(22) Planning

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AN: This is after the last chapter. Hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. Later at the end of school~

Irene had made her decision now.

Edogawa was going to Tropical Land where the fountain was.

So it was time to start thinking up a plan.

As she walked with her friends to the shoe lockers, she took out her outdoor shoes as she placed her indoor shoes back inside the locker.

'Okay, first... I'll probably have to lie a little to get Kazato-san to come since if he thinks it's a low probability that Kudo-kun would get his memories back, he might not even come or at least bring his gun.' she thought as she put her shoes on.

'But, since no one other than Kuroba-kun knows about him, it'll be suspicious if I ask the Mouris to tell him that lie... So I'll have to include them in it.' she glanced at Haibara, 'Haibara-san could keep a secret, so I could tell her the truth... I mean she's the one who even convinced me to try this.' 

She and Edogawa bid farewell to the others before they both walked to the station, 'The best lie would be to go with the reason Mouri-san goes in the original movie... Meaning I have to say that Tropical Land seemed familiar to Edogawa-kun... but not go as far as saying he was the one who realized it so they wouldn't want to bring him in.'

She continued to think while walking, not caring if Edogawa noticed that she was being quiet, 'As for the timing... It would be weird and too rushed if I decide to take him there today, and the weekend is coming up soon, so it's better to do it then.'

'I don't think bringing Kuroba-kun would be a good idea as the others might see him and Mouri-san might make an unnecessary commotion when she mistakes him for Kudo-kun again... So I'll tell him what's going on, but ask him not to come.'

They got to the station and bought the tickets to Ekoda before getting on the train, 'Besides, I went to Tropical Land before, so I'm the one who knows the layout better, I'll have to research the fountain more though, just so I don't mess up the timing to go there with Edogawa-kun...'

'As for aggravating Kazato-san... I don't think I need to pretend to have figured him out to be the culprit, as long as I get a chance to see his face, the danger will be the same as if I knew it was him... Which I do.'

They were now off the train and walking to the Kuroba house, 'And as long as we get to the fountain in time and still trick him into pointing his gun, it should work out... Of course, it's easier said than done since we can't use a boat... But there are other paths to take around the attractions.' 

She revised everything in her plan in her head just to make sure, 'Well... It's not foolproof, especially with how I'll get myself in danger too, and that he could gain in on us... But that's why I need to take advantage of the layout since I know some things he doesn't.'

'Now who exactly should I lie to and who knows the truth? Well, Kuroba-kun definitely even if he's not coming, Haibara-san.... Well if she knows Hakase would need to know too, they both can keep a secret anyway, so it's just everyone else that would be lied to...' 

They were now at the turn that would lead to their street which they took, 'Well, if this works, it won't be a lie for long, I guess... Hopefully, that's the only time I'd need to do something like that.'

She remembered something, 'Ah, I should probably make sure Edogawa-kun wears the gadgets too so he uses them if... no when he regains his memory after that. Right now, he only has the glasses, the shoes, the watch, the skateboard, which I don't think he'd need there, and the suspenders... Which he also wouldn't need but we'll bring them so he can take them home after that.' 

She sighed softly, 'I really hope this works and it doesn't end up making things worse... Haibara-san is obviously getting anxious, and I know she knows that it might not work, but she's right about how we need to at least try...'

'Then again Edogawa-kun wouldn't really be that scared, maybe a bit nervous but it shouldn't stress him out, but you never know...' she glanced at him for a second.

'Well, I'll need to start by telling Hakase the plan first, so they both know to come and help before waiting for the weekend to tell the Mouris and by extension Kazato-san...' 

With that last thought, she nodded to herself, it was still not a foolproof plan, but at least it was mostly solid.

And then they arrived at the house and she opened the door as they both said, "Tadaima!" and Kuroba greeted, "Okaeri!" from the living room.

Irene put on her slippers and walked in with Edogawa following before they both went to their rooms to take off their backpacks.

Well, step one, planning the way to use the fountain, was out of the way.

The next part was actually setting it up.

AN: Done! Hope you guys liked it!

Well, we get to see how Irene plans out the trip to Tropical Land. It's not foolproof, but it works.

Let's hope it actually gets Conan's memory back. 

So what do you guys think? Did you like it? Looking forward to the next part and then the ending of the AmneConan arc? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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