidentally hit the switch because of the brakes and urgently said how the bombs were going to explode which made everyone panic and escape.

The detective boys noticed how both Irene and Haibara weren't there.

Irene looked around but as expected, the person left so she shook her head and ran over to the front to take the fire extinguisher, with her gloves turned on, and threw it out the back window to shatter it before running back and taking Haibara's hand.

She heard the scientist let out an "Eh?" before she felt shocked eyes on her but didn't say anything in reply as she held her close, holding her head then jumped out the window using the back seat as a platform just in time for the bus to explode.

Takagi's car raced over with the siren blaring as the detective boys also ran over while calling out their names in worry.

Irene only looked Edoagwa in the eye when he arrived and he nodded before walking over and saying, "They both look injured. Take them to the hospital with Hakase and the others. I'll go to the inquiry on my own."

Hearing that, Irene relaxed and let her body rest on the ground as Takagi carried the girls and placed them in his car with the rest of the kids and Agasa before he drove off.

Irene, having gotten actually injured, let herself fall asleep from exhaustion as the adrenaline left her body.

Haibara had blood on her but it wasn't hers, she said so when Ayumi noticed it and then looked at Irene sleeping beside her.

'Arigato... Karashima-san.' Haibara thought to herself as she let herself relax while Irene was beside her for once.

In the hospital, Irene said, "Miyano-san, don't try that again. Suicide wouldn't solve anything, it would just hurt the people around you. And I promise, Kudo-kun and I will protect you. So don't run away."

Haibara stayed silent but nodded without looking at her.

No matter if the scientist hated her forever or not, Irene knew, that she would always protect her.

AN: Done! Hope you guys liked it!

Well, Irene ended up being the one to save Ai.

And she gave her a different but still effective speech.

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Which part was your favorite? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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