Identity confirmed

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AN: It's finally time. This is the case with James. Hope you enjoy it!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. After the animal circus show~

The detective boys and Agasa walked out of the building as the real kids talked about how much they liked the show.

Agasa joined in as he talked about the white lion, Leon with them and Ayumi took out the Leon strap she had from her pocket, she explained that she bought it with both Irene and Haibara before the show.

Irene already had her strap attached to her pocket for everyone to see.

Haibara and Edogawa had a small conversation before they see the paparazzi surrounding a certain someone.

Now, since Irene was the only one out of the trio who was actually raised in America with only a few Japanese faces, she could immediately tell the difference between James and Randy Hawk, unlike the rest.

So as Agasa talked about James as if he was Randy and Ayumi took out the pamphlet to look at the picture, when he finished, Irene said, "But... that doesn't look like the same guy with the paparazzi."

Agasa and the rest looked at her with an "Eh?" and Irene just said, "I know normal Japanese people can't tell the difference, but Randy-san in the picture is not the same guy they're interviewing." 

When James talked, Irene added, "Look at that. Hakase said his Japanese is great, why does he have an obvious accent? And don't say to try and escape the paparazzi, cowboys won't use such tactics. Speaking of, his body doesn't look like a cowboy's to me either. I mean, he's not tanned the way you expect a cowboy to be."

She shrugged, "I guess no one would notice, but poor guy getting mistaken for a celebrity."

And then James was bombarded with questions which made him exclaim, "I can't give answers to all of your questions at the same time!" in English, which confused the paparazzi but made Edogawa realize Irene was right.

 He said, "Why don't we help this cowboy from Her Majesty's family?" as he went toward the paparazzi and Haibara was the first to realize what he was saying.

After helping James get away from the paparazzi, they walked away with him until they reached a bridge and James thanked them as a conversation started.

When James asked Agasa if he saw a longhaired man, Irene thought 'Actually, he doesn't have long hair anymore...' but didn't say anything as the conversation continued since Agasa asked Edogawa how he figured out that James wasn't Randy.

When Edogawa added, "Japanese people get confused by foreigners skin and hair color. Well, unless you're Midorikawa who saw it immediately."

James didn't seem to pay attention to the part about Irene, so she stayed relaxed as he finally introduced himself.

When he talked about the Irregulars, Irene, and Edogawa both explained, "They're a bunch of kids from Baker Street that assisted Holmes." 

After a bit, James offered the lunch and after they accepted, he went to get his car.

After 40 minutes, they decided to look for him in the closest parking lot.

When some kids said they saw James being taken by two men, Edogawa ran to the alley they pointed at, the rest of the detective boys following him as he found the strap and concluded that James was kidnapped.

They went to tell the police officers patrolling, but of course, they had a hard time convincing them that they were serious, and then they heard that Randy was live on the radio.

When they told the officers about the bloody message, they just took the strap and said that they would test the authenticity of the blood and come by the station tomorrow as they left.

With no choice, they started thinking about the message to try and figure out what it meant.

After they found out that Ayumi's badge was still with James, Edogawa turned on the glasses to track it before he used the earring phone to call Takagi.

After the call ended, Agasa left to get his car so they would also get there and Edogawa and Haibara had their talk about how suspiciously fast James acted in his situation.

When Haibara talked about feeling watched, a certain car passed by and the trio looked over.

Haibara as expected saw Akai's face and looked shocked but...

Irene wasn't any better as she saw a certain someone in the seat next to Akai's by the window who was also looking over at them but didn't react as much.

While Haibara only turned to Edogawa to confirm if he also saw Akai, Irene's reaction was different.

She had her hands covering her mouth and froze, unconsciously stopping herself from saying the name out loud, the person that she was now sure was actually right there.

'M... Mi... Miyuki...?' 

Edogawa noticed her reaction and was surprised, 'Karashima?' he placed a hand on her shoulder and she looked at him as he asked her "Are you okay?" with his eyes.

She took a deep breath and slowly relaxed as she let her hands back down and nodded at him, gently taking his hand off.

Well, she really didn't expect this, it should've been impossible.


At least, the identity of the face that had been haunting her for a while had finally been confirmed.

AN: Haha done! Hope you guys liked it!

YUP! That's who the person was! Surprise!

I don't know how many of you I did fool, but I bet you didn't expect that reveal, eh?

Irene sure didn't. And I'm glad that, even as she was shocked, her body still stopped her from exposing herself by saying the name out loud.

Though Conan is going to get worried again.

But the question now is, why was Miyuki in all those places Irene saw her in? And if Miyuki saw her too, why didn't she react?

This is getting exciting, isn't it? :3

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Which part was your favorite? Hope to see your feedback soon!

That's all. See you next chapter!

Stay sweet my fellow anime lovers!~


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