Soccer lessons

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AN: This is an original chapter. Hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. At the park~

Irene had just arrived at the park to see Edogawa sitting on a bench waiting and she walked over and greeted him, "Hey, I'm here."

He perked up and gave her a smile, "Great! Let's start." he picked up the soccer ball from next to him and they both walked over to the field with fences on both sides.

Right, Edogawa bumped into Irene coincidently while she was in Beika, having come to visit a certain someone's grave, and he took the chance to ask her to come play with him in the park.

Flashback time~

"Kudo-kun. You know I don't know how to play. Why don't you ask any of the others?" Irene asked genuinely curious.

After all, Irene never really joined when the detective boys played, she just stayed on the sidelines either counting scores or just watching.

 Edogawa pouted and answered, "Those guys are all busy and Haibara just bluntly said no. I could play alone but it's no fun."

Irene blinked and replied, "Still. I'm not good at playing, it will be a boring game for you." 

At that, he grinned, "Not if we use the time we have to teach you first!"

Irene tilted her head and let out an "Eh?"

"You're at most above average in speed and acrobatics, right?" he recalled as she nodded so he added, "That's more than enough to get you to learn fast! Soccer is a sport after all. Besides, it will be fun!"

Irene blinked as she noticed his puppy eyes, which she was sure he didn't know he was doing, and relented, "I'll have to visit someone first. But alright."

He grinned wide, said, "Great!" and happily told her which park to meet at before they parted ways for now.

Flashback end~

Now, Edogawa placed the ball in front of him as he decided that he would demonstrate how to do a precise kick while explaining.

Irene watched before he gestured for her to take his place and placed the ball in front of her.

She looked down at it before looking up at the fence that was the goal but as she attempted to copy what she saw Edogawa do.

She felt arms around her waist, familiar ones.

Edogawa was holding her by the waist and he said, "You have to lift your leg higher than that." right next to her ear.

For some reason, knowing he was holding her like that made her heart race and her face warmed a little, but she watched as he pulled her back a bit and lifted her leg.

She took a deep breath to calm herself before she tried to kick.

She immediately sent the ball towards the goal, though it didn't go as high as she intended.

Edogawa whistled, "Not bad for the first time." 

He seemed to notice the closeness himself then as he blushed and let go before clearing his throat.

After that, he taught her other soccer moves he knew, Irene found out that heading a ball was the easiest thing for her to do, probably because of how she played the balloon game with the orphanage kids.

(Note: It's the game where you have one balloon and the players have to stop it from hitting the ground as long as possible and the player who keeps it away from the ground the most wins)

There were other moments where Edogawa had to hold her again to show her how to do a move right, moments where they were as embarrassed as before, but gradually it felt normal.

After Irene learned enough to keep up, they finally had their match.

Edogawa was fast but Irene still kept up enough to score more than one goal, being able to tell that Edogawa didn't hold back.

In the end, the scores were 2-4 in Edogawa's favor but the fact that she got two points less than him was already an achievement.

"So what did you think?" Edogawa asked as they both rested on the bench, "How was your experience learning and playing soccer?"

Irene looked at him and answered, "It was fun. You're a good soccer teacher." 

He smiled and rubbed the back of his head as he replied, "And you're a pretty fast learner."

They sat like that in comfortable silence after that before they noticed it was getting late and parted ways.

And this was how the time Irene got her soccer lessons went.

AN: Done! Hope you guys liked it!

Well well, I see Conan was the one who got touchy this time like Irene did with the cooking lessons. Wasn't that cute?

Especially their reactions. X3

And look at that, Irene is almost as good as Conan since she scored half of his score.

It was her first match anyway, she'd probably get better.

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Which part was your favorite? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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